Well, to be fair, and I'm all about fairness (Kobe are you reading this?) I should give a little blog time to Kyler. Kyler is 3 1/2 and we are having so much fun with him now.
The tantrums are mostly over.
We can understand what he is saying most of the time.
Pee AND Poop lands in the potty most of the time. Yes, pee and poop are words thrown around frequently in our house. Yet another thing they don't tell you when you're expecting your first child...be prepared to become completely comfortable talking about pee and poop to total strangers AND be prepared to talk about it incessantly at home when the training phase is in motion.
He still won't sit through a movie at the theater without causing me much stress and infuriating all the people around us...but I know someday we'll be able to go see movies again.
He has always had the cutest personality and now that he can talk...well...he's winning the girls over...
Recently, we went grocery shopping and we were going down the canned vegetables aisle and we pass an attractive lady who was probably in her 40's. She was pushing her cart past us and Kyler says, "Hi There Widdle Wady". I don't think at first she knew he was talking to her or she wasn't sure what he said...but...when she looked up at him...he said it again. She proceeded to laugh and say how cute he was. So, I'm thinking "yeah, he is pretty cute" and go on with my veggie shopping.
Well, that wasn't the end of it...from then on...every woman we passed in the store he would wave and say, "Hi There Widdle Wady". The girls were coming out of the woodwork to say Hi to the boy when they saw this cute little guy waving at them and giving them a smile.
Finally, we make it to the checkout and he is at the end of the checkout line (by the bags) while I'm paying and I hear him yell, "Hi There Widdle Wady" and I look up and he is yelling across 3 checkout lines to an elderly lady in a wheelchair. As we passed her she wanted to know his name and said "You are just the cutest thing ever." I think he made her day...he made mine!
...and he made mine. He's a cutie for sure!!
ReplyDeleteDarn cute, I'd say!!
ReplyDeleteThat Kyler ~ what a charmer!! Just you wait until he gets a widdle bit older! :-) Cutest story I've heard in awhile. -Tammy
ReplyDeleteterrible tows are over and the terrific thres are here!
ReplyDeleteYes we do live in a timber frame. If you get to Jeff City call us up and come over to see we.