God You are in control of all we do and have.
You give us heat when we're cold
food when we're hungry
a place to sleep when we're tired.
You give us opportunities for knowledge when we're longing to learn more.
You listen when we cry and
You listen when we're full of joy.
You are here with us - full of unconditional love.
I am proud to be your daughter!
To those who don't know You-
You are there waiting for them to acknowledge You.
When they look up and see You, Your arms are open and ready to envelope them in your love and forgiveness.
You don't ask, "Why didn't you come sooner?"
You're just there waiting!
You are the Peacemaker.
Peace within my heart and soul.
Without You my soul is turbulent,
but with You my soul is calm.
Thank You God for being there when I need a steady hand to guide my way
Thank You for loving me when I'm unlovable.
Thank You for filling my heart with love for You.
In turn my heart is full of love for others as well.
Your love truly does envelope me and for that I am thankful!