I took a stroll through downtown last week. As I walked, I slowed down my pace. I'm always in a hurry. Always somewhere to go and something to do. I intentionally slowed down. Purposefully. I needed to take it in.
The Sunlight.
I needed to take in the sunlight's pure radiance soaking into my skin. I hadn't seen it for awhile. It had hidden itself away for what seemed like months but was really only weeks and sometimes only days. But it hadn't shown itself enough in the past few months.
There was still a chill in the air but there was something different that day. The scent in the air wasn't the same as it had been the day before. What is it? I thought. What is different today? The scent was an earthy one. Damp and Earthy and Fresh. Fresh! A hint of what is coming.
I continued to walk admiring the way the light was bouncing off the storefront glass and reflecting on the pools of melting snow in the crevices of the sidewalk. Many of the folks I met were also slowing down their pace and taking it in too. Smiles. Carefree Laughs. Light jackets instead of heavy winter gear. A promise of what is coming.
The storefronts were starting to fill with the colors of yellow, pink, lavender, white. The garish reds and fuchsias from the Holiday of Love were gone now. As I passed a shop, the owner was sweeping the walk in front of her store. I slowed down. Her storefront was filled with with gardening gloves, vintage seed boxes, old white ironstone pieces and yellow printed aprons on painted white wire dress forms. Another hint of what is to come.
As I was rounding the corner back to my office. It went away. The radiance. The sun was hiding under the clouds again. The chill was back and the rain started to lightly fall. As I buttoned up my coat and pulled out my hat, I noticed the scent. The scent of the rain. It too was different. Fresh. Almost like a spring rain...but not quite. The rain smelled of a promise of what is to come.
The promise that the warmth of Spring will soon arrive.

**Photo Credits
1. Spring in Lafayette Square, St. Louis MO taken by Eyefetch Photography. Lafayette Square is one of my favorite spots in St. Louis.
2. The Governor's garden. Show-Me Missouri Plants and Flowers
I think the smell of spring is my favourite. It's fleeting but oh, so promising. Wonderful post Jackie!
ReplyDeleteBe well ~Andrea~
I love your website. I,too, like to slow down and count my blessings. We are all richly blessed!
I'm trying to get the kids to do heaps of work while it's hot - It's much nicer to get outside when it cools off a little.
ReplyDeleteI love your post - it's always great looking forward to the next season.
Jackie I love this post! And I am so ready for Spring. We still have a teeny bit of snow from two weeks ago!
ReplyDeleteI can't let go of winter yet! But I do love counting my blessings! Love the daffodils that are coming up. :o)
ReplyDeleteGreat post. This captures what I love about walking--the slowing down to take in the little things. Just made me smile!
ReplyDeleteUp here, I haven't had that experience as yet. But, it will come. :-)
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you for sharing this with us....... Being as you are getting this experience, a bit sooner than some. :-)
ReplyDeleteI know exactly the smell you mean and it is heavenly. Isn't it amazing that seasons have their own smell, I just love that:)That alone just makes me happy. Right now we are enjoying more SNOW!!!!
ReplyDeleteWell I guess it still is Winter for a few more weeks, so it's ok:)
Blog; Capers of the vintag vixens
I love this post. I truly enjoy all weather but when the clouds have been hanging around for too long and the sun feels like a memory, those rare moments of sunshine are beautiful blessings.
ReplyDeleteGreat post Jackie! I needed that reminder of springtime. I am so tired of winter. I know I shouldn't be, but I am. I need to slow down and appreciate too. Thanks for the post!
ReplyDeleteJackie, I love your writings. Ahhh, I feel better (hopeful!) now after that post :) Thanks! -Tammy
ReplyDeleteI love this post Jackie. Beautifully written and observed with wonderful photos of your town. I really like the sound of that shop with all the gardening goodies!
ReplyDeleteYesterday, I noticed a definite change in the air - there is a lightness and freshness; spring is on its way. Thank you for sharing your stroll with us.
Jeanne x