We have three known water leaks in our house right now. The ice maker has a leak somewhere in the connection and the water is now turned off there. Two of our toilets have leaks...one bad enough that the water has to be turned off there too. No worries, a handyman is coming on Monday to fix them. Then, last night, I went into my office and opened up the closet door and guess what I found..a water stain on the ceiling of the closet. Another leak. This time the newly remodeled shower is the suspected culprit. This one won't be so easy to fix. Water is now off on that shower too.
This house I live in is in constant need of repair and maintenance. If we neglect the maintenance on the house it turns into a much bigger project and then usually needs repair. We've learned this...especially recently.
It's the same for me. I've been neglecting my spiritual life for the last couple of months. "Too busy or too tired", I say to myself almost subconsciously. When I don't spend time in prayer and devotion then I feel it in every part of my life. I'm feeling it now. I need to take the time and make it a priority again. It's really my favorite part of the day.
I'm a silent worrier. I don't talk about my anxieties much...but they are there. When I start my day with God then I'm able to give to him all my concerns (like all these home repairs, upcoming taxes and health issues) first thing in the morning and He gives me peace to go through my day.
In the book Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow, she says, "When we worry, we're saying, "God can't". "If we are walking in anxiety, we're not walking in faith". I think she's right. At times when I'm worried or anxious I'm definitely not walking in faith. God doesn't always make things perfect for me...but knowing He is beside me as I go through my life is what relieves my anxiety. I just needed to remember that.
I hope your weekend is a great one.
P.S. Thank you all for your get well comments and emails. I ended up having pneumonia not a virus like I thought I had...I'm recovering. I'm starting to feel slightly better today and I'm hopeful I'll feel much better in a couple of days. I really appreciate all of you!
P.P.S. Pic source is here. This photo has really nothing to do with my post today except that it just makes me happy and it makes me think of God walking with me on my life path.
Hi Jackie, oh, I hope you are feeling better each day. ((HUGS)) I know what you mean about repairs, we live in a farmhouse...it's nice when only one thing goes wrong at a time. Take some time just for you to get back to your quiet time and devotions. Blessings, Heather
ReplyDeleteWow, you were speaking directly to me today! :) I also feel your pain with the house maintenance issues. It seems like a never-ending battle.
ReplyDeleteFeel better soon, Jackie! I'm trying to run from those viruses - not sure how long it will work. We have strep in the household. Ugh! -Tammy
One day at a time WITH the Lord! Hang in there ~ you are right ~ beginning our day with the Word of God and prayer is SO important!
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful Lord's Day tomorrow.
In Him,
Illness always wipes me out!
ReplyDeleteI hope you get back to 100% quicly
I'm so sorry Jackie! Somehow I missed that you were sick! I hope you are feeling better soon! When I was reading of the repairs , I thought of the movie "The Money Pit" with Tom Hanks and Shelley Long. I know that you don't have the problems that they do but it just made me think of it. I know what you mean about your walk with God and not making time.I try to make reading the bible the first thing I do after I get up and make coffee and get my barings straight. I find when I don't , He lets me know all day!! I was listening to Dr. Charles Stanley the other day when he was talking about "being still" and listening for that still small voice and obeying it immediately. He was also talking about how when we get out of the habit, we don't even hear it anymore. I have had that experience more times than I care to admit. I've also learned that when I try to listen for it and follow what I hear, there's less stress in my day! We could all use a little less stress wouldn't you say! Have a great day!
ReplyDeletePneumonia. Ugh... Please rest and take care. So you can get all better. Even though it's hard to rest, when you're a young, working Mommy. :-)
ReplyDeleteBut if you don't get all peppy and better, who will do all that you do?
Gentle hugs...
Feel better, dear one...
ReplyDeleteI hear ya!! We have a new leak (water stains) on the kitchen ceiling along the wall..where the tree limbs came down on the roof. arrgghhh....
Prayer and meditation start my day off an even keel, and I know that with God's hand in mine, I can walk through all the "stuff"...when I neglect this very important part of my life, my days get all off kilter.
Oh Jackie! I think you had me in mind with this post. It seems like life throws us one thing or another . . . and sometimes MORE than one thing. The key to not being overwhelmed is to give it ALL to Him. And you are right. We can't pray WHEN something happens, we have to be PRAYED UP BEFORE it happens. Then we are ready! Thanks for reminding me! Prayers your way for health! God bless you!
ReplyDeleteHi Jackie,
ReplyDeleteI think the photograph is lovely and a great representation of your walk with Him.
Hope you're all feeling better and that those leaks have been fixed!
Be well. ~Andrea~
Hope you like it. I've never tried one. The hubby is trying to get me to buy myself a memory foam pillow. He has one and loves it. Let it snow!!!!