Wednesday, September 23, 2009


It's around this time of the year, most years, when the longing is my my my journal writing. The longing is for something quiet, peaceful, authentic, simple...


My life is surrounded by busyness, people, noise, medium-sized urban (or suburban) movement. This movement is good. It means life and livelihood.


Country is there all the the books I read, the magazines I flip through, my general laid-back way of living, my cooking style, home decor style, the small-town festivals I attend...


I'm not quite there.

Country is not far from here. In fact, I'm surrounded by it. River bluffs to the west, rolling farmland to the north and east and beautiful hills, mountains if you will, to the south...

Yet, I'm not there.

As a young girl my dreams were aimed for New York City. Surely, there were bigger and better things there? My soul knew better. I didn't make it there.

I see old farmhouses with front old man sitting on his tractor in the middle of a bean field surveying his land...a rickety wooden (rail-less) bridge crossing over a creek on an unknown gravel road...a forgotten barn...hands raising in a wave at every car you meet...clothes hanging on a line next to a hump of grass in the ground...with a door...the root cellar...cows grazing against a far away tree line...


Expansive Open Skies.


Space for growing...Gardens...Fields...Families...Love...

Yet, I'm still not quite there.

Where do I fit...this country girl who doesn't live in the country? For now, country must be a state of mind because it surely is the state of my mind most of the time. Someday I will be there...


Monday, September 21, 2009

Fall Into Reading 2009...

I'm up for a challenge! I haven't spent much time reading this summer...what? Yes, that's right...not much at all. I miss it! I have a pile of books I want to read so I've decided to join the Fall Reading Challenge over at Callapidder Days. Will you join me?

Here is what I plan to read...what are you reading this Fall?

The Wednesday Letters by Jason F. Wright

Moo by Jane Smiley

The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown

Healing Sands by Stephen Arterburn

Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch

Breaking Free from Emotional Eating by Geneen Roth

How Do I Love Thee? by Nancy Moser

and...I've added another one thanks to Jenners at Find Your Next Book Here...

Lies My Mother Never Told Me by Kaylie Jones

Like always, I'm working through a bible study every morning as well. I have just started a new bible study called:

Me, Myself and Lies by Jennifer Rothschild

I'm also currently reading her companion book:
Self Talk, Soul Talk

and I'm reading her devotional book:
Fresh Grounded Faith

I can't wait to hear what you're reading this Fall!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Joys...Big and Small

Life is mostly about the little things but sometimes there are BIG things too....


A sweet baby girl cousin born on a sad day for the U.S. - September 11, 2009 will now be known as little miss Marlie Jo's birthday and it's indeed a happy day now for this family!

A Grandma thrilled to finally have a grand-daughter...

Four cousins who really like hanging out together...

An eight-year old who now wants another baby in our't think so...

Then there are the small joys in life...


Getting the Fall Tree Decorated...

Slurping Spaghetti...

Cute fall tree decorations and a cute decorating assistant...

And...The first pumpkin of the season...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Joy comes in the form of...

Fall Decorating...
A Huge Zucchini Plant...

Back To School Routines...

Yummy Coffee Beans from Keen Bean Coffee Roasters...
A Brand New Journal - Ready For My Dreams, Thoughts and Prayers...

An 8 year old deciding he really wants to learn to ride his bike without the training wheels and taking off on the first try...
A 3 year old trying hard to keep up...sometimes more wheels don't help you go faster...

More Fall Decorating...

Even More...

And still more...

16Be happy [in your faith] and rejoice and be glad-hearted continually (always);

1 Thessalonians 5:16 (Amplified Bible)

Progress...mostly with the little guy...

Progress in other areas of my life means this poor little blog gets left behind sometimes. It's been a busy time in our household with school starting for the kids, school starting for me and the pace of work picking up considerably because our semester has started at the "U" as well.

My cute, newish, little camera died...again! I don't think the kids had a hand in it this time...but one never knows. The worst part is there were no first day of school first day CAKE pictures...nuthin'! The cake wasn't great anyway! The bakery made a mistake and made a chocolate cake...YUK! The best thing about a chocolate cake mistake is that I didn't eat half of it!

Kyler - October 2006 - 6 months old

My little guy, Kyler, is becoming quite a little man. When I tell him this, he says, "I not a wittle man, I Kywah"(Kyler). He is in a twin bed now. Yes, just now at age 3 1/2! I'm not one of these Moms who rush out and buy a bed for my kiddo as soon as they turn 1 or 2. I say, Keep them in the crib as long as possible or until they try to get out. As much of a daredevil as Kyler is, he never tried to get out...he loved his crib. He just got too big for it...He is over 40 pounds now. We got his new bed all set up and made and we asked what he thought of it. He crossed his arms and said, "I HATE IT!" "I want my wittle bed back" Needless to say, he LOVES it now...even though he has fallen out a few times.

The potty training is going pretty well. I'm sure God has a hand in this because potty training Kobe was just a nightmare that I don't want to relive. Kyler is waking up dry on many mornings and going potty at school and at home most of the time now. At 3 1/2 he's not potty trained early by any means but he is years (literally) ahead of where Kobe was with potty training at this age.

Kyler - April 2009 - 3 years old. This picture really captures his personality. Shirt too big...camo shorts...rain boots...crazy hair!

Even though my little guy is getting bigger and talking like crazy, there are a few words that I'm in no hurry for him to say correctly. I've been writing them in my journal so I won't forget them. The thing is...he actually can say all of these words correctly and will when I coach him...but he always reverts back to his comfortable way of saying them.

I'd like to share with you some of our favorites:

Can't = Sant (as in "I sant do it")

Seatbelt = Gate Bo (as in "I sant get my Gate Bo on")

Diego (from the show) = Hago

Yo Gabba Gabba (quite possibly the weirdest show ever) = Dabba Dabba

Kobe = was Dubby...then Kobe

O.K. = Ko-hay

He has started calling us by our real names...I, however, prefer Mommy...

Mommy = Chackie (for Jackie)

Daddy = Pat

...and our all-time favorite...

Cheeseburger = Cheese-Buh-Bug

Have a great day!