Saturday, January 15, 2011

Craving Lightness and Brightness...

"Winter, a lingering season, is a time to gather golden moments, embark upon a sentimental journey, and enjoy every idle hour." 
-   John Boswell
I'm trying to Embrace the Blessing of the Winter Season and sometimes that is hard for me to do.  We're in the middle of the Long Dark Winter Days now and I'm craving Light

These days I find myself pouring through magazines and decorating websites looking for a little inspiration to make my surroundings more cheerful.  It's about this time I start treating myself to Bargain Fresh Flowers each week as well.

The photos here are giving me some ideas about some of the projects I have in mind for these winter days.  Perfect way to spend the winter...planning projects and hopefully completing some too.


  1. Beautiful pics, Jackie. I would love to be brave enough to expose the inside of my cupboards! :-)

    I also am craving some light. We are presently having exactly 9.7 hours of daylight now! That is two tenths more than a week ago!

    Spring will be here before we know it. Great post!

  2. Love the trunk in the second photo. I think we could shop together! That is, when money falls from Heaven! I like the same look that you do.


  3. Jackie,
    I LOVE these pictures!! They are absolutely beautiful rooms!! Very much my warm and cozy!

    I hate dark winter days too.. I feel best in the spring when the days are brighter and longer...

  4. Lovely images Jackie, especially those comfy sitting rooms and the utility room - I LOVE utility rooms!

    I have to have fresh flowers in the house too - they bring a room to life.


  5. I love each and every one of those designs. Gorgeous!

  6. Great picture Jackie! Just what I needed on a grey snowy day. I am so ready for spring! Take care, stay warm and be safe my friend! Robbin

  7. Wow, I could take any one of those rooms! They are all decorated so beautifully.
    You and I disagree about winter tho--I could take winter 365 days of the year! haha! Call me crazy!
    Blessings on you, and sorry it's been so long since I last visited.

  8. I'm a lot behind here, but I agree (especially after yet another winter storm). I love all of your inspiration pics! Stay safe on the roads. We were stranded in your fair city the day of Blizzard 2011. It happened to be the day of hub's back surgery. We tried to make it back home, but instead we got to know Howard Johnson. We were glad to meet him at that point.. lol! -Tammy


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