It was still dark when we arrived at the hospital on the morning of April 20, 2006. We parked in the lot and the hospital was lit up from within. I could see the receptionist at her desk, she would be the one to check us in. I don't remember what Pat and I said to each other in the car, but I do remember thinking, "well, this is it"! This baby, my 2nd, was being delivered by a scheduled c-section. I was hopeful that everything would be alright. My first baby was delivered 5 1/2 years earlier by a c-section as well. However, that c-section followed 21 hours of labor and then post partum depression afterward.
So, we check in and we're escorted to a wonderful room (as wonderful as they get in a hospital). It seemed like we were in there for hours, but we weren't. They finally come and take me to the OR. This time I'm getting a spinal instead of an epidural and it's supposed to work much better. It Does! It takes them a few times to get it to
take and I feel the little
shocks in my spine each time they try - but it doesn't hurt. When it finally
takes they lay me down fast because whatever position you're in when the drug takes effect is what you feel like you're in even though you're laying down. For me, I knew I was laying flat but I had to ask a couple of times if my legs were bent because it felt like I was laying on my back with my legs slightly bent at the knees. Weird. The Doctors and Pat just chuckled and assured me that I was laying flat.
They got started right away and within minutes the incision was open and then Pat starts taking the pictures. The Doctors thought it was funny and told me what I already knew, "Your husband is a sick man"! They posed for a few pictures and then got on with the business at hand...delivering my baby boy! At this point I am completely relaxed and couldn't feel anything. Before I knew it, they are telling me he is out and they are bringing him over to me. It was one of the best moments in my life and I'll never forget it. Oh, and I'm really thankful for the pictures.
Then, Pat left with the nurses and Kyler so they could get him ready for me. I was getting stitched up during this time and this takes quite a while because I had a lot of scar tissue from the last C-section.
When I finally got to the recovery room they brought Kyler to me and we had a few minutes alone and it was pure heaven.
I can't believe it's been 3 years since that day! There have been ups and downs in the 3 years but Kyler has been a true blessing in our lives. Because I had postpartum depression the first time I missed a lot. This time I took it all in and enjoyed every baby moment, toddler moment and now preschooler moment! Okay, well, not
every moment!! Kyler has taught me to slow down and smell the roses (or the baby poop). He came out full of energy and curiosity and he is still that way. He is learning new things everyday and it's so fun to watch.
I'm starting to see who my little boy is becoming and I'm on the edge of my seat to see what comes next.
Kobe with his newborn baby brother
Kyler at 7 months old
1 - 1/2 years old
Between 1 and 2 years old
Taken this year - almost 3 years old!
Celebrating The Big Birthday at Chuck E. Cheese