Monday, October 17, 2011

Why I Write: National Day On Writing - October 20, 2011

The 3rd Annual National Day on Writing will be held this Thursday October 20th.  Here at the University of Missouri we will be set up on campus and recruiting students, faculty and staff to participate in writing marathons throughout the day.  Our writing marathons will be led by faculty, museum curators, landscape designers and students.  They will walk us to three locations on campus and we will have short writing sessions using our surroundings as inspiration. It's fun organizing an event like this, but I'm especially looking forward to some new writing inspiration as I participate in one of the marathons.

Everyone can participate in the National Day On Writing.  Besides the writing I will do at the marathons I'm thinking about writing and posting to the blog on one or more of the following topics:

  • Why I Write
  • My Thoughts On One Of The Quotes From My Finding The Faith Board on Pinterest
  • A Heart-Breaking Incident I Witnessed This Morning
  • Thoughts About My Grandma
  • Peace and Quiet
Will You Participate?  I look forward to reading blog posts on Thursday and writings posted in the NDOW Galleries.

Write On...



  1. Wow, that sounds interesting. I do like to write and enjoy it but am also quite shy about people reading what I write! I'm going to think about the different categories and see what comes! Hope you had a great day!

  2. I keep hoping National Day on Writing doesn't pass me by, because we're in one of those "LIFE IS BUSY" phases right now. I keep reminding myself to reread this post and keep it in mind on the 20th, lest I wake up on the 21st and say "dang, meant to do that."


Thank you so much for visiting my blog when you have so many other choices. I appreciate your comments.