Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What Is The Hurry?

This whole summer I have been running at a hectic pace.  I haven't taken the time to enjoy much.  As a result, I have burned out, have had some depression and I can't even really tell you anything we did this summer.  Sad. How I've lived the past few months is opposite of the title of this Blog.  I haven't Embraced much...except work..at home and at the office.

Recently the question was asked, "What have you been hurrying through?"  My answers sounded something like..."work days...crazy evenings at home...weeks...months...pay periods...hot summer days".  Life.  

The next questions stopped me cold.  "What have you been hurrying to get to?"  Silence.  The only word I had was..."Nothing". I have been rushing through my days, weeks, and months to get to....what?  Nothing. 

God intended for that question to be asked of me.  I have to live these hard questions sometimes so that I step back and take a look at how I'm living my life.  I won't get those summer days back.  I can do better.  I can resolve to not miss things in my life anymore.  Rushing through my life and not taking the time to enjoy every moment is not God's plan for me.  I can choose to spend my time in a way that is pleasing to Him and blesses my family. 

What is the hurry anyway?




  1. I've been doing the same thing, Jackie. I wonder why we do it? Thanks for the reminder to s l o w down. I hope to savor all of autumn...although I'll pray for a quick winter! :)!

  2. And I was intended to read this post. Thank you for sharing! I am rushing rushing all the time but to what? Wow. That's really something to ponder!

  3. Oh Jackie. I do the same thing. I try so hard NOT to, but I do. I catch myself with my head down, nose to the grindstone, focusing on doing whatever it is that is so important at the time. I am REALLY REALLY trying to take the time to smell the roses. Most of the stuff I spend so much time on doesn't matter anyway. Let's work on focusing on God and His plan for our life, instead of all this JUNK that we clutter our lives with. I'll be praying for you! Enjoy this BEAUTIFUL Missouri weather we are having!

  4. Wonderful look at a problem we all have. And it is sometimes so hard to stand back and say "Whoa!"


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