Friday, February 24, 2012

What's In Your Nose?

I mean...what kind of title is that?  Really.  This is a post about noses and things that shouldn't be in them.  I have heard stories of kids putting objects in their noses crayons, buttons and peas.  I never thought my own child would actually do anything like that.  I mean...he KNOWS better than that, right?  

WRONG...evidently not.

Since Kyler broke his leg in August I have either received a note or a phone call from the school nurse at least every other week regarding something Kyler has done.  Early on it was wheelchair woes, problems in the bathroom also related to transferring in and out of the wheelchair, then it was concerns about whether he could do the things he wanted to do while wearing his walking cast and then his boot.  When we were past all the broken leg issues I started receiving notes and calls about scraped knees and arms and ice packs being applied, etc.  Yes, we now realize our youngest is a tad bit clumsy.  

The phone rang about 3:00 one day this week and the nurse says, "Hi Jackie, this is the school nurse and I want to tell you about the situation we have here with Kyler".  This is isn't usually a "situation".  She then proceeded to tell me that he came to her office saying that he had put an eraser up his nose and he was very upset.  She wasn't able to see anything and thought that maybe he had put the eraser up his nose but that it had probably fallen out.  So, I tell her that I'll be right over to take a look.  I'm thinking on the drive eraser up his nose?  I know he likes going to the nurse...but this one takes the cake.  Yes, I said he likes  going to the nurse.  In the last few weeks he has let it slip that he and his friend orchestrated a incident whereby the friend tripped Kyler so he would get hurt...all so that he would have to go to the nurse.  Yes, I know we may have bigger issues here. (smile)

I get to the nurses office and Kyler is smiling and telling a story to the nurse.  We take a look in his nose with a small pen flashlight and I don't see anything and neither does the nurse.  I chalk it up to another ploy to go see the nurse yet again.

But, on the drive home and after we get there, he is VERY quiet.  This is a huge red flag because this kid is NEVER quiet.  We go about the late afternoon as usual and he is still acting funny and is still claiming that he did, indeed, put an eraser up his nose and that it was still there.  So, out comes the extra extra large flashlight that we have and I get a good look up in his nose and sure enough...said pencil eraser lodged right there in his nose.  

Well, GREAT...what now? 

Then the tears started and he was really scared.  I kind of was too.  It was really up in there.  When I finally got him calmed down and he realized that if he didn't let me try to get it out that he would have to go to the ER.  The thought of going to the ER again was enough for him to sit still and let me at it.  Thankfully, we had a few pairs long tweezers...why we have those I have no idea...but I was sure glad we had them.  It came right out and we were all thankful that no visit to the ER was needed.  Will he do it again?  Some say be prepared...he says he will NEVER put anything in his nose again.  Time will tell. 

Here's to a LESS exciting weekend.  Hope yours isn't exciting either.

Until Next Time,



  1. This is too funny! My niece put a pussy willow up her nose and had to go to the ER. And then my nephew Davey swallowed one little magnetic ball and my sister had to search his poop until she found it. Thankfully neither of my children have done anything like this. BUT my son loved going to the nurse's office also. He sometimes went a few times a week during lunch. The nurse finally figured it out that he just needed to rest and would let him come and lay on the cot after he ate his lunch. They grow so fast. Hope you have a nice weekend.

  2. I am happy to report that, to my knowledge, my kids did NOT put stuff up their noses. That would be a scary thing, and I sure do hope he learned his lesson :0!

  3. My sister put a bean up her nose and my mother didn't notice it until it started sprouting! Silly kids. When my son was little, he was smelling a flower and a petal came off and went up his nose. I also didn't notice it until I found a kleenex waded up with a little petal inside. Great memories!

    1. Ellen, kids are funny for sure! A sprout growing out of one of my boys noses would be a surprise and one I hope to never experience here (:


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