Friday, February 27, 2009

A visit to the teacher...

I got to see Kobe's teacher today for Parent-Teacher conferences. I'm pleased to say that he is doing great in all academic areas!! He's had a little issue this winter with talking to his neighbors (mainly about Star Wars and Video Games) and that seems to have resolved itself with some rules that she has setup in the classroom.

You know, sometimes we don't know if what we're doing at home is working - but his teacher told me something today. She said, "one of Kobe's best qualities is that he takes responsibility for his actions". In other words, when she calls him on something he has done or said in the classroom, he never tries to say that he didn't do it, he will always own up to it and never try to pass the blame. He'll also work hard to not do it again. She thinks this is a great quality to have and I do too. I wish he'd exhibit a little more of this quality at home with his brother (:

I just have to say that some of the things they are learning in elementary school just blow my mind.

For example:
  • Story leads
  • Writing Prompts
  • Conflict and Resolution
  • Math Strategies
  • Inferring
  • Schemas
  • Economics
I could go on....and on....things I never learned about in 2nd grade and probably not even until Jr. High. When I asked her about this today, she said that she has found that the kids can handle this stuff and she doesn't bring it down to their level necessarily and they run with it. Kobe certainly has! Honestly, sometimes he will come home and tell me something that he has learned and I don't have any idea what the term means. I have to look it up. This is okay!!

I admire the folks who homeschool their children and I wish that I could do that,
BUT, when I hear the things that he is learning and how his teachers go about teaching the subjects, I know for a fact that he would be getting the short end of the stick at home. Granted, we have a great school district and our school in particular has great teachers and I'm thankful for that!!

Anyway, this is a little brag post about Kobe - but I really want to give a shout out to the elementary school teachers who have to teach a huge amount of information to these kids. They have to be generalists in many areas and that would be hard! They don't always get the credit they deserve for all they do. Thank You!!

1 comment:

  1. You can brag all you want, sounds like you have a wonderful little boy there. You are doing a great job. I agree with what they are learning at school, some things my daughter is learning in Grade 6 wasn't taught until Grade 8 years ago. Also, your son's teacher must have a great gift to teach, she sounds like she really cares.


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