Monday, November 26, 2012

Christmas Preparation

We're starting to get ready for Christmas around here. We got the Family tree up (filled with our family keepsake ornaments...not a decorative ornament on the tree) and our Snowman tree up. I still have a couple of other areas to decorate and then I'm ready to enjoy the decorations and start Christmas shopping (which I seriously need to get started on). I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.



  1. Beautifully done, Jackie. I'm exchanging my fall decorations for Christmas ones today as I go through each room cleaning. I wanted to have these out to enjoy as I go about preparing for the celebration!

  2. I love your snowman tree. I'm planning to put my decorations up this weekend.

    1. Thanks, Karen. The Snowman tree is my favorite!

  3. Your trees are gorgeous! I don't know if I will put my tree up this year. I have all my other stuff up but haven't gotten around to the tree.

    1. Thank You! A couple of years I didn't put up the tree or just put up a small one and I enjoyed the holidays just as much those years. Sometimes it just needs to be a simpler holiday.


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