Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Finding Your Glass Half Full...or...Half Empty?

Are You A Glass Half Full Kind Of Person?

Or A Glass Half Empty Person?

What am I?  Well, I can fairly easily be a {glass half empty} type of person.  I recognize it and I work be a {glass half full} type of person.  I work at it.  I seek out joy everyday.  I try to start my day on a positive note by ignoring the news and the internet for as long as possible.  I enjoy the beauty of the outdoors.  I read devotionals and positive affirmations before I start anything else for the day.  I pray.  I journal.  I take notes in this and carry it with me. All of these things help to start my day on the positive and if the day takes a left turn towards the negative I have tools to pull myself back. 

Here are some of my Tools...

>>Your Best Life Begins Each Morning: Devotions to Start Every New Day of the Year by Joel Osteen

>>The Message//REMIX Solo Pink: Breast Cancer Awareness Edition 

>>My favorite journal...Ecosystem Author (lined version)

>>The Absolute Best Email I receive Everyday comes from Notes From The Universe.   I intentionally read it first each day when I open my email.  



 What are your tools?  Please share...


Thanks For Stopping By...


**Blooper Photos from the Fathers Day 2010 Photo-shoot


  1. I love this post and I found it on the perfect day. I was having a who DRANK OUTTA MY GLASS?!? kinda day. LOL I strive to be a glass half full kind of person too, and it is difficult to have those "down" days.

  2. More often than not I am a glass half empty kinda gal but, like you I strive to be a glass half full.
    Today started out half empty and has turned into a half full! Thank you Lord!


  3. I fluctuate between being half full and half empty.
    I love the Daily Bread with scriptures and positive stories.
    I've been lax reading it lately and I can tell I'm not as up.
    I love music, anything uplifting and I love old country hymns. I have several CD's and keep them going during the day.
    I have music to read by which is soft and beautiful. I put it on when I write short stories.
    We have to get up every day and start over, determined to be the person God wants us to be, just for that one day.
    Blessings to you. Barb

  4. Loved the comment from Adrienne about it being a WHO DRANK OUT OF MY GLASS? day. That one cracked me up.

    I would say 95% of the time I am a glass half full. My toolbox helps keep me there. What's in it? Pen and paper (or the equivalent) for writing. Two notebooks of quotes I have collected over the last 25 years. A prayer (I look at it as a prayer, although it was more of a commentary on prayer) by Frederick Buechner: Go where your best prayers take you. Unclench the fists of your spirit and take it easy. Breathe deep of the glad air and live one day at a time." That one I say daily.

  5. Easy to look at life with a glass half empty view, but wonderful when we can view everything through the lense of Scripture and God's unfailing love toward us. THAT makes the glass overflowing!

    Thank you so much for your sweet and encouraging words on my blog the other day and for your prayers...such a blessing to my heart!

    May the LORD bless you as you go into this week with HIM!

    Many blessings,

  6. I tend to find my glass half empty, so I loved this post. My tools include a journal, where I pour out the yucky stuff and remind myself of the good stuff. And I try very hard to start my day with a devotional and some meditation. I change up the devotional from season to season, currently reading from a Lenten series by Richard Rohr. I've also learned not to start my day listening to the news!

  7. Great post, I don't have any tools, that's why I guess I'm a glass half empty kind of gal lol I'm striving to be the alter tho. Having an illness I have good and bad days so its very important for me to keep on the right path and be inspired everyday and I've been inspired by your post and will check out those sites to get emails :)

  8. Good for you, I love that you are working hard to be a glass full type of person. My only tool is praying and spending time with Jesus:)


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