Monday, February 27, 2012

As We Begin Our Work This Monday Morning...

This is something I needed to be reminded of this morning and maybe you did too.

I hope your Monday is productive and delightful!

Until Next Time,


*Photo Credit - Prairie Flower Farm


  1. Love this verse! No matter what our job is, do it to the best of our ability! Enjoy your Monday Jackie!

  2. Good morning, love your post! How true, and how much better I always feel,when I know I put my all into something - no matter how simple. It elevates the act into something so much more meaningful. Have a great Monday! Ciao, Bella! xxoo

  3. Amen sweetie!!!

    I was so happy when I ran into you this mornin'!!!

    God bless ya and have a magnificent week Miss Jackie! :o)

  4. What an important reminder. Enjoy your day.

  5. I needed that reminder. Thank you.


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