Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Filed Under..."What In The World?"...

Let me just say that I love Missouri.  I was born here.  I was raised here.  I choose to raise my family here.  Missouri has a lot to offer.

We have two great cities if you're craving some culture, shopping and a little excitement.

We have lots of rural areas if you want peace, quiet and open spaces.

We have mountains, streams, professional baseball teams, museums, open air markets, flat lands, farm land, amusement parks and zoos.

Missouri is a really nice vacation destination....


If you enjoy bringing your cooler and radio and shedding your clothes in broad daylight while sitting in a fountain with your sweetie in the middle of a city.  Because Missouri wouldn't want you to take LESS of a vacation. 

What in the World?  (chuckle)

Until Next Time,


*Photo courtesy of O Magazine and brought to you by the Missouri Division of Tourism.


  1. I think this is good marketing....isn't it?.....Hugs

  2. Snort! What genius thought of that? Perhaps if they had a few hot chicks in the fountain it would attract more men? LOL! Our Utah talking snowflakes are looking all the more wholesome now.

  3. Ha! I never knew Missouri had SO much to offer! : )

  4. Yes, only here in good old MO! Aren't you in Columbia? I am thinking you work at MU. What department do you work in? Watch out for all the returning students. Traffic jam! And, by the way, I love the new look of your blog. Bea-U-ti-FUL!!

  5. I love the little girl staring at them and the Mom trying to pull her away. Of course a scene like that would make you want to travel here. LOL!

  6. What were they thinking?! LOL.. too funny. Love your new bloggy look, Jackie!! I'm in need of a makeover, well the blog AND me =) -Tammy

  7. Yeah only in MissouREE :) I like your version and description of Missouri. I am loving the new look too. I would love a makeover on the old blog but I am skeered to even think about it.

    Seriously? That ad was in O Magazine? Shudder.

  8. what goes on in missouri stays in missouri! well at least that's what they say about las vegas!

  9. Oh my ~only in Missouri.
    My Brian was just in Columbia finishing up his Doctorate in Education.
    I am ready for some cooler weather in Missouri~how about you?
    Have a great weekend.

  10. Well...who knew? I now look forward to visiting your wonderful state someday!

  11. -chuckle- Innnnnnnnnteresting piece of "How To Push State Tourism." ,-)


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