Thursday, September 8, 2011

The next step...a new cast for Kyler...

Someone is a little nervous before getting the old cast off but he is smiling anyway...
Ahh...look at that cute little orange cast...
Some people think the best part of having a broken leg is getting to bring the old cast home...
Today was a milestone in Kyler's broken leg recovery.  The huge long leg cast was removed and a snazzy bright orange walking cast was put on today.  He will walk again as early as next week and our little kindergartener will be running around the playground with his new friends in a couple of months. 

His recovery has gone so well and we are still amazed at how he has adjusted to life in a wheelchair.  From the very first day, he just accepted it and continued on with his life the best he could.  I'm feeling much better about things than when I wrote this post a few weeks ago. 

We have been fortunate to have a great Doctor and insurance to cover most of the expense.  Broken legs and ER visits are very expensive as you can imagine.  It will be months before we know exactly how expensive it all is.  However...all is well.

He is healing.

He likes school.

He will walk again soon.

It's Good!



  1. And he is completely adorable :) Love the new orange cast! I'm sure it's a lighter burden to bear too. We're feeling the pain of med bills too w/ two back surgeries this year.. so I hear ya on that. But yes, it's hard to put a price on good medical care. As long as they put us back in good shape again! Looks like your little man is well on his way - Hugs to Kyler! -Tammy

  2. Love the orange cast!! Here's to continued healing!


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