Wednesday, November 28, 2012


We've just finished up enjoying our family and friends over the Thanksgiving Holiday and the Christmas Season is in full swing already.  I have a tendency to get caught up in the busy-ness and stress of the holiday many years.  This year, however, I vow to take it easy and drink it all in and ENJOY.  I'm inspired to collect a few images of Twinkle Lights.  The lights beckon us to slow down...soak it in...and REST.  December 25th will be here before we know it.  For now, grab a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy the Twinkling...

**Where possible, all images are linked to their original website on my Pinterest Christmas Board.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures . . . and so true. I must admit most years I do NOT really take the time to enjoy the season. I am rushing around, buying gifts, wrapping presents, hurry, hurry, hurry. This year I told myself its going to be different. I am not buying as many gifts, I'm going to get the tree up early, and I'm going to focus on enjoying Christmas. And while I love the lights and the Christmas music and the food, I want my heart to dwell on the TRUE meaning of Christmas . . . the birth of my Savior. Bless you Jackie!!!


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