Being Grateful for what I've been given is a central theme in my life. I've come a long way and can look back at things that have happened in the past and recognize that there was a reason. I think God allows situations in our lives to happen so that we will grow in our relationship with Him. It's hard to be grateful sometimes though, isn't it? I could write a lot about this but I'll save it for another time.
I feel like I have a strong personal relationship with God and I'm continuing to grow and learn everyday. However, an area that I haven't been successful in is
really sharing that with my boys. I talk about God and hope that I'm modeling my life in a way that shows my love and relationship with Him. But, we're not good about saying prayers before bedtime and saying Grace before meals. I talk to them a lot about being grateful for things and sharing what we have with others and we really do that! But, this one area is what I'm working toward to help grow and strengthen their relationship with God as well.
About Grace...I can write some really poetic prayers sometimes...some deep thoughts about my faith...but I'm not good at speaking prayers out loud. This would be one reason Grace before meals has not happened often. Kobe and I talked about this at dinner the other night and together we came up with the idea to write down short prayers we think of or find and things we're grateful for. As we write these things down we will start adding them to a jar. We're calling it our
Gratitude Jar and we will pull out one or more of the slips of paper and read it as our "Grace" before each meal. It's a start...and... something the kids can be involved in as well.

In searching around for some ideas for our Gratitude Jar I found the following sites:
OUR PINATA has a cute idea for a Gratitude Jar.
PRISM, has a really cute idea for a Blessings Jar.
And finally, here are some simple prayers that will be going into our Gratitude Jar. I'd love for you to share any short prayers of gratitude that you say!!
Thank You God
For the golden corn and the apples on the trees
For the butter and the honey for our tea
For fruits and nuts and berries that grow beside the way
For birds and bees and flowers We give our thanks today
Blessings on our meal
And on our family!
The Lord is good to me
and so I thank the Lord
for giving me the things I need
the sun and the rain and the apple seed.
The Lord is good to me.
Let us pause before we eat and think about the ones in need
of food and shelter and of love,
please bless us all dear God above.
Thank you for the food we eat,
Thank you for the world so sweet,
Thank you for the birds that sing,
Thank you God for everything.
Thank you, God, for loving me.
Thank you for my family.
Help me to learn more each day
To be kind at work and play.