If you've been reading my blog for any amount of time you may know that I've had some issues with finding a church where I'm comfortable and somewhere my kids actually want to go every week.
This past weekend we attended a church here in town that could be called a mega-church. I have resisted putting it on my list as a church I wanted to try because it's so big and I'm not looking for BIG...I'm looking for MEDIUM, Friendly and Active.
Well, let me tell you about this church. The exterior is not impressive. It's warehouse-like for lack of a better word.
Warehouse = BIG!
However, the boys and I are greeted at the door by several friendly folks who direct us to the kids area.
As we walk in, I realize that this isn't your ordinary church and I must say, the exterior is misleading! It has the feel of a lobby of a very nice theater. Kobe, looks at me and just says, "Wow"!
We first pass a cafe. Yes, a cafe with tables and specialty coffee, soda and snacks to purchase.
Next thing on the right is a Video Cafe. Cafe Tables and Video Screens. What is a Video Cafe you ask? If you don't feel like sitting in the theater/sanctuary, you can chat with friends, sip your coffee and watch the show. Show? Yes, keep reading...
The bookstore is next. A not-so-smallish version of your local christian bookstore.
Onto the kids area. Well, this is an experience all in itself. Open up the glass doors and you are in the kids check-in area. No less than half dozen computer stations and people running around with headsets to help you. At the computer you find your name, print a name-tag for each kiddo and an information sheet for each kid with your picture and their picture on it. Good Security!! Come check-out time if you don't have an information sheet with your picture and your kids picture on it...you don't get your kid back....they won't even let you past the computer atrium. Gotta like that!
So, we got past the bouncers and enter the kids area. Do you hear trumpets? I'm sure my kids did as we entered through the doors. Just imagine an indoor playground (kinda like what you see at a mall), a huge man-made tree to crawl through, a bounce house, lots of ride-on toys, Thomas the train tables and tracks and this is just the preschool area. Kyler is dropped off and is in happy 3-year old heaven.
On to the 3rd-5th Grade Cafe. Yep! They have their own cafe as well as an indoor glassed in basketball court, video game stations, craft tables, and a mini theater which I think is where they had their lesson on faith that day. Got Kobe checked in and he didn't even look back.
Okay then...let's get this party started!
We pass by the coffee station. If you don't want a specialty coffee drink in the cafe then you can have plain old coffee or tea here for Free.
We enter the sanctuary/auditorium/theater and find some seats. It's pretty full for a summer day, at least 3/4 full and I'd say it holds several hundred people. It's Big! Remember...I didn't want Big.
I look up at the stage and it looks ordinary...there are big video screens on each side of the stage...I don't notice the curtains. Then, I hear the drumsticks hitting each other and music explodes as the curtains open. I mean get up out of your chair and "rock" kind of music. I've seen praise bands at church before. This is not a praise band. This a professional christian rock band and they are ROCKIN' OUT and so are the people in the audience. The whole effect wouldn't be complete without strobe lights, smoke and cool video effects on the screens...kinda like watching a music video.
The Pastor starts his message. Oh, by the way, the Pastor is out of the country so his messages have been taped at a local vineyard and will be broadcast via video all summer while he is away. His message is really relevant to me and easy to understand. It's all very slick with cool breakaways from the message with curtain opening and the band starts again.
Service is over and I get past the bouncers to pick up the kids. They don't want to leave and Kobe says, "Can we come here every Sunday"? My heart sings just a little when I hear this.
Impersonal? Yes.
Medium Size? Uh, NO!
Exciting? Yes.
Friendly? Yes.
Encouraging? Yes.
Good Message? Yes.
Opportunities for friendship/fellowship for Mom? Yes.
Opportunities for friendship/activities for kids? Yes.
Good Coffee? Yes
Are We Going Back? Definitely...YES!!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Garden Notes - 26 June 2009

Our new raised vegetable garden was put in very late (early June) so it is just now taking off. The Peppers and Tomatoes have born fruit and the Zucchini and Cucumbers have blooms. Mmmm...Homemade Pizza with Tomatoes, Peppers, Oregano, Chives and Fresh Parmesan Cheese...OK...I'm getting ahead of myself....that little delight is WEEKS away.
The Daylilies and Hydrangeas are in full bloom now and are my two favorites in the garden. Can you ever have too many Hydrangeas? Eight is definitely Not Enough. No more references to 70's t.v. shows, I promise. But, I really do have 8 of them. The annuals on the deck are loving the hot weather and aren't missing all the rain we had earlier in the month.
Oh, you saw the potting bench? It's been in my house for a few years. It works much better outside. Quite cottage-like, don't you think?
In the half-moon garden that I planted last year everything is starting to take off. The baby Hostas and toddler Daylilies are thriving. This is the garden with the old chair and the pot of annuals. Half-moon....Half Mulched...I ran out! Hey folks, this is a real garden here...weeds, holey leaves and all!
The little fern-like plant is an unknown at this point. My Aunt Debbie gave me some cuttings of this from her garden and so far they like their new home. Aunt Debbie is who taught me to love gardening. Other transplants from her Missouri Farm are the Sedum and Lirope and I'm sure I'm forgetting others. Thanks, Aunt Deb!
I almost forgot to tell you about our new neighbors! Did you see the little blue birdhouse inside the grapevine wreath? Well, this is now the new home for a sweet wren couple and possibly some additions to their family. My peeping tom skills are lacking so I wasn't able to get a good look in their window to see if there are any little gifts in there. However, I may be sending out birth announcements soon!
Ahhh...and finally...the Sweet Potato Vine...You just can't go wrong with it.
So...How Does Your Garden Grow?

garden notes,
Monday, June 22, 2009
Self? Where are You?
I found out who I am through writing.
I started writing (journaling really) many years ago in my early 20's. I didn't know it then but I was trying to find my own voice. I never thought of myself as a writer but I needed to make sense of everything that had gone on in my life up until that point. I was working through a workbook which required that I do some writing exercises. I'm pretty sure I didn't finish the workbook but I continued with the journaling. For a long time the only time I pulled out the journal was when I needed to scream. Saying it out loud wasn't quite as effective as putting pen to paper for me. I released a lot of frustration, anger, sorrow through writing....no one ever saw it but me.
At some point I learned to pray through writing. I never prayed much except to ask God for something like a new job, help with my debt or a plea for healing when someone was sick, usually me. I never praised Him for what I already had. I didn't know how to do that. I didn't think I knew how to pray and that maybe I wasn't good enough for God to listen to anyway.
What I know now is that when I write I can talk directly to God. I read somewhere to write a letter to God as a way to pray. My early letters were something like this:
Dear God,
I don't really know what to say because I don't know bible verses. I never really went to church as a kid and I never memorized the books of the bible. Anyway, I'm really mad at Pat right now, please change him, he really needs to change. I'd like a better job, I'd really like a house and help me get rid of all of this debt.
Thank You.
It was a start. I was really stuck on that bible verse thing and for the record I still don't know the books of the bible by heart. I cheat and use tabs on my bible. I also found out that I can't change my husband and that nothing I do or say will make him change anything. It's between him and God. Oh, and I write all over my bible too, it's kind of like another journal for me. The letters to God have certainly evolved and I continue to write them to this day. I am now able to thank God for my blessings. I can see Him in even the darkest areas of my life and I can thank Him for all the joys I have. Through writing I can make some sense of what is going on around me.
Along the way I realized that I have such a hunger for wisdom of something greater than myself. I have learned much through reading and studying the bible, personal reflection and listening to people who I admire.
I hope the hunger is never satisfied.
Writing saved me. It was (and is) my escape.
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
I started writing (journaling really) many years ago in my early 20's. I didn't know it then but I was trying to find my own voice. I never thought of myself as a writer but I needed to make sense of everything that had gone on in my life up until that point. I was working through a workbook which required that I do some writing exercises. I'm pretty sure I didn't finish the workbook but I continued with the journaling. For a long time the only time I pulled out the journal was when I needed to scream. Saying it out loud wasn't quite as effective as putting pen to paper for me. I released a lot of frustration, anger, sorrow through writing....no one ever saw it but me.
At some point I learned to pray through writing. I never prayed much except to ask God for something like a new job, help with my debt or a plea for healing when someone was sick, usually me. I never praised Him for what I already had. I didn't know how to do that. I didn't think I knew how to pray and that maybe I wasn't good enough for God to listen to anyway.
What I know now is that when I write I can talk directly to God. I read somewhere to write a letter to God as a way to pray. My early letters were something like this:
Dear God,
I don't really know what to say because I don't know bible verses. I never really went to church as a kid and I never memorized the books of the bible. Anyway, I'm really mad at Pat right now, please change him, he really needs to change. I'd like a better job, I'd really like a house and help me get rid of all of this debt.
Thank You.
It was a start. I was really stuck on that bible verse thing and for the record I still don't know the books of the bible by heart. I cheat and use tabs on my bible. I also found out that I can't change my husband and that nothing I do or say will make him change anything. It's between him and God. Oh, and I write all over my bible too, it's kind of like another journal for me. The letters to God have certainly evolved and I continue to write them to this day. I am now able to thank God for my blessings. I can see Him in even the darkest areas of my life and I can thank Him for all the joys I have. Through writing I can make some sense of what is going on around me.
Along the way I realized that I have such a hunger for wisdom of something greater than myself. I have learned much through reading and studying the bible, personal reflection and listening to people who I admire.
I hope the hunger is never satisfied.
Writing saved me. It was (and is) my escape.
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
bible study,
spiritual life
Friday, June 19, 2009
Day 3 - Love is Not Selfish
Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor
Romans 12:10
Today's Dare
Whatever you put your time, energy and money into will become more important to you. It's hard to care for something you are not investing in. Along with restraining from negative comments, buy your spouse something that says, "I was thinking of you today."
This chapter talks about that love is the opposite of selfishness. This is something I have accused Pat of many times. I have never really thought of myself as selfish. But wait, here is a sentence from the book..."When a wife constantly complains about the time and energy she spends meeting the needs of her husband, that's a sign of selfishness?" Guilty!! I think I've even posted on the blog about this very topic and felt justified in doing so. I may have to rethink this. Day 3 has definitely given me something to think about.
Today's Dare is easy for me. I have a couple of ideas of things I would like to buy for him that don't cost much and he would be surprised at the gesture. This will be a fun one today.
Romans 12:10
Today's Dare
Whatever you put your time, energy and money into will become more important to you. It's hard to care for something you are not investing in. Along with restraining from negative comments, buy your spouse something that says, "I was thinking of you today."
This chapter talks about that love is the opposite of selfishness. This is something I have accused Pat of many times. I have never really thought of myself as selfish. But wait, here is a sentence from the book..."When a wife constantly complains about the time and energy she spends meeting the needs of her husband, that's a sign of selfishness?" Guilty!! I think I've even posted on the blog about this very topic and felt justified in doing so. I may have to rethink this. Day 3 has definitely given me something to think about.
Today's Dare is easy for me. I have a couple of ideas of things I would like to buy for him that don't cost much and he would be surprised at the gesture. This will be a fun one today.
The Love Dare
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Day 2 - Love is Kind
Be Kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.
Ephesians 4:32
Today's Dare:
In addition to saying nothing negative to your spouse again today, do at least one unexpected gesture as an act of kindness.
Right away this one is slightly difficult for me. I feel like I'm the one doing all the giving in our household. I take on most of the responsibility for the house and the kids as well as work full time. I kind of feel like he needs to just take care of himself because I can't give much more. Because of this I think he feels like I don't have enough time for him. I will have to think about this throughout the day today to decide what unexpected kindness I can show Pat that will be something out of the ordinary.
How it turned out:
As usual, we didn't get a chance to see each other much today...literally about 30 minutes. You see, I work all day and he works in the evening. I did talk to him a few times on the phone and I was mindful about what I said to him. I think I did say something at the end of the day that he took the wrong way and I was tired and I didn't correct it. So, I may have failed this dare. I still have 38 more days though...
Ephesians 4:32
Today's Dare:
In addition to saying nothing negative to your spouse again today, do at least one unexpected gesture as an act of kindness.
Right away this one is slightly difficult for me. I feel like I'm the one doing all the giving in our household. I take on most of the responsibility for the house and the kids as well as work full time. I kind of feel like he needs to just take care of himself because I can't give much more. Because of this I think he feels like I don't have enough time for him. I will have to think about this throughout the day today to decide what unexpected kindness I can show Pat that will be something out of the ordinary.
How it turned out:
As usual, we didn't get a chance to see each other much today...literally about 30 minutes. You see, I work all day and he works in the evening. I did talk to him a few times on the phone and I was mindful about what I said to him. I think I did say something at the end of the day that he took the wrong way and I was tired and I didn't correct it. So, I may have failed this dare. I still have 38 more days though...
The Love Darejavascript:void(0)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The Love Dare...
I have started reading The Love Dare by Stephen and Alex Kendrick. Pat and I have been together for more than 20 years now. With the stresses of raising two boys, working full-time and maintaining a house and garden sometimes our marriage is put on the back-burner. That needs to change and I'm taking the first step. I bought the book a few weeks ago and it has sat on the shelf until today. I wasn't sure if I wanted to publicize my challenge on my blog but I decided that it might make me more accountable and that I would probably stick it out for the whole 40 days if I did. Pat doesn't know I'm doing this 40-day challenge but he will be the one to reap the benefits of my little adventure. It will be good for me too.
The beginning of the books says this:
Receive this as a warning. This forty day journey cannot be taken lightly.
It is a challenging and often difficult process, but an incredibly fulfilling one. To take this dare requires a resolute mind and a steadfast determination.
It is not meant to be sampled or briefly tested, and those who quit early will forfeit the greatest benefits. If you will commit to a day at a time for forty days, the results could change your life and your marriage.
Consider it a dare, from others who have done it before you.
So, here we go....
Day 1
Love is Patient
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love
Ephesians 4:2
Today's Dare
Resolve to demonstrate patience and to say nothing negative to your spouse at all. If the temptation arises, choose not to say anything. It's better to hold your tongue than to say something you'll regret.
Today's Outcome
I really thought about what I said to Pat all day before I would say it. There weren't any occasions where we had a disagreement but I still tried to be positive in everything I said to him.
The beginning of the books says this:
Receive this as a warning. This forty day journey cannot be taken lightly.
It is a challenging and often difficult process, but an incredibly fulfilling one. To take this dare requires a resolute mind and a steadfast determination.
It is not meant to be sampled or briefly tested, and those who quit early will forfeit the greatest benefits. If you will commit to a day at a time for forty days, the results could change your life and your marriage.
Consider it a dare, from others who have done it before you.
So, here we go....
Day 1
Love is Patient
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love
Ephesians 4:2
Today's Dare
Resolve to demonstrate patience and to say nothing negative to your spouse at all. If the temptation arises, choose not to say anything. It's better to hold your tongue than to say something you'll regret.
Today's Outcome
I really thought about what I said to Pat all day before I would say it. There weren't any occasions where we had a disagreement but I still tried to be positive in everything I said to him.
The Love Dare
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Comfort Food...

Sometimes you just need some good comfort food and tonight was one of those times. We had Baked Macaroni and Cheese, Buttery Bread Machine Rolls (I made the dough over the weekend), Marvelous Broccoli Salad and Berry Smash Muffins for dessert.
Have I told you how much I love Recipezaar? It's my new favorite website. It has almost completely replaced my cookbooks and I love cookbooks so this is BIG. I love to page through them and make meal plans. Now I just search and find tons of recipes for whatever type of dish I'm looking for.
Summer has arrived in Missouri...92 and sunny tomorrow.
Enjoy your evening.
Have I told you how much I love Recipezaar? It's my new favorite website. It has almost completely replaced my cookbooks and I love cookbooks so this is BIG. I love to page through them and make meal plans. Now I just search and find tons of recipes for whatever type of dish I'm looking for.
Summer has arrived in Missouri...92 and sunny tomorrow.
Enjoy your evening.
comfort food,
Friday, June 12, 2009
We're Sparkly!
Kyler found the red glitter this morning and decorated the family room and some of his toys. This all happened while I was in the shower. Where did he even find red glitter? I didn't even know we had red glitter! The vacuum came out of the closet and most of it was sucked up. If you come visit just know that you'll find red glitter somewhere on yourself by the time you leave. We will see red glitter all over our house for at least the next year. I've been through this glitter thing before...It has a way of reproducing..
Kyler has now stripped off his clothes no less than 15 times outside in the backyard. The boy goes out the door to play and then decides he wants to fill up the kiddie pool and off come the clothes. If I hear the hose come on I know I'd better run out the door because he is probably already streaking through the backyard and giving the neighbors a show.
I'd rather play in my garden than sit at my desk at work! Just thought I'd share that with you.
I turned my blog into a book this week. I went to Blog2print and purchased a .pdf copy of it for $2.95. They do a really nice book for you too...but it was out of my price range. I'll get it bound at my local Kinko's. This whole blogging thing started as a way for me to scrapbook our lives. I don't have time to do real scrapbooking so a printed version of this blog is the next best thing. At least we will have something to sit and look at. I don't print pictures anymore either. Do you? I need to figure out a good way to store all those digital pictures so they are around if our hard drive crashes. What do you do?
I haven't spent nearly enough time in prayer and bible study this week. I start to pray and the next thing I know I'm making a to-do list or a grocery list. This is a sign that I'm too busy right now and I need to slow down. That is my priority for the next week.
Kobe starts summer school next week and he can't wait! I'm making plans now for the 5 weeks he has off between summer school and when school starts back up in the fall. This is a boy who wants story problems to work on!! He likes a project! It's fun to come up with ideas for him. We'll be taking a couple of weekend trips during that time too.
Oh, we're working on de-junking the house. When I say we, I really mean me! I've cleaned out the storage room and the laundry room is next. I will be sneaking toys out of the house by the light of the moon. You Moms know what I mean. Oh and the fact that I didn't know we had red glitter will give you some indication of how much junk I have to get rid of.
If you're still reading this I hope you have a great weekend.
Kyler has now stripped off his clothes no less than 15 times outside in the backyard. The boy goes out the door to play and then decides he wants to fill up the kiddie pool and off come the clothes. If I hear the hose come on I know I'd better run out the door because he is probably already streaking through the backyard and giving the neighbors a show.
I'd rather play in my garden than sit at my desk at work! Just thought I'd share that with you.
I turned my blog into a book this week. I went to Blog2print and purchased a .pdf copy of it for $2.95. They do a really nice book for you too...but it was out of my price range. I'll get it bound at my local Kinko's. This whole blogging thing started as a way for me to scrapbook our lives. I don't have time to do real scrapbooking so a printed version of this blog is the next best thing. At least we will have something to sit and look at. I don't print pictures anymore either. Do you? I need to figure out a good way to store all those digital pictures so they are around if our hard drive crashes. What do you do?
I haven't spent nearly enough time in prayer and bible study this week. I start to pray and the next thing I know I'm making a to-do list or a grocery list. This is a sign that I'm too busy right now and I need to slow down. That is my priority for the next week.
Kobe starts summer school next week and he can't wait! I'm making plans now for the 5 weeks he has off between summer school and when school starts back up in the fall. This is a boy who wants story problems to work on!! He likes a project! It's fun to come up with ideas for him. We'll be taking a couple of weekend trips during that time too.
Oh, we're working on de-junking the house. When I say we, I really mean me! I've cleaned out the storage room and the laundry room is next. I will be sneaking toys out of the house by the light of the moon. You Moms know what I mean. Oh and the fact that I didn't know we had red glitter will give you some indication of how much junk I have to get rid of.
If you're still reading this I hope you have a great weekend.
random thoughts
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I journal.
I take my journal with me wherever I go.
I write in it every morning and throughout the day and night.
When I look at my well-worn journal with every page full of my thoughts, prayers, plans, etc. I know I've come a long way since that first empty page.
I found a great resource today on Holy Experience. The post is about Journaling as a Spiritual Discipline: How To Setup and Organize a Journal. There are some great ideas in this post. I hope you enjoy it.
I take my journal with me wherever I go.
I write in it every morning and throughout the day and night.
When I look at my well-worn journal with every page full of my thoughts, prayers, plans, etc. I know I've come a long way since that first empty page.
I found a great resource today on Holy Experience. The post is about Journaling as a Spiritual Discipline: How To Setup and Organize a Journal. There are some great ideas in this post. I hope you enjoy it.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Take Me Out To The Ballgame...

A Snapshot of the Boys at the Baseball Fields Every Week
Kobe is playing pitcher...his favorite position...even though it's coach pitch...

He's Ready...

Is it time for me to bat yet??

He gets a Hit...

This is what Kyler is doing during the games...
Checking out all the bleachers...

Saying hi to all the furry friends...

Ordering a snow-cone...and popcorn...and a popsicle (even though they don't sell popsicles, he asks for one everytime)...

Snack Time After The Game...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
A Stroll Through The Garden...
Come along with me as we take a walk through my garden in late spring. Not a lot is blooming right now but it won't be long...

The Woodpile and weeds...

Before we get started...
What do you think about my cute summer dining room table decoration?

One of the Hydrangea shrubs and the hostas...

The Woodpile and weeds...
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