Tuesday, September 9, 2014

On Prayer and Meditation...

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Turning all the noise off in life and in my head is hard sometimes.  I'm so distracted by devices, whether it's phone, computer, or iPad.  Also, kids, husband, bills or work and busy-ness keep me from taking time to pray and talk to God.  It's hard to turn off the noise and be still enough to hear from God.  I've always been pretty good about asking God for things but not so good at listening.  Meditation is helping to still my mind.  The song, Oceans, helps me to be still and pray and listen.  

I invite you try it...Wherever you are right now.  It's okay if you're in your office chair, at your kitchen table or in bed.  It doesn't matter.  Just get comfortable and place your hands on your legs or any comfortable position.

Start the Video Below...

Take a Deep Breath...

Close Your Eyes (if you wish)...


It's okay if your mind wanders...

Just come back to your breath...

Take a Deep Breath...







With Love,


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

August Thoughts...

It's been a long while since I've written anything on this blog.  For the past year or two I just haven't felt like writing.  Life is busy and it's easy to send off a quick post to Facebook or snap a pic on my phone and post on Instagram.  Life is messy too.  Mine has been.  For the past couple of years we faced some issues in our marriage like my husbands addiction to alcohol and my codependency, we have had problems with debt and have second guessed decisions we've made.  It hasn't been all pretty flowers and cute decorating, so I haven't posted.  We're still working through those messy issues and I miss having a place to capture my thoughts.  So, here I am.  I'm 45 now.  I was 39  when I started this blog and so excited about having a place to write and that someone out in the world might actually see it.  Now, I'm not too concerned about who reads it.  I'm writing for me and I'm ready to be real.  I'm in the process of changing the name of this blog to reflect how I've changed.  I'm still Blessed.  I'm still counting those Blessings.  But now, I want to write about me and everything in my life...not just the cute, flowery fluff.  (Although, I'm sure there will still be plenty of that here).  I honestly believe that everything we go through prepares us for something better.  I'm counting on it.

It's August and a time for new beginnings.  Looking forward to sharing it here.


Wednesday, January 8, 2014