Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Taking Time to Comfort...Me!

I've had a struggle this winter with taking time for myself. Specifically, taking time to enjoy my coffee, journal and prayer early in the morning...before everyone awakens in my house. When everyone else wakes up, I have to put myself aside and take care of their needs. Working full-time, taking care of my family, taking care of my home and other responsibilities leaves little time for connect...with me. I know this. Yet, I've continued to to neglect this time that I need. The rest of my life has suffered, in a way, this winter because I've neglected taking this time for myself. Oh, I've gotten up early in the morning like I always do but I have found myself doing laundry, checking face-book and email and even mopping floors and then before I know's time to wake up the kids and get myself and them ready to head out the door for the day. I've been frazzled...less patient than normal...and stressed.

However, for the last month I have made an appointment with myself around 5:00-5:30 a.m. I don't turn on the t.v. or the computer. I don't open my journal, devotional, bible or whatever book I'm reading or studying. I light a candle before I even turn on any lights and curl up in my chair with a comfy blanket and I am Quiet.

I Breathe.

I Connect with Myself.

I can Think.

When I am Quiet, I can truly focus my prayers, what I read will be more meaningful and my journaling will reveal my true feelings about what is happening in my life. It's easy to lose myself in the busy-ness of my life and my role as a Mom. I need to reconnect with myself daily and then I do a much better job in all areas of my life.

My Comfort Basket**. This little basket holds my journal, bible, devotional and a candle. I carry it to wherever I want to spend my Quiet time each morning.

Little touches of Spring-time inside my home.

**Believe it or not...I made that little basket more than 10 years ago at the House of Mary B. in Arrow Rock MO.


  1. Good for you for carving out time for yourself. I used to have a basket like that and kept it on the back porch for summer morning devotionals. Soon it will be warmer and I can do that again. Thanks for the reminder:)

  2. God knew we would need him to tell us "Be STILL and know that I am God." Being still is hard. I too am a doer. I'm always busy, always working, always cleaning. We take care of so many others, but we MUST stop somtimes and take care of ourselves. When we are empty, we have nothing to give. I too am guilty of this. Thank you for reminding me that sometimes I a the one that needs some TLC. May God bless your quiet time and use it to refresh you and refill you with all the things He wants you to have, so you can pour them out on others!

  3. You have inspired me to take a little time out for myself too Jackie.

    Thank you for this quiet and reflective post:-)

    Jeanne x

  4. I love your basket. That's a great idea to be able to go where ever you like for quiet time.

  5. We all need a little quiet time to ourselves. I have my morning time after my husband leaves for work, but before the kids wake up. My days go much better when I stick to it than when I forget.

  6. "Breathe, connect, think..." Gotta love that! (And I do!)

  7. I loved this post! It was timely for me. I get up about 5, or earlier, and I dive right into my day. This is a good reminder to ease into the day with prayer and time for yourself. I'm so glad you do that!

  8. quiet it GOOD and it doesn't "just happen." glad you're carving that special time out for you.

  9. You go girl. I'm so proud of you taking time for yourself.
    I love your Arrow Rock basket.
    I won a black powder shoot many years ago at Arrow Rock. I have the dated crock to prove it.

  10. I have been doing the same thing for me for the last couple of months. It has really brought peace into my life and helped me better cope with all my obligations.

    The comfort basket is a great idea!

  11. Holding onto quiet is such a gift. What a wonderful way to start the day!

  12. It's very hard to take that time for ourselves. We have to know that it isn't selfishness. It's the right thing to do for ourselves AND for our families. :)

  13. Hello Jackie, allow me to introduce myself. I'm also Jacque! I stumbled into your blog somehow and I wanted to say hi. I raised two boys, both grown and each married with two kids of their own now. Your recognition of your need for your quiet time for yourself reminded me of me!I think I'm going to post on my blog about that soon. Anyway, when my kids were younger I worked an "outside" job and I had to carve out that kind of time you are talking about. For several years I got up 4-4:30 every weekday morning, threw a load of clothes in the washer, made my coffee, and grabbed my bible and journal. My family started getting up about 6 am and like you say, I had to then tend to family needs. I love your comfort basket! I think I'm going to do that I watch two of my grands about 3 days a week, so I still have a need to have some quiet time before they arrive. I like the portability of the basket because I do some of my devotions in the morning and then I also do more reading at night in bed!

    Sorry this is such a long comment...but I also read about your grandmother. It really hurt my heart as I had two of the most awesome grandmas that ever lived, and even though they have been in heaven for many years, I miss them terribly. Now I'm busy making memories with my own grands...

    I hope you did find comfort from attending your grandma's funeral. Sounds like you did find out some positive things about her that you didn't know about before. What a hard thing you did! But it sounds like you made the right decision.

    Sometimes when I read a new blog I feel like I am intruding into someone's private life. Thank you for allowing me to peak into your life...I think we probably have a whole lot in common. Take care.

  14. i love that you are reconnecting with yourself now that spring is almost here. i need to make this more of a priority in my life too. i really need to spend more time with the word of God more than with myself tho.

    love the spring vignettes around your home.


  15. Oh I am so glad that you have regained commitment to Time For You!!! You couldn't give yourself a better gift.

    Nor could you give everyone else in your life, a better gift. Because when we are rattled, we just don't do any of our duties, in the best possible way.

    So just in case any wee little nasty thoughts of... "Should I be doing something else?" try to creep into your mind... Don't you let them! :-) 'Aunt A.' sezzzzzz...


  16. Good Morning Jackie! Good that you take some time for yourself. I am up at 5:00 and spend that quiet time in all kinds of thoughts and prayers of thanks. It calms me for the day. I love the idea of the candle :)

  17. I used to be a basket-maker too. Loved it!

    I have a visual image of what you are experiencing. I use it to remind myself of the need for quiet time. It's a tea cup on a saucer.

    I find I need to take the time to fill my cup (or better yet, let God fill it for me) until it is overflowing into the saucer. If I do this daily, the others around me are getting the fresh overflow in the saucer, and there is still plenty in my cup to keep me full.

    If I neglect it, they drain me dry.

  18. almost springtime. what a good time to get back to what is important and good in our lives!

  19. I applaud your taking back your quiet time in the morning. Fighting the impulse to get one more thing done around the house when you have available time can be the scourge of mothers. Though never in my life was I an early-morning person, since I had my kids I rise at 5 every day to enjoy coffee and focused thinking in that tiny space of time before the rest of my world wakes up. It is, indeed, a treasure! And in regard to your last post/photos, can I just say Grace is an awfully good sport.
    PS I love the red toile pillow in the photo of decorative items.


  20. What a wonderful idea, a comfort basket.....I am going to make one up for myself this this idea.......:-) Hugs

  21. I love the idea of your little basket to put everything in so you can carry it to wherever you decide to have your quiet time...and it's a very pretty basket.

    My daughters are raised now and living in their own homes. One of my favorite things to do for me is to take walks either on our town green way or at the state forest which is very close by. When the girls were small I didn't get to do this as often as I do now, but this helps me quiet myself, while out in nature enjoying God's creation...and it's good for me physically. I understand the need to take care of "Me" time. It really does rest your soul when you do it and makes a difference with every thing else you do.

    Good for you Jackie in doing this for yourself. I'm sure your garden is a place of comfort for you too once it is here again.

    Lee Ann

  22. Today was an empowering day for me and I'm ready to go for it! I love the idea and the encouragement has gone a long way with me. I had just decided today to order my life and my days so that I could spend more time with family and God. (I'm 24/7 caregiver to my 83 years old Father) the last year has been rough. But I'm going to do hat ever I need to do - to find time for my grown family and grandkids. They still need a mom and a grandma, and I'm no good to anyone with out my relationship with the Lord. I have sooo missed my concentrated time alone with Him.

    To get away from the caregiving environment - I'm going to experience a new thing by experiencing Spring on some of the trails around my place and take my Bible and journal - on the road!

    thanks for the empowerment and the ideas.

    God bless you dear one as you continue on the road with Jesus!

    Patrina <")>><
    His watchman on the wall

  23. I have to admit...I've been feeling a bit out of sorts too. I know when this happens I'm not in balance. I'm glad you're taking some time for yourself.

  24. I LOVE your Comfort Basket idea! Thanks!! I love baskets and use them for everything all over the house, but a never thought of using one for my Bible and devotional books, etc. Great idea!! :)
    Cathy ♥♥


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