Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February Beauty!

Look at this sweetly stitched strawberry. I was the lucky winner of this little strawberry giveaway. I won this beauty from Sharlotte over at The Happy Needle. If you haven't visited her yet...head on over there! Her blog is full of inspiring stitched projects that she is working on. I love to see what she has stitched up every week. Right now, it's hanging on our Valentine Tree and it will go in the kitchen when the tree comes down. Thanks again, Sharlotte...I LOVE it!

Well, it's February and it's still cold, snowy and dreary in our part of the country. I'm still looking for beauty...

Sedums in the Snow...

Gardens and Spring Cupcakes...

Yellow Tulips are lovely in the kitchen in February...

...and White Tulips in the Dining Room...

Galvanized Metal Love...

A Hot Spot in the Snow...Part of my newly landscaped front yard...more on that in the spring...

Footsteps in the Snow...Heading to the Bird Feeders...


  1. Those yellow tulips are very nice! A reminder that spring is around the corner.

  2. Ooooh, that is adorable. Cute Valentines tree!

  3. What a sweet little ornament!! I love the tulips, so Spring like while we are shoveling out from under all this snow!

  4. Cute strawberry; I'd keep it out all year round too. Congrats!


  5. oh tulips, beautiful tulips, you give me hope that spring is just around the corner! and my calendar tells me it is!yeah

  6. Congratulations on your prize! Nice pictures. Every season has it's own beauty!!

  7. very cute strawberry :)
    I love tulips - I go all gushy every time I see them!

  8. I love the tulips and the footprints in the snow. We have over 10 inches of snow here in Indiana, but the sun is out today! hurray!!!

  9. Love the tulips! Don't we all need some Springtime, and right now?! That is a darling little strawberry too. Lots of trips to my birdfeeders now as well! -Tammy

  10. I did see this post and had to rush out the door before I got a chance to comment. Glad you like the strawberry . I think it is my
    3rd one I've made. My sister wants one too! Love the rest of the post.


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