Friday, May 20, 2011

Have You Checked Out Pinterest Yet?

I got my invite for Pinterest yesterday and I have had so much fun pinning photos today.  You see, regular readers probably already know this, but I'm the girl who tears things out of magazines and glues them into my journal, pins them on my bulletin board, and sometimes just hang them on the refrigerator.  It's one of the ways I'm inspired creatively in decorating my home, gardening, fashion, etc. However, this little tearing and gluing habit of mine has gotten less attention in the last couple of years since I've been spending more and more time online. I have bookmarked and Delicioused so many websites just because of one photo and then I have a hard time finding it again once it's bookmarked.  Pinterest solves that for me because everything is grouped together so nicely and that makes the photos (+ their website) easy for me to find later.  It's a lot of fun to get inspiration from other boards as well.  

Go...Check It Out...Request Your Invite...You won't be disappointed!



  1. Ack! I'm totally obsessed with it now. Must turn off the computer. now. LOL! But it's fun, and I'm not taking up so much space on my hard drive with saved inspiration photos. Yay for that. (And... I WILL make that 4th of July rustic pie you pinned also.. thanks for the inspiration!!). Happy Pinning! -Tammy

  2. I'll definitely try that one! It's the right thing I need!

  3. I LOVE pinterest. i haven't found the time to get involved yet but love looking at others pins!

    found you via the blog hop. now following. visit me here:


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