Monday, September 21, 2009

Fall Into Reading 2009...

I'm up for a challenge! I haven't spent much time reading this summer...what? Yes, that's right...not much at all. I miss it! I have a pile of books I want to read so I've decided to join the Fall Reading Challenge over at Callapidder Days. Will you join me?

Here is what I plan to read...what are you reading this Fall?

The Wednesday Letters by Jason F. Wright

Moo by Jane Smiley

The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown

Healing Sands by Stephen Arterburn

Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch

Breaking Free from Emotional Eating by Geneen Roth

How Do I Love Thee? by Nancy Moser

and...I've added another one thanks to Jenners at Find Your Next Book Here...

Lies My Mother Never Told Me by Kaylie Jones

Like always, I'm working through a bible study every morning as well. I have just started a new bible study called:

Me, Myself and Lies by Jennifer Rothschild

I'm also currently reading her companion book:
Self Talk, Soul Talk

and I'm reading her devotional book:
Fresh Grounded Faith

I can't wait to hear what you're reading this Fall!


  1. I am going to join, too, but I have already finished three books on my list!!

  2. I meant to read all summer, and well, nothing! Your book list is very interesting...maybe I'll have to join you on a couple!

  3. What a great reading list. I'm trying to read Graceling. I hope to get through it by the time 2010 rolls around!

  4. I guess I'm still working my way through my Summer reading! ,-) Happily, I really got hooked on reading, in this just-past season and am still adding similar library requests, to it.

    But, I'm also feeling a pull toward more old fashioned, comfy-type books. Sooooo that may be a change, coming on.

    Btw, husband is reading Dan Brown's latest book. And he tells me about it, as he goes. Does that count, as being my version of one of your planned-on reads? :-)

  5. Oh and thank you for giving links to book suggestions... I always love such!

  6. This is a great list. I bookmarked Jennifer Rothschild on Amazon, so I can go back and take a closer look at her books. This challenge could get to be really expensive for me!

  7. I'm more of an audio book person (hanging my head in shame) ;-) I'm gearing up to pick up where I left off with the audio Bible. Makes for a worthwhile commute! Enjoy your reading. I plan to do some actual reading later this Fall. -Tammy

  8. Looks good, Jackie! My reading this summer was practically non-existent. Ugh! Here's hoping fall changes that for both of us! :)

    Enjoy your reading, and thanks for being part of the challenge!

  9. Great list, I'm also doing the Me Myself and Lies study right now with a group of friends on line :)

  10. I've got the Wednesday Letters in my book bag. I forgot about that. LOL. Enjoy your reads!

  11. Healing Sands should be as good as the other two in the series. I need to get the emotional eating book.

  12. It sounds like you've got a good list going :) I'm reading a homemaking book called Year Round Sunshine by Beverly Nye. And I just finished reading The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkein. It's always fun to hear about what everyone else is reading to get good ideas.

  13. wow, how in the world do you find time for all of that reading. now that fall weather has set it, i do believe it is time to curl up with a good book in the evening and read!

  14. I have Lost Symbol on my list too. You have sveral interesting titles - good luck with the challenge!

  15. i did Me, Myself, and Lies this summer and really enjoyed it!

  16. I should sign up for this challenge -- I did her Spring one and I just love the graphic! And I'm hoping you like the Kaylie Jones book as much as I did. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it!

  17. You really have a long list of reading material. I could never get all of those read, I'm not organized enough. I've been writing a lot and that takes up a lot of my time and when I do read, I hate to say it, buy I read a lot of children's books, since that is what I write. But I do slip an adult one in every now and then.

  18. Your list looks very diverse- good luck with the challenge and happy fall reading!

  19. Hi Jackie,
    I have done a couple of Jennifer Rothschild's studies.
    She is very good. She's amazing, you can't even tell she's blind.
    Enjoy your study by Jennifer Rothschild and your other books.


Thank you so much for visiting my blog when you have so many other choices. I appreciate your comments.