Thursday, March 18, 2010

Continuing To Grow...

I hope I'm never at a point in my life where I think I know everything about myself and that I can't learn anything more. Some of you may remember reading here many months ago that I was struggling to find a church and even questioning whether I really needed one. I still think that my spiritual growth comes mostly on the six days between the church services I attend. What I have found, though, is that when I'm attending church I'm encouraged and inspired by the music I hear and the message that week. In my life, I'm surrounded by a very diverse group of people...different religious beliefs...different cultures...different ethnicities. I appreciate and value their part in my life...I learn so much from these people and I hope they learn from me too. However, when I'm standing in that auditorium with 100's of people who are all there for the same worship God...the energy there is sometimes breath-taking. This energy is hard to explain. It's positive energy. The message is positive. It makes me want to go back every single week. And that says a lot! I'm continuing to Grow...

Typically, I'm not really inspired by music. I usually respond more to the written word, art, nature, etc.. This song is played by the band at our church and it just says it all for me. I wanted to share it with you...



  1. Thank you for sharing. Like you I am surrounded by diverse people. When I need to find balance in my life I find it in my faith and the occasional church service.

  2. You are so right about the feeling you can get in a church. I went to Catholic school and we had to go to church a lot......a real lot. I now know that, that experience has shaped the way I am today. And although I wasn't always feeling it at the time, I would never change that experience. I love being spiritual, it is so breath taking:)
    Blog:Capers of the vintage vixens

  3. Jackie Kennedy, that is great! I loved getting to know you a bit more.

    Thanks for splashing around with me today,

  4. I find when I'm away from church for more than a few weeks I start to feel unbalanced...there I go the unbalanced thing again. It's the only way to explain it. I try to keep everything even. It's work in progress for sure. I'm glad you're feeling inspired in church!

  5. Oh! I love love this!
    Off to listen again :)

  6. The church community is very important to me but even more important are the sacraments which I absolutely need to feed my spirit, I think we all find the niche we each need for balance in our lives.......:-) Hugs

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    God's Word says to not forsake the gathering of the people. I think fellowshipping of believers is critical to our growth.

    I have been in the church all of my life. I have found different ways of worship and learned the critical thing is have God there in the midst of it.

    It's so not about the building or the day, but like you said, it's about the 6 other days as well. We are called to live out a life of reflecting Him 7 days a week. We just get the added bonus of church and hearing the Word which then brings about faith, the foundation of it all.

  8. I'm happy for you! That your religion gives you joy.

  9. I lived in WI for a short time and found the best church. I loved it so much and they welcomed me and my kids with open arms. I've yet to find that back here in central MO.


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