Yesterday afternoon and for much of last night the power kept going off in our neighborhood. There was No storm. No Wind. No ice. Not sure why it was happening. When the power goes off life slows down. A Lot.
The slowness was welcomed by me.
Kobe was nervous much of the evening waiting for it to go off again. When it would flicker he'd look at me with fear in his eyes. I would calmly tell him that if it stays off during the night we don't have to worry because we have a fireplace for heat and candles for light. Even some really cool flameless candles that I love. No worries. It was odd but I wasn't worried. For me it meant that I really couldn't do anything else except relax and spend time talking to the boys or enjoying the silence.
Occasional power outages force us to simplify and slow down. I need more of that in my life. Simplicity. I remember almost 10 years ago when we bought our home, the real estate agent working with us was at a stage in her life where she was simplifying, pairing down and slowing down the pace. Even 10 years ago I didn't understand that. I was excited about adding furnishings to our new home, being busy with home projects and I had a new job as well. 10 years later...2 kids later...I understand where she was coming from. I'm not exactly in the same place she was because I still have young kids but I understand now.
How do I do that in my life? Simplify. I'm busy. I work full-time. The kids have a few activities...but not a lot. I don't feel like we're overextended in our commitments as compared to a lot of people. Home projects aren't exciting to me now, but feel like a burden. Going to a full-time job feels like it's taking time away from my family, but it's necessary. I feel the need to simplify my life more though. I don't feel like I spend enough time on things that matter with all the busy-ness of life.
What matters to me is spending more quality time with my boys. Playing. Reading. Generally just hanging out.
I also miss working in our community focusing on needs that are important to me. I don't feel like I have time for that now and it's a real love of mine.
Also, spending time with extended family. This doesn't happen as much as it should either.
Sometimes having a power outage is a good thing. It gives you time think. Time to think about what is important and what isn't.
For all the years my kids were growing up, we would make a habit of declaring frequent "non-electronic" days - inspired by power outages. Our whole family would agree to spend a day not using anything electronic (except kitchen appliances) so no TV,radio, computer, cell phones, portable phones, video games, etc. My daughter LOVED these days and requested them. My son never requested them but never put up much of a fight and seemed to relax when we did them. We have great memories of these days which we did a few times a month.
ReplyDeletePower outages are never good for me. I work for an electric Cooperative! LOL
ReplyDeleteWhen my daughter was 2 months old, we were without power for 7 days. I remember putting the prepared bottles of formula in the snow piled outside the back door to keep cold. Free refrigeration.
I feel the same way about power outages...seems like it helps slow us down.
ReplyDeleteSo, have you landed on how you will simplify in the everyday?
ReplyDeleteSimple sounds so good, but it seems so elusive.
Here's hoping you find that simple with your family.
You are way-wise for your years, my Dear.
ReplyDeleteLetting something like brown-outs lead you to wise musings on life.
Oh sigh yes, if only we'd take time to figure out what's really important to US. Not what we read, is supposed to be important to us. Not what the culture says is... Not necessarily even what beloved relatives, believe should be. But to US. What's important to us?
And then grow the backbone to make changes we need to, in order to realign our lives, in necessary ways/places.
So that when we're old, we don't look back and say; "If only I followed my own path!!!" How sad, that.
Gentle hugs and wishes that you hang onto your Wisdom...
It's amazing that one small diversion from our "everyday-ness" leads to keen insight into what really matters. It's good to get sidetracked every now and then...