Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Be still and listen...

Good morning. I want to share with you the verse I'm meditating on today.

Isaiah 28:23
Listen and hear my voice; pay attention and hear what I say.

It's sometimes hard to hear God in the noisiness of our lives, isn't it? For me I've had to learn how to be still and listen and it's taken a long time to learn that skill. This is another reason my morning quiet time is so important to me!! It's a time to pray, listen for Gods words, organize my day and basically get it together before the craziness of the day starts.

An area of my prayer life that needs work, however, is praying for other people. It's so easy to say, "I'll pray for you" or "you're in my prayers". Honestly, sometimes it just slips my mind. I try to write down the people I want to pray for when something comes up, but it doesn't always happen. I read recently about prayer beads. This may be the answer for me. I guess these wouldn't be much different than rosaries that are used in the Catholic faith except you string your own beads and each bead is for someone or something specific. There are so many types of beads out there that I'm sure I could find one for any person or situation. It's a good visual reminder of who needs prayer. I'm a visual person so this will probably work AND it's also something I can carry with me. I'd be interested to know if any of you use prayer beads!

Okay, on another note, one of my goals this year is to get the paper in our household under control. I'm implementing several strategies but one of the things I wanted was a nice looking cork board or something similar to post the papers that we need to see (so we don't forget). In my surfing around on blogs I found several people who had made french memo boards. I thought, this can't be too hard, so I'm going to give it a try. It was really easy!! It's a great no-sew project (except for the buttons). I would have liked to have matching buttons but I decided to recycle and use the buttons that I already had in the button jar. I think it makes it look a little more primitive anyway...which is right up my alley.

Below, I've posted the before and after. I hope you all have a great day!

Before: The Big Mess!!

After: Ahhhh....Organization!!! Note the cute calendar above with the heart on it. My 8 year old made that for me for Christmas and each month has a different picture that he created. This has not gone away...it's just to the right of the new board and you can't see it in this picture.

1 comment:

  1. You did a great job on the board, lovely! I have one that my sil made me a few years ago and I have photos pinned up on it instead of putting them on the fridge. Prayer~I'm visual too, I have a journal that I write in every night (I have lots of journals for different things) and my prayer journal I will write down different people I want to pray for. It's neat to look back and see the wonderful work the Lord has done in their lives and how he answers prayer (sometimes not the way we want yet He does in His own miraculous way). Heather


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