...my nerves...my emotions...
Going on 3 weeks of pneumonia is wearing on me. Throw in two boys who had a stomach virus and now both of those same boys have colds. It feels like it's never ending. I hope every day I'm going to wake up and feel like myself again and I don't. However, I'm sitting here typing up this blog post and feeling a little better tonight so I'm hopeful...
...hopeful I feel well enough to tackle the laundry and do some cleaning in my house and go to work next week and be productive instead of sitting at my desk trying not to cry because I just want to go home and sleep.
...hopeful I can have enough energy to spend time with the boys and not glaze over as they are telling me things that are happening.
I know I'm going to get better and this isn't forever...but in these cold and gray days it's hard to see that sometimes.
I feel sort of ashamed of these feelings when I found out this week that my former boss, Phil, just had a massive stroke and may not ever recover fully. He is a talented musician, writer and artist.
We never know what is around the next bend, do we?
Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.
-- Helen Keller
-- Helen Keller