Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Springtime in the garden..., quite possibly, the loveliest time of the year!

small...dotted friend on the lemon balm...

longtime garden decor...painted brown, blue and now red...

Lilacs starting to bloom and filling the air with their sweet scent...

A clubhouse with a perfectly natural opening. Club meetings held here everyday after school...

North-looking view of my newest flower garden...

Salad for dinner?

A potted herb garden. Thyme. Chives. Rosemary. Oregano.
And...if you look in the background here you can almost see raised bed #2 that hubby built me for Mother's Day!

Chives in my new Cutting Garden. Cosmos, Zinnias and Snapdragons Coming Soon...I hope...

Blooming Lilacs produce beautiful arrangements for my dining room table...bathroom room table...etc...



  1. It is beautiful. I think Spring is my favorite time of the year.

  2. I am so impressed. That is gorgeous! I too would like to have some thyme, rosemary and such. I've never planted it. But I think this year I might. You've inspired me :0!!! Enjoy!

  3. Jackie, Things are going and going well in the garden! I love your sweet herb garden. : )

    Be well ~Andrea~

  4. Aren't spring gardens fun? I just emailed you a salad recipe to use with your fresh lettuce. Feel free to share it.

  5. Ohhh your greenery is so green and flowers flowering (lilacs- love them)... We had some wonderful warm weather in April now lots of rain and it has been chilly... they've even talked snow --- Ewwww.... my flowers are trying to come up...

  6. Jackie absolutely beautiful! CH and I were just sitting under the oaks yesterday afternoon after working outside all day and we agreed that May was the best month. All your garden and flower bed shots are so pretty and I love your herbs on the deck! BUT I am all excited about you lilacs! I love lilacs and I miss that we don't have them. You have inspired me and I am going to look for a lilac bush today :) Your lilacs are awesome and I bet they smell fabulous in your home! Enjoy your springtime Thursday!!

  7. Your spring garden is looking lovely Jackie. I can see your raised bed and it looks like its filling up already! Wonderful herb garden and as for the lilacs - they're gorgeous! I need to wait a little while for the lilac to flower.

    The boys' 'clubhouse' is great - I bet they love it!


  8. I love spring and I love your garden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Inspiring to see all the greenery coming to life! I'm about to tackle a major overhaul on a long neglected set of beds, so it was timely to see this. And what sweet childhood memories you brought to mind of the clubhouse I enjoyed with my best friend and other chums behind the bushes in our next door neighbor's yard. Clearly these are kid-magnets!

  10. It all looks so peaceful. Just want to sit and visit!

  11. Everything is beautiful and so green! Spring is still struggling in our neck of the woods.

    I love the 'clubhouse.' Brings back memories of a happy childhood.

  12. Hi Jackie! So sorry to learn you've been sick. Hope the spring things are helping you feel better physically and emotionally. It must be a whole lot warmer in Missouri than it is here in NE Ohio...We've had to be running our furnace again lately, after enjoying a few days of very warm weather. Your gardens are making me feel a bit jealous! We're still having frost threats here and usually I don't plant or do any real outside work until Memorial Day. But I am enjoying spring and watching everything green up and blossoms and leaves filling out the trees. When you figure out how to take more time for YOU, clue me in ok! Its a tough stage of life you are in because there is just so much to do...but these are the years you will miss so much when they are me on that one!

  13. Lovely lilacs. I planted a bush last year, but it hasn't bloomed yet, maybe next year. Our veggie garden is coming along. So far we have planted potatoes, onions, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, spinach, and tomatoes. I put up how-to posts on the planting of each. Happy Spring!

  14. Jackie....
    Beautiful! I love your lilacs. They look like a different version than mine.. and mine bloomed early & were gone quickly! Love the clubhouse, and all the ways you so artfully arrange everything. Gorgeous! You will love the raised bed. I just bought the newer Square Foot Gardening book thinking maybe eventually I'll transition over to something like that. Much easier in the long run. Thanks for sharing your beautiful garden! -Tammy


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