Sunday, January 22, 2012

Scripture Sunday - Be Strong and Courageous

This scripture has been in my mind this week as I've been thinking about the topics of Strength and Courage.  For most of my adult life I've had to rely on my own strength for many different situations.  When I discovered my relationship with God, I realized He was there with me all along and that he is always with me now.  I could have been angry and bitter (and I've had my moments) but I've always thought there was more to life than that!  This scripture would have given me some peace in those early days and it's a good reminder for me now when I'm struggling. I hope you find some encouragement today as well.

Today, I'm linking up with the Sunday Community at Jumping Tandem.  I hope you'll visit there for more inspiration!


Friday, January 20, 2012

Small Everyday Joys...

"Creativity is a natural extension of our enthusiasm"
~Earl Nightingale

One of the best parts of being a Mom is watching who my children are becoming.  This little guy is fun to watch.  His creativity and personality are a true joy to me.  Writing and drawing are one of his favorite things to do and he takes great care in deciding what he wants to say on paper whether it's a note or a drawing.

I'm glad it's Friday...for a short work week it's been kind of a long one.  We have a full weekend planned with visits from my cousin Denise and her family and other activities as well.  

On the menu tonight...

I hope your Friday is a great day.  See you on Sunday for a scripture I've been working on this week.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Little Tuesday Morning Dreaming...

It's Tuesday and I'm getting ready to head back to work after a 3-day weekend.  And what a beautiful weekend it reached 70 degrees yesterday.  



Almost unheard of I tell you...

So I'm dreaming today.  Thinking of places I'd like to be and doing things I'd like to do.  The last few weeks haven't been easy at my house.  My husband suffers from depression.  Have I told you that before?  It's worse in the winter and this year seems worse than any other.  He's pretty good at hiding much so...that sometimes I forget he is suffering.  It's difficult trying to be supportive and encouraging to him while living my own life and trying to keep things positive for the kids.  That's another post for another day though.  

Today Is For Dreaming.

Dreaming about things like depression not not arguing...and bills paid in full.  Dreams that can come true I time.

Or Dreams Like...

Stopping at this lovely and quaint little shop in Paris...

Or this little shop in Provence...

Reading a Book Here...Flip Flops, T-Shirt and Shorts Required...

Or...How About A Cabin In The Mountains?

Or...sitting on this porch with a beautiful view of the Ocean.  I can imagine hopping on that darling vintage bike and meeting some friends for coffee on a pier.

Dreams are important!  Sometimes my dreams have been lost in the day-to-day.  I'm trying to get them back.  

 Ahhhh.....That's Better...


Monday, January 16, 2012

Hello Sunshine...

When it's January in Missouri we find ourselves talking about the weather pretty often.  Usually, we're talking about the dreary and cold weather.  Today, we're talking about how beautiful it is outside and what we're going to do with our day off.  Supposed to be 62 degrees today.  It's getting mighty close from what my thermometer says.  

I'm sure we'll get our share of frigid temperatures and abundance of snow before the winter is over in March...but today...I'm enjoying the warmth and sunshine.  After we play outside I may have to come in and make some of these...

{On my way to 1000 gifts and connecting with Multitudes on Mondays}

25.  Days off with no plans

26.  Warmth and sunshine

27.  Quiet mornings with God

28.  Homemade Plum jelly from a friend and co-worker

29.  Neighborhood friends for my boys to play with


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Scripture Sunday - Psalm 34:4

God met me more than halfway,
   he freed me from my anxious fears. 
Psalm 34:4 (The Message) 

Linking with Deidra's Sunday Community

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Brrrr...Blessings On A Snowy Day...

Taking cover under a bird feeder on the deck...

This week I began journaling my blessings once again. The goal to reach one thousand or more this year.  How can I not be content when I write all I'm grateful for each day?  Even the little things add up to Joy when they are counted.  

Today we get to move a little slower as school was cancelled.  The kids are ecstatic and can't wait to get outside to play.  Oh, and I enjoy these days too...when I can go into work a little later or leave a little earlier (or both like today).

From the journal today...counting my way to 1000 gifts.

8.  A full night's sleep when I haven't had many of those lately...
9.  A flexible job for snow days like we're having today...
10.  Bird friends who keep us entertained all winter long...

Bird tracks to the front porch feeder...


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Oh, For "Pinterest's" Sake...

I mean...REALLY!   Who knew that one little website could take up so much of my time and become so valuable to me because of the amount of information I store there?   I hope Pinterest never goes away.  It's become my personal creativity site.  It's the best use of technology that I've seen in years.  I use it every week for meal planning, recipes, gift ideas, quotes and craft inspiration.  I imagine in the next month or so I will also start looking at the gardening ideas again too.  I'm not quite ready for that though...I'm enjoying all my inside projects right now.

Every time I've looked at Pinterest the last few days it has been full of Valentine ideas.  I've pinned some cute printables, crafts and food.  Yes! Cute food!  Below are some of the ideas I'm thinking about working on in the next few weeks.  I can't do all of them and that's my dilemma.  Not enough time for all the fun projects I want to tackle!  Someday.  You can see these and even more Valentine pins on my board, Oh Valentine! 



Time For A New Start...

These first few days after Christmas and New Years are good in so many ways for me.  I love the feeling of putting the Christmas Tree and all the decorations away (as much as I love them) and giving my home a good scrubbing.  Everything feels fresh and clean and uncluttered for the first time in several months.  I begin fall decorating in August and go right into the Christmas season.  Every year I enjoy the ritual of pulling out treasured items and finding just the right place for them.  I equally enjoy putting everything away.  January feels like a clean slate for me in all areas.

I've never been one to have a big party and celebrate on New Years Eve.  I enjoy pulling out my journal after everyone has gone to bed that night and start writing.  Sounds kind of lame and boring now that I see it in writing.  However, I really enjoy writing about how the previous year went for me and what I would like to change.  I guess I do make resolutions, but I think of them more in the terms of goals I'd like to accomplish throughout the coming year.  2011 was a challenging year.  There were moments of happiness and joy but there was a lot of sadness around several deaths beginning with my Grandpa West in April, our good friend Blake in May and our beloved dog Gracie in October.  My dear cousin Denise fought her battle with breast cancer the whole of year with most of it in chemotherapy.  She is doing great and I'm so proud of her!!

I feel like I lost focus for most of the year.  The things I enjoy the most, writing and gardening, were put aside as I coped with a life of being too busy.  We spent money we didn't have on things we didn't need and we're paying for it (literally) now.  Overall, I look forward to the coming year and the HOPE that I see in it.  I look forward to getting back to doing things I enjoy and being more aware of how we're spending our time and money. 

I've been tossing around the thought of a defining word for my life for 2012.  I've been thinking about it for a few weeks and one word keeps popping into my head....TRANSFORMATION!  I'm just now starting to think about what that means for me.  At first thought...I want to Transform my life into what I believe God has in store for me.  I want to take more time to listen to the small, quiet, nudgings that I get from Him when I take the time.  I don't know what Transformation will mean for me this coming year, but I'm looking forward to finding out.
