Wednesday, September 23, 2009


It's around this time of the year, most years, when the longing is my my my journal writing. The longing is for something quiet, peaceful, authentic, simple...


My life is surrounded by busyness, people, noise, medium-sized urban (or suburban) movement. This movement is good. It means life and livelihood.


Country is there all the the books I read, the magazines I flip through, my general laid-back way of living, my cooking style, home decor style, the small-town festivals I attend...


I'm not quite there.

Country is not far from here. In fact, I'm surrounded by it. River bluffs to the west, rolling farmland to the north and east and beautiful hills, mountains if you will, to the south...

Yet, I'm not there.

As a young girl my dreams were aimed for New York City. Surely, there were bigger and better things there? My soul knew better. I didn't make it there.

I see old farmhouses with front old man sitting on his tractor in the middle of a bean field surveying his land...a rickety wooden (rail-less) bridge crossing over a creek on an unknown gravel road...a forgotten barn...hands raising in a wave at every car you meet...clothes hanging on a line next to a hump of grass in the ground...with a door...the root cellar...cows grazing against a far away tree line...


Expansive Open Skies.


Space for growing...Gardens...Fields...Families...Love...

Yet, I'm still not quite there.

Where do I fit...this country girl who doesn't live in the country? For now, country must be a state of mind because it surely is the state of my mind most of the time. Someday I will be there...



  1. I love the country too and I am blessed to live smack dab in the middle of it. I would like to live a little closer to some of the things we love to gets old having to drive over an hour to the mall!

  2. Oh how beautiful Jackie. Appreciating what the country brings to your life is what matters and I think it's brought you a lot.
    Be well! ~Andrea~

  3. You painted a beautiful picture of the country! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Jackie,
    I feel the same way. Our area is congested. I can't let the kids walk the neighborhood by themselves. Not that this is a bad area, just not, well, the country. We aren't there yet either. We are too scared to take a chance and move, thus eliminating my husband's job. And, since there aren't very many jobs out in the country...well, we sit.

  5. I think you will get there. Envisioning it, is the first step!
    I love our simple way of life. When I want to go into the city, it is there for me :)
    I am going to *follow* you. I love your site and found you through Andrea at Rural Revival.
    Blessings, misha

  6. i agree with you 100%. if i had my life to live over it would be in the country. i would have loved to have raised my kids especially my boys in the country! but i do love my surroundings.

  7. This was a lovely poetic post. And I agree with you -- country can be a state of mind (often by necessity). I see the attraction yet I think if I was actually in the country, I would go a little nuts!!! There is something to be said for a slower simpler way of life though -- in tune with nature and the seasons. We should probably all strive to get more of that into our lives.

  8. I hope that later... Perhaps after all the busy-ness of your present life is past.... You'll be able to enjoy your dream... Of something quiet, peaceful, authentic, simple...

    And meantime, you seem to be doing very well, with slipping bits of 'Country' into your lifestyle, already. :-)

    Gentle hugs...

  9. A beautiful post. I could say, you have the best of both worlds. In so many ways you do. But I understand. When I'm at work all I can think about is getting back to the country. Although, I do love a good shopping day in your city once in awhile! :) Keep the faith. If this is what you want, I'm sure it will happen for you and your family. Meanwhile, feel free to visit anytime! -Tammy

  10. Beautiful post. The simplicity of the country is so appealing. It has it's hard work, but it seems more straightforward and productive than the running in circles that my life involves. I guess, for now, country will have to be a state of mind for me to strive for.

  11. Your words are so lovely. This post was like music, so beautiful. I too think country is a state of mind for me--a state of mind I have to always keep as I live in my suburban neighborhood.

  12. Thanks for stopping by my blog... and you're right, country can be a state of mind. It was my state of mind for many, many years while I lived smack-dab in the middle of the city!

    It is a give and take, like all things. We love our country life BUT hubby drives an hour to get to work every day in Wichita... I must drive at least 30 mins to get to any town nearby if I need milk, etc....when I'm at work, I can't wait to get back to our sanctuary in the eveing. And one thing you are definitely right about? Everyone DOES wave out here! I really love that, such a feeling of community. :)

  13. I too live in the country. Although it is peaceful and I too have to drive out a ways to most amenities...I have to remind myself to take it easy and work at my inner peace. It surely comes within no matter where you may be.

  14. There's something very soothing and pleasing about the wide-open space of the country that is unparalleled anywhere else.

    My grandparents owned a farm and I just loved going out there and exploring their several hundred acres of property. My mother liked my exploring spirit less, but that's a whole different point. haha

  15. Wonderful post....I grew up on a farm and now we live on 8 acres on the edge of a wee village. Even with the ideal situation for us, sometimes I would still love to be further out in the country. Jackie, you can't take "country" out of a person and you love the decorating, cooking etc, and when and if it's right for you to move to the country you will know. It's one of those God things....~smile~....enjoy your visits to the country and think country right where you are with your beautiful family. Blessings, Heather


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