Monday, January 14, 2013

Garlic Infused Honey {A Cold & Cough Remedy}

I have always steered away from over the counter medication when I'm fighting a cold or sore throat. Most of the time I will take large amounts of vitamin C (3000-5000 mg at the first sign of a cold) and I use home-remedies, teas and natural substances as much as possible. I will resort to OTC medications and antibiotics if necessary, though. This remedy is a new one to me and I decided to try it this past weekend.

I really liked the idea of doing this since I had the garlic and the honey on hand. Garlic is supposed to be a natural immune booster and raw honey is also supposed to be very good for you. The two combined should be a winning home-remedy. I only made a small amount to begin with since my honey supply was low. I will be making a larger quantity this week. Have you made this at your house? How did it work for you?

Here is the recipe:

Garlic Infused Honey

24 cloves of garlic
Raw Honey

Place peeled garlic in a jar and pour honey over the the cloves. Store in a jar for several days until cloves are infused with the honey. Keep in your refrigerator.

At the first sign of a cold or sore throat eat a clove every hour or two for a couple of days. Aim for 6 cloves per day. You can also take the honey on it's own as a cough syrup. A teaspoon of the honey with apple cider vinegar and hot water will make a good "wellness" tea. Add a dash of cayenne pepper to help clear your sinuses.

I hope you are all staying healthy this winter and if you try this please post here on the blog your experiences with it.

Have a great Monday,

1 comment:

  1. Jackie, I pinned a recipe for sore throat stuff, It's lemons and honey. I have made it, but now it needs to stay in the refigerator and marry for a week! I knew I should have planned this sore throat.
    At least we will be sweet when it's all over.
    Take care,


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