Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sugar Sugar...

Before I tell you about the sinful sugar cookie bars up there...I just have to say that it's a darn good thing that I have Pinterest since I can't find my dang camera anywhere.  If it weren't for all the crazy pinning I do, I would have lots of photo-less posts which aren't near as fun for me to do.  Those pins sure are an inspiration to me and I come up with posts in the middle of the night sometimes from one little photo I pinned earlier in the day.  I just don't have enough time in my day to write up the posts and then I forget them.  Note to self:  place notebook and pen on my bedside table tonight for middle of the night scribbles.

So, what do you think about those bars up there?  Let me tell you they are Delicious with a capital D!  Several people were pinning them yesterday and I did the same.  I tried the recipe and it was a huge success.  I mean...who doesn't like sugar cookies and if you can just press them into a pan and make bar cookies it's even better.  Now, to be totally honest, mine didn't exactly look like the photo above.  Mine weren't as white...more of a buttery yellow color and I didn't have the cute sprinkles.  No worries... they tasted great and the men in the house didn't complain one bit about the color...not that they would ever complain about cookies!  Oh, and a shout-out to Ice Cream Before Dinner for the recipe.


Sugar Cookie Bars
1 stick of butter, softened
1 cups sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
2 1/2 cup flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking soda

Preheat to 375. Sift together the flour, salt & baking soda to combine, and set aside. Spray a 9 x 13 cookie sheet (with raised sides) with non-stick spray. Put the butter in the bowl of an electric mixer and turn on to cream the butter. Slowly add the sugar and mix until creamy, about two minutes. Add the eggs and mix to combine. Add vanilla. In three parts, add the flour mixture to the butter mixture and stir just to combine, scraping the bowl in between additions. Spread the dough in the 9 x 13 pan. Bake for 14 - 19 minutes, or until it is slightly golden around the edges. Leave in pan to cool, on a wire rack. When completely cool, spread with about 1 cup of frosting (recipe below), or to taste. Wait until frosting has set a bit before cutting, at least a half hour.

Butter-cream Frosting
this recipe makes a lot more than you'll need for this, but it stores really well in the frig. I just make it in big batches and save it for future use.
1 1/2 C solid white vegetable shortening
2 teaspoons clear vanilla extract
1/3 C + 2 tablespoons warm water
a 2 LB bag of confectioner's sugar

Add shortening to the electric mixer bowl and turn on to cream it. Add 1/2 the sugar and mix on low to combine (you'll certainly want your bowl's dust lid/shield thing on at this point!). Add the warm water and mix to a paste. Once it is creamed, add the rest of the sugar. Mix. Add the extract. Mix to combine completely, scraping the sides of the bowl occasionally. Then, turn mixer to high and beat to about 8 minutes. Store in the frig for up to 8 - 12 weeks

Until Next Time,


Monday, February 27, 2012

As We Begin Our Work This Monday Morning...

This is something I needed to be reminded of this morning and maybe you did too.

I hope your Monday is productive and delightful!

Until Next Time,


*Photo Credit - Prairie Flower Farm

Saturday, February 25, 2012

And Now A Word About Chickens and Babies...

No...Not Chicken Babies (those are called chicks)...but...chickens and babies.  I'll explain.

So, I've been having these baby pangs.  Not exactly like I really want another baby, but more along the lines of "wouldn't it be nice to hold a baby and feed a baby and snuggle with a baby".  It's been almost 6 years since I had a baby and although I've told multiples of people that I am DONE and don't want another one...there is that teeny-tiny little feeling that I have had in the last few months of... 

what if....

Well...okay...lets start with the fact that I'm not worth a hoot the first few weeks after having a baby or the preceding 9 months for that matter.  I don't pop them out and then go shopping at the mall 4 days later.  I wish...but that's not me.  Then, there is that pesky little Post-Partum depression I had the first time around and it could come back again.  Don't. Want. To. Go. There. Again.  NO THANK YOU!

I'm 43! 

I don't have to pay for daycare/preschool anymore.  I admit it, I like the little bit of freedom I have now that the boys that are 5 and 11 years old.  They can fix their own drinks/snacks and bowls of cereal, go to the bathroom on their own and they will play in the backyard for hours some days. 

I'm 43!

It's decided.  No more babies! Unless, like Michelle Duggar says, "we'll take another one if God chooses to give us one".  I don't have a camera crew OR the income that probably comes along with having a camera crew, so it's not a good idea for the reasons above and many more.

That brings me to the chickens!  So I sez to myself, "Maybe I should get me some chickens"! (insert twang here)

You might be asking yourself about this time..."How in the world would getting some chickens help with those baby pangs?" "And doesn't your profile say that you live in a suburban college town?"

Let's start with the suburban college town part.  Did you know that we can have chickens LEGALLY in our yards now?  They passed a real ordinance about this and everything.  For Realz!  (For the record, I don't ever really say For Realz but it seemed appropriate here). Anyway, YES, we can have chickens and a coop in our yards, but NO Roosters. Now, before I go any further with this, wasn't it just a few years ago that if you lived in town and you had chickens in your yard that people would...TALK...and in not such a nice way I might add?  Okay, maybe that was just in a movie or something. 

Moving on...am I making any sense here because I'm not even sure where I'm going with this?  Hang with me, I'm sure I have a point here somewhere.  Yes, my point is that we live in this progressive community that thinks it's really cool for us to have urban gardens, buy local produce and meats (we have a great Farmer's Market), and even...Chickens In The Yard!  You know, that whole sustainable living thing.  And you know what?  I think it's cool too!  There...whew...it took a long time to get to that point...I apologize.  

Babies?  Chickens?  It turns out that what I really want is something small and cuddly to nurture from the infant stage and to watch it grow.  I'm thinking Chickens might be the answer.  Don't You?   I don't think I'm exactly the Chicken Snuggling kind of gal like Jayme The Coop Keeper is,  but I DO think it would be a LOT of fun and some of those coops are super cute!  Hmmmm, It might be a lot of work though.  I'll keep looking at coop pictures and reading chicken blogs and we'll just see what happens.  My guess is that we'll actually just end up getting a puppy, but you never know...stay tuned...

Until Next Time,


**photos courtesy of my Cock-A-Doodle-Doo Pinterest Board.  Check it out!

Friday, February 24, 2012

What's In Your Nose?

I mean...what kind of title is that?  Really.  This is a post about noses and things that shouldn't be in them.  I have heard stories of kids putting objects in their noses ...like crayons, buttons and peas.  I never thought my own child would actually do anything like that.  I mean...he KNOWS better than that, right?  

WRONG...evidently not.

Since Kyler broke his leg in August I have either received a note or a phone call from the school nurse at least every other week regarding something Kyler has done.  Early on it was wheelchair woes, problems in the bathroom also related to transferring in and out of the wheelchair, then it was concerns about whether he could do the things he wanted to do while wearing his walking cast and then his boot.  When we were past all the broken leg issues I started receiving notes and calls about scraped knees and arms and ice packs being applied, etc.  Yes, we now realize our youngest is a tad bit clumsy.  

The phone rang about 3:00 one day this week and the nurse says, "Hi Jackie, this is the school nurse and I want to tell you about the situation we have here with Kyler".  This is new...it isn't usually a "situation".  She then proceeded to tell me that he came to her office saying that he had put an eraser up his nose and he was very upset.  She wasn't able to see anything and thought that maybe he had put the eraser up his nose but that it had probably fallen out.  So, I tell her that I'll be right over to take a look.  I'm thinking on the drive over...an eraser up his nose?  I know he likes going to the nurse...but this one takes the cake.  Yes, I said he likes  going to the nurse.  In the last few weeks he has let it slip that he and his friend orchestrated a incident whereby the friend tripped Kyler so he would get hurt...all so that he would have to go to the nurse.  Yes, I know we may have bigger issues here. (smile)

I get to the nurses office and Kyler is smiling and telling a story to the nurse.  We take a look in his nose with a small pen flashlight and I don't see anything and neither does the nurse.  I chalk it up to another ploy to go see the nurse yet again.

But, on the drive home and after we get there, he is VERY quiet.  This is a huge red flag because this kid is NEVER quiet.  We go about the late afternoon as usual and he is still acting funny and is still claiming that he did, indeed, put an eraser up his nose and that it was still there.  So, out comes the extra extra large flashlight that we have and I get a good look up in his nose and sure enough...said pencil eraser lodged right there in his nose.  

Well, GREAT...what now? 

Then the tears started and he was really scared.  I kind of was too.  It was really up in there.  When I finally got him calmed down and he realized that if he didn't let me try to get it out that he would have to go to the ER.  The thought of going to the ER again was enough for him to sit still and let me at it.  Thankfully, we had a few pairs long tweezers...why we have those I have no idea...but I was sure glad we had them.  It came right out and we were all thankful that no visit to the ER was needed.  Will he do it again?  Some say be prepared...he says he will NEVER put anything in his nose again.  Time will tell. 

Here's to a LESS exciting weekend.  Hope yours isn't exciting either.

Until Next Time,


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Doing Small Things...

Today I'm thinking about all the small things I do everyday...or strive to do everyday.  Things like hugs, smiles, encouragement and love.   Lately, when I talk to God, I ask, "what can I do for You today"?  The feeling I've been getting (aka God's response to my prayer) is to Be Kind and Serve Others.  So, I'm listening, God!  I'm consciously working on it everyday.  

My encouragement for you today is to find something to laugh about!  We've had a lot more laughter in our house lately and I've taken notice.  It changes things.  Silly accents and crazy dancing are part of the evenings and it makes them memorable.  I hope you are finding something to laugh about too.

Proverbs 17:22 (NLT)

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.

Until Next Time,


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Scripture Sunday: Comparison Steals My Joy

I've been dealing with some feelings this week of jealousy and comparison.  I hate those kinds of feelings and they can bring you down quickly if you let them.  I feel so much more at peace when I put the feelings aside and go to the Word.  My scripture today is Galatians 6:4.  If you have been dealing with some of those feelings as well, I hope you also find some peace.

Galatians 6:4 (NLT)

Let everyone be sure that he is doing his very best, for then he will have the personal satisfaction of work well done and won't need to compare himself with someone else.

Today I'm linking up with the Sunday Community at Jumping Tandem.  I hope you'll visit there for more inspiration!

Until Next Time,


Friday, February 17, 2012

"Them's Fightin' Words" and Thoughts on Work Life...

I like Friday, don't you?  This Friday is the end of another busy week...they are all busy, though, aren't they?  Where I work, it's quiet.  Veeerrrryyy Quiet!  It's an old house on campus and we don't get a lot of traffic.  It's nice.  However, today, two of my co-workers got into an argument.  It doesn't happen often here...like in other places I've worked...the arguing and the tension.  We all work pretty well together and I'm thankful for that.  There had been some misunderstandings and miscommunication and today they let it loose...2 feet from my desk...minutes after I got to work.  It's out in the open now and they've explained their sides.  Time to move on...

I think it was about 15 years ago when I worked for another department on campus.  It was a dysfunctional place...or so I thought.  There was a lot of tension and not a lot of team building within the department.  I hated every minute of that job and went home many nights in tears.  I'm thankful for that job though.  I learned a LOT.  I learned to not take things personally.  I also learned how I did and didn't want to treat the people I work with.  I was meant to have that job...I can see that now.  When I left that department to take another job, I had a little talk with myself about my work life and how I was going to move forward.  I was not going to make the same mistakes or let people treat me the way I had been treated and I certainly wasn't ever going to treat people in that way either.   The number one lesson I took away from that job was that I wasn't going to be so invested in my work life that it interfered with my home life.  I wasn't ever going to go home in tears because of anger or frustration.  What I WAS going to do was go to work with a good attitude, do my job to the best of my ability, ask for help when I needed it and serve others whenever I could.  

15 years later and on mornings like this one I'm reminded...Attitude is everything!

Until Next Time,
