Thursday, November 4, 2010

Knowing Who My Father Is...Part 2

And so the story continues.  To read the part 1 click here.


Forgiveness was a conscious choice.  It didn't come easy for me but it did come...about 10 years ago.  I had to forgive my Dad to move on in my journey.  If I didn't forgive him I would have been stuck...stalled...and bitter.  Corrie ten Boom says it best,  "Forgiveness is to set a prisoner free, and to realize the prisoner was you."

For me, forgiveness was deciding that I couldn't change the past or change who my Dad was.  What I could do was accept the facts and move forward.  Forgiveness was part of the journey and took a long time before it was settled in my heart.  Forgiveness is what has helped me to be grateful for my experiences and to know that those experiences have shaped who I am today. 

Finding my true Father.  My Heavenly Father.

In the middle of the worst times of my the early years...I decided that there had to be something more than what I was feeling.  I kept searching and I found my Heavenly Father.  I didn't have a conversion experience.  I made a decision and decided to trust that there must be something more out there.  My faith came alive as I studied and prayed and my relationship with God flourished.  It continues to this day. 

After I examined my feelings of sadness that day that I had lunch with my friend, I was reminded that I have a Father who loves me.  That father is God. 

My earthly Dad...may not be what I would hope for and that's okay.   God desires a relationship with me and that's all I need.

I also know that my Heavenly Father is my Strength (Isaiah 12:2), my Guide (Proverbs 3:6), my Counselor (Psalm 16:7) and my Strong Tower (Proverbs 18:10).  Just as a Father should be.

Until Next Time,

*photo courtesy of


  1. Forgiveness cleans our hearts..God bless you

  2. I'm proud of you for making that journey- and sorry that you had to. It's a hard, hard thing to forgive.

  3. Jackie: beautifully put. You are a strong woman.

  4. Jackie, Oh, how I wish we could sit over a cup of coffee and talk about this!

    Your insight is wonderful and as always, inspiring.

    Hugs ~Andrea~


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