Thursday, November 12, 2009

Treating yourself after a Mammogram...or anything that is scary!

Many of you know I just had my first mammogram this week...on Monday. I still don't know the results but I'm hoping no news is good news at this point. It's been a long week of waiting and I hope to know something tomorrow.

I was pretty nervous about having this procedure done. Well, as many of you was no big deal. No pain at all and VERY little discomfort. All in all a positive experience for someone who had put it off because of nerves. Thank you for your kind words and and was very much appreciated.

I'm all about treating myself when I've done something hard or scary and this was no exception. The day of the Mammogram (right after, in fact) I went to Bath and Body Works and bought myself some of the new Twilight Woods lotion. I don't know if the name of this scent has anything to do with the Twilight books or movies but somehow the scent seems fitting so I'm pretending it does.

Guys...if you're reading this...sorry...but keep reading because this is a really good idea for your wives or girlfriends...) I had purchased a bra a couple of weeks ago and it happened to come in the mail this week. So, I decided from now on when I have my yearly mammogram I'm going to purchase one or two nice bras to commemorate the event. I'm sure someone has already thought of this idea...but it was a new one to me so I'm claiming it.

So, treat yourself when you do something you don't really want to do... like getting a Mammogram. Treat yourself in a way that is comforting to a latte if you don't normally do that...pick up a cute new journal...get a babysitter and spend some time alone....visit the library for a couple of hours and shop the books there...take a long bubble bath with the door locked and instruct the kiddos to leave you alone (for the record this NEVER works in my house)! Just think comfort!

This is my month for getting some things done that I've been putting off and the Mammogram was first on the list. Now, on to the rest of the list. More Thanksgiving Prayers and Traditions coming next.


  1. Good for you, woman! We've got to keep caring for ourselves even as we care for others! Vital as a practice and as an example! Love the new bra/mammogram idea.

  2. You go girl! I love the idea of new bras after getting a mammogram! I treat myself when I have to do something unpleasant too. Hope you hear good news soon.

  3. I glad you put on the big girl panties! Hope all comes out well!

  4. good job! it took me 10 years to get my second one, don't do that. it really is no big deal and you do deserve a treat or two!

  5. Good for you for taking charge of your health. Mammograms are no big deal, I just had one done and it took about 2 1/2 weeks to get the all-clear letter in the mail which arrived yesterday.

    My personal belief is that I would rather stay on top of this, I have a 3 1/2 year old and the best thing I can do for my little girl is look after her mom ie me!

    Congratulations, now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to the mall. Great Idea!!

  6. What a great idea! I will have to start trating myself too when ever I go through something particularly unpleasant.

  7. Hooray for you! And it wasn't all that "bad." :-)

    And a very nice idea, to treat one's self, after doing something, not anticipated with "joy"!


  8. I like your idea of new bras after a mammogram! In fact, I'm going to steal your idea:)

  9. Yay, you made it! I knew you would :) I love the idea for treating one's self after a dreaded activity. A bra (or two?) after a mammogram... perfect! -Tammy

  10. I always go for mine with a friend and then we go to lunch afterwards. BUT I love your ideas!!! Glad everything went okay!!!

  11. And have you seen the news today?!?

    I am furious! I am livid.

    My post today...

  12. I'm glad to hear it was a breeze!


  13. I think this is a lovely idea. Women generally don't take the time to pamper themselves, and after something like a mammogram, it is well-deserved! Like you say, no news is good news, and I hope you can relax soon with the official results!


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