Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Following The Star...A Daily Online Advent Devotional

A great morning for me is waking around 5:30am (at least an hour before my kids wake up), starting my coffee maker, throwing in a load of laundry and then heading downstairs to read, journal and pray.  This time by myself each morning is so important to me and gets my day off to a great start.  Sometimes it's hard to do this during the holidays though.  I'm tired and busy and sometimes even sitting for 15 minutes to write something in my journal is difficult.  A few years ago I discovered Following The Star...and I loved it from the first click.

I encourage you to visit the site.  The music is beautiful and helps me focus.  The readings are not long and are relevant to the Christmas season.  If you don't already have a daily devotional time to read scripture, talk to God and focus on your day...this site is a great way to start.  If you would like other devotional time ideas let me know and I would love to chat with you about it.

My Devotional Basket


Monday, December 12, 2011

Putting The Apron On...

It's time to pull out the aprons at my house...this coming weekend the oven will be busy with all the baking that will be done.  All my gifts are purchased and wrapped.  My house is somewhat clean...as clean as it's gonna get anyway...and now I can spend some time in the kitchen.  

I'm looking forward to baking bread this weekend.  My boys are really excited about taking gifts to our neighbors this year.  We haven't really done this in the past...but it's never too late to start, I say!   I plan to use my bread maker to make the dough and then bake in mini loaf pans in my oven.  We're doing yeast bread and I have a couple of recipes that I'm going to try out.  The absolute best bread machine recipe that I use often is Light Oat Bread.  I'll probably use that one if the others don't work out.  As my family knows....I frequently have to start over in the kitchen.  I foresee that we'll be eating a few of the test runs before they ever make it out the door.

The top photo is of Ted's Mini Loaves.  I don't know who Ted is...but his bread looks yummy.  We'll be trying out his recipe.

The photo below is from Country Living Magazine and it's another recipe we'll be trying called Mini Country Loaves.  Looks yummy and the box is adorable.  I hope to find something similar to package my loaves. 

I hope all your holiday baking is going well and that you're having fun with it.  We're supposed to have fun, right?  Sometimes, for me, the baking feels like another chore to add to my already over-packed schedule.  This year, I'm trying to enjoy all the moments and not worry about perfection.  So far...it's working.  I'm less stressed and enjoying the holidays more.  I hope you are too.


Monday, November 28, 2011

Hey There Friends!

I realized today that I haven't posted for over a month.  I just can't find any time lately to write.  I'm attending a Writing Retreat this Friday so I hope to get some words on paper (or screen) that day....we shall see.  I had a great Thanksgiving with five, much needed, days off work! It was nice and Monday came all too quickly. 

I'm looking forward to changing up the blog look to feel a bit more Christmasy...maybe I'll get a chance to work on that Friday, as well.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are enjoying your start to the Holiday Season!

Talk To You Soon...


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thoughts On Fall...

Every season has it's beauty.  Fall may be the most spectacular of the four seasons, in my opinion.  I sort of like the melancholy feeling this time of year and it's appropriate for me right now.  I'm enjoying the fading blooms, falling leaves and the way the earth is preparing itself for the coming winter. My flower gardens are withering away, getting ready for the months of frigid cold that are ahead.  I like the idea of starting over with each season and this one is no different. I'm looking forward to the upcoming holidays and staying inside spending time doing things that I don't have time to do in the warmer months.  As I walked around my yard yesterday, I tried to notice the beauty in all of the fading and wilting happening around me.  When I looked closely at each plant, area of my yard or portion of the sky ..instead of the whole fading and withering scene...I could really see it...The beauty in the browns and yellows and reds. 

I hope you, too, can see it wherever you are.

Ecclesiastes 3:1

For everything there is a season,
      a time for every activity under heaven.


Friday, October 21, 2011

Goodbye Gracie...

I was looking forward to attending the National Day On Writing festivities we were hosting yesterday.  I had ideas of writing I wanted to do and was excited about attending a writing marathon to gain some new inspiration.

I didn't get to go.

When I arrived home from work on Wednesday afternoon our little dog, Gracie, was seriously struggling with her life.  She had been sick and was scheduled for some surgery today but she wasn't going to make it that long.  She was in serious pain and she was so weak she couldn't stand up.  Wednesday night we had to take her to the Veterinary Hospital ER and she was immediately placed in their ICU.  She was a sick little girl and was having kidney failure.  After learning of her prognosis, we had to make the hard decision to put her to sleep.  I believe this was the hardest decision I have ever had to make in my life.  I know in my head that it was the right thing to do because she was in so much pain and she was 11 years old.  My heart, though, is a different story...

...it is broken.

Now, we have to move forward.  Moving forward with heavy hearts.  We will have to take joy in the memories we have of her...

Gracie was a sweet, lovable and very patient dog.  She loved to snuggle with me every SINGLE time I sat down in the living room.

She would poke her head out of the closed curtains in the living room window to watch us leave.

When I was working at the computer or cooking in the kitchen, she would sit at my feet and whine because she would want me to go snuggle on the couch with her in the living room.  I would have to tell her to "go lay down...I'll be there in a minute" and she would go into the living room to wait for me. 
She was always looking for the warm spot and would lay on the deck in the sun or in the foyer on the floor where the sun was shining through the door.   

Patience...she had a lot of it.  A great memory of her is when Kyler was wrapping her up in blankets all the time and how patient she was with all his attention to her   

She was curious about these little babies that we brought home from the hospital.  With both boys we were afraid she was going to jump into the bassinet with them...she wanted to see who these babies were.  She loved the boys!  

Her friendliness and love for every person who came into our home was one of her best qualities.  She didn't know a stranger and wanted to show her love to everyone.
I have so many great memories of her...many more than I can list here.

We Love You Gracie!


Monday, October 17, 2011

Why I Write: National Day On Writing - October 20, 2011

The 3rd Annual National Day on Writing will be held this Thursday October 20th.  Here at the University of Missouri we will be set up on campus and recruiting students, faculty and staff to participate in writing marathons throughout the day.  Our writing marathons will be led by faculty, museum curators, landscape designers and students.  They will walk us to three locations on campus and we will have short writing sessions using our surroundings as inspiration. It's fun organizing an event like this, but I'm especially looking forward to some new writing inspiration as I participate in one of the marathons.

Everyone can participate in the National Day On Writing.  Besides the writing I will do at the marathons I'm thinking about writing and posting to the blog on one or more of the following topics:

  • Why I Write
  • My Thoughts On One Of The Quotes From My Finding The Faith Board on Pinterest
  • A Heart-Breaking Incident I Witnessed This Morning
  • Thoughts About My Grandma
  • Peace and Quiet
Will You Participate?  I look forward to reading blog posts on Thursday and writings posted in the NDOW Galleries.

Write On...


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

2 Ingredient Pumpkin Muffins...

Once again, I have snagged a GREAT recipe from Pinterest.  This recipe was super easy and I even had the ingredients in my kitchen.  While they aren't the most beautiful muffins I've ever seen...I couldn't resist a shot in front of my Pumpkin Patch sign.  Also, my boys loved them!!  These are perfect for a cool, fall morning.


1 Box Cake Mix (I used Yellow Cake Mix from Aldi)
1 15 oz Can of Pumpkin (also from Aldi)

Mix both ingredients until most of the lumps are gone and bake at 350 degrees.

That's It!!   

For the record...I added in a couple of shakes of Nutmeg and Cinnamon.  I guess, technically, that would make these 4 ingredient muffins...but who's counting.  I'm making these again today with a Spice Cake mix.



Friday, September 16, 2011

Gracie Says...

"Have a Great Weekend, Folks!"

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Oh, September...

I love September,
especially when we're in it.
-Willie Stargell

As I write this...it is 41 degrees this morning.  I have the oven on and the door open to warm up my kitchen...I'm drinking my coffee with vanilla caramel creamer.  I love cool, fall mornings.  Something about this time of year makes me want to bake some of this and while it's in the oven set to work on some deep cleaning in this house.  In the garden, I'm enjoying watching the blooms fade and some of the leaves start to fall.  We have a new friend who has moved in under our driveway...a groundhog...a large one.  Maybe he, too, is enjoying fall and looking to spruce up his home before the cold sets in.   I'm guessing he is all huddled up in his new home this morning though, since there is a chill in the air.  I suspect we don't really want a groundhog living under our driveway since kids are playing in that area all the time.  Hmmmm...if it weren't for the possible dangers...I kind of like the thought of a groundhog living under the driveway.

I hope it's feeling Septemberish wherever you are today. 


Monday, September 12, 2011

Welcoming Fall To My Home...

Every Leaf Speaks Bliss To Me,
Fluttering From The Autumn Tree
~Emily Bronte

I've been doing some decorating around the house.  While it isn't officially here yet...I'm Welcoming Fall.
I can smell the Pumpkin Spice, Apple and Pumpkin Cheesecake candles burning now.  Here is a peek at what I've been up to...
Little Fall Tree In The Dining Room...

Fall Vignette Above Hutch In Dining Room...
Our Little Scarecrow Witch Friend In The Foyer...(she's been here longer than the kids I suspect...many years)...
Grandma's Old White Cabinet Decorated For Fall...
Inside The Cabinet...

Mmmm...My Favorite Scent...


Friday, September 9, 2011

Surprisingly Satisfied...

12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength. 
Philippians 4:12-13

This weekend I'm mediating on the verse above in Philippians.  I feel this one. I know what's it's like to not know if you're going to have a roof over your head or food on the table.  Although my Mom did a great job providing for us...this was a very real part of my childhood.  A part of my past that I'm grateful for now. 
I know the feeling of lack. 

This weekend I plan to sign my first Resolution.  A Resolution To Be Content.  

The Resolution reads like this...

I do solemnly resolve to embrace my current season of life and will maximize my time in it.  
I will resist the urge to hurry through or circumvent any portion of my journey but will live with a spirit of contentment.



Thursday, September 8, 2011

The next step...a new cast for Kyler...

Someone is a little nervous before getting the old cast off but he is smiling anyway...
Ahh...look at that cute little orange cast...
Some people think the best part of having a broken leg is getting to bring the old cast home...
Today was a milestone in Kyler's broken leg recovery.  The huge long leg cast was removed and a snazzy bright orange walking cast was put on today.  He will walk again as early as next week and our little kindergartener will be running around the playground with his new friends in a couple of months. 

His recovery has gone so well and we are still amazed at how he has adjusted to life in a wheelchair.  From the very first day, he just accepted it and continued on with his life the best he could.  I'm feeling much better about things than when I wrote this post a few weeks ago. 

We have been fortunate to have a great Doctor and insurance to cover most of the expense.  Broken legs and ER visits are very expensive as you can imagine.  It will be months before we know exactly how expensive it all is.  However...all is well.

He is healing.

He likes school.

He will walk again soon.

It's Good!


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Inspiring Words...

These words just make me want to be better...to DO better...



Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What Is The Hurry?

This whole summer I have been running at a hectic pace.  I haven't taken the time to enjoy much.  As a result, I have burned out, have had some depression and I can't even really tell you anything we did this summer.  Sad. How I've lived the past few months is opposite of the title of this Blog.  I haven't Embraced much...except work..at home and at the office.

Recently the question was asked, "What have you been hurrying through?"  My answers sounded something like..."work days...crazy evenings at home...weeks...months...pay periods...hot summer days".  Life.  

The next questions stopped me cold.  "What have you been hurrying to get to?"  Silence.  The only word I had was..."Nothing". I have been rushing through my days, weeks, and months to get to....what?  Nothing. 

God intended for that question to be asked of me.  I have to live these hard questions sometimes so that I step back and take a look at how I'm living my life.  I won't get those summer days back.  I can do better.  I can resolve to not miss things in my life anymore.  Rushing through my life and not taking the time to enjoy every moment is not God's plan for me.  I can choose to spend my time in a way that is pleasing to Him and blesses my family. 

What is the hurry anyway?



Monday, September 5, 2011

Curtains blowing in the cool breeze.  
Quiet days.  
Food on the grill.  
Lovely weekend. 

Fall is heading our way...


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Seeing Through A Different Lens...The Lens of Having a Child With A Disability...

For the past two weeks I have been the Mom of a child in a wheelchair.  Since Kyler broke his leg he has been in a full leg cast and uses a wheelchair.  He will have the cast for at least six more weeks and then he will have a boot and possibly be in the wheelchair until Christmas.  

Having a child with a disability (albeit a temporary one) is difficult.  

The daily challenges:  transferring a 55 pound 4 foot tall boy, bathing, toileting, as well as keeping this active 5 year old busy while sitting in a wheelchair.  Kyler has done really well.  He can be demanding at times (that's not really new though), but he has adjusted well and hasn't complained much at all.  

What I'm seeing, though, is what it is like to have a child with a disability.  What I mean is, I can somewhat understand now what it would be like to have a child who is disabled all the time.  Please don't misunderstand me, I am in no way saying that what we're experiencing is anything close to what someone else experiences when they have a child with a severe disability...but...I am now better able to understand some the of physical and emotional challenges the Moms of those kids face.  Our situation is temporary and I'm grateful for that. 

Several days after Kyler broke his leg I started to understand that this wasn't going to be easy.  Evidently I'm a little slow. 

I now understand the exhaustion.  Physically lifting Kyler in and out of his wheelchair...into the car...out of the car...onto the toilet...onto the couch...It's tiring. 

Taking a child to kindergarten in a wheelchair is emotional.  The older kids see him and probably understand that his leg is broken when they see the cast.  The younger kids (his classmates) just stare at him and you can see the questions on their faces.  It breaks my heart.  Now, I understand what it would be like to have a child with a disability and dealing with the stares and the questions.  He is handling it well.  I don't handle it well sometimes and just want to cry...for him and for me. Then there are the other days when we're doing really well...he has a good day at school and my emotions are in check. 

This experience has been another reminder to me that I am Blessed.  My kids are healthy.  Kyler will be walking again soon.  His kindergarten experience will be at least somewhat normal in a few weeks.  These challenges that we are facing will fade.   

There are many Moms who can't say this.  This is the life they live everyday and it continues...and continues.    These Moms may have a child in a wheelchair, or a child with Autism or Cancer. 

My eyes are opened!  I see through a different Lens now.  

To the Moms who are dealing with this every day of your life...my heart goes out to you.  I now understand more fully the daily challenges you face.  You inspire me.   I will never again take for granted the health and mobility of my boys. 

I'm Encouraged.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ready To Start Kindergarten...Broken Leg and All...

Kyler had just barely learned to ride his bike without training wheels last Friday when he had a little accident that ended with a visit to the ER and a BIG broken leg.   He is doing great and is such a trooper! 

What is the good news in all of this?  He wasn't excited about school last week...didn't think he would like his teacher...wasn't interested in going.  Now?  He can't wait to go to school to show off his wheel chair!

By the way...his wheel chair is Hot Pink.  The only one we could find in this town of 100,000 people...which is still unbelievable to me.  He kind of likes the pink but his big brother has convinced him that he doesn't want to start kindergarten in a PINK wheelchair!  Oh, the horror!

So, Can You Say CAMO Duct Tape?  We're having a Duct Tape Party tonight!  


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Want A Little Heat For Your Dinner Tonight? Try Cajun Chicken Pasta...

The heat continues here in Mid Missouri.  Since the hot weather doesn't seem to be going away, I decided to just go with it and spice up our dinner one night last week and make Cajun Pasta.  It was a huge success with all the boys in the house and I'll be making this dish again.

Cajun Chicken Pasta

4 Boneless, Skinless Chicken breasts, Cut Into Cubes
3 teaspoons Cajun Spice Mix, More To Taste
1 pound linguine or fettuccine
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
2 Tablespoons Butter
2 Bell Pepper, Seeded And Sliced (whatever color you have)
1 lb Okra (I substituted corn)
1 small Onion, diced
5-6 cloves Garlic, Minced
4 whole Tomatoes, Diced
2 cups Low Sodium Chicken Broth
½ cups White Wine
1 cup Heavy Cream
Cayenne Pepper To Taste
Freshly Ground Black Pepper, To Taste
Salt To Taste

Cook pasta according to package directions. Drain when pasta is still al dente; do not overcook!

Sprinkle Cajun spice over chicken pieces. Toss around to coat. Heat 1 tablespoon oil and 1 tablespoon butter in a heavy skillet over high heat. Add the chicken in a single layer; do not stir. Allow chicken to brown on one side, about 1 minute. Flip to the other side and cook an additional minute. Remove with a slotted spoon and place on a clean plate, leaving pan on high heat.

Add remaining olive oil and butter. When heated, add all the veggies. Sprinkle on Cajun seasoning. Cook over very high heat for 2-3 minutes, stirring gently and trying to get the vegetables as dark/black as possible. Remove all vegetables from the pan.

With the pan over high heat, pour in the wine and chicken broth. Cook on high for 3 to 5 minutes, scraping the bottom of the pan to deglaze. Reduce heat to medium-low and pour in cream, stirring/whisking constantly. Cook sauce over medium-low heat for a few minutes, until cream starts to thicken the mixture. Taste and add freshly ground black pepper, cayenne pepper, and/or salt to taste. Sauce should be spicy!

Finally, add chicken and vegetables to sauce, making sure to include all the juices that have drained onto the plate. Stir and cook for 1 to 2 minutes, until mixture is bubbly and hot. Add drained pasta and toss to combine and enjoy!

Ca c'est bon!

*Recipe credit - The Newlyweds Blog

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Haze Of Summer...

Old Chair Swallowed Up By DayLillies In My Backyard Garden

It's hot, folks!  Sure Is!  We're in the Dog Days of Summer and it's not even August yet.  It's 100 degrees today and I'm not hating it.  There is no snow, ice and frigid temperatures.  My A/C is working, flowers are blooming and we have a swimming pool down the street to jump into.  It's July and all is well. 

As I write this, I'm at The Shack in the new Student Union at the University of Missouri.  I'm floating around campus this week while our office is being remodeled.  Today, I'm working on budgets...which has proven to be difficult because I keep listening to the conversation at the table next to me. 

Here is what I now know...

...the two girls are MU cheerleaders, they are here for the summer while they are trying to get residency, they aren't 21 yet so they are counting the days until they turn 21 (in two years), there is a strange girl living with one of them and while she is their age she looks like she is 40 (gasp) (heehee)...

I need to focus...but those girls definitely make me reminisce about those carefree days of my late teens and early twenties. 


Not interested in going back there, though!  Thank.You.Very.Much. 

I tell you what, getting out of my office this week has been great for my productivity.  New workspaces...new people...new views...it's all good to get the creativity flowing.   I must remember this when I'm feeling creatively blocked and not producing as much at work as I should in the next few months (because it will happen).

Slow Down Summer....Please....


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

Good Morning!

It's been awhile since I've posted my weekly menu so I thought I would join OrgJunkie again and post what we're planning to have for dinner this week.

As I type this, it is Sunday morning and I'm planning to make Strawberry Crumb Bars today and Strawberry Shortcakes since we have an abundance of strawberries that I picked up from the store.  Strawberry Shortcake is easy in this house.  I simply slice purchased pound cake and top it with lightly sweetened sliced strawberries and whipped cream.  Easy and Delicious!

Monday:  BLT's, Chips and Veggies with Ranch Dip

Tuesday:  Country Corn Casserole and Garden Salad

Wednesday:  Taco Salad

Thursday:  Baked Garlic & Herb Chicken (using a bottled marinade) and Corn on the Cob

Friday:  Bubble Up Pizza

Saturday:  Grilled Burgers and Pasta Salad

Sunday: Roast Chicken and Slow Cooker Potatoes




Friday, June 10, 2011

I'm just Second Hand Rose From Second Avenue...

Early this morning I ventured out to my deck in PJ's with coffee and journal.  It was quiet except for the waking Cicadas who would soon be singing their very loud mating chorus and continue all day long. It was a nice cool morning.  Earlier this week I started working through a personal study of  Following God With All Your Heart (Believing and Living Gods Plan For You)I'm learning about the challenges Joshua faced and how he became successful.  The books I read by Elizabeth George speak to me and I find myself agreeing with so much of what she has to say.  One of the questions in today's study was:

Every Christian woman has many roles and responsibilities along with nurturing her relationship with the Lord. What are your daily responsibilities at this stage of your life?  And what does God expect you to take care of, regardless of the challenges?  List your job assignments from God?

Oh, I have no problem listing everything I'm responsible for. I have a lot on my plate just like most other women out there.  We have a lot to take care of each and every day.  You know the drill....housework, laundry, meal planning, meal preparation, grocery shopping, nurturing our families...and all this before I even leave the house for work each day.  You see, if I follow down this path, my frame of mind can turn negative very quickly.  Sometimes I feel like I'm everyone's Assistant or Support Person.  I feel like Second Hand Rose (from Funny Girl).  At work...I plan the events for our department.  I oversee the details of the venue, catering, speakers, advertising, payments, etc.  I'm behind the scenes...the support for the Stars of the Show.  At work and at home...I'm helping everyone else achieve what they are supposed to be doing in their lives.  Sometimes this is discouraging to me. When am I going to be the Star of the Show?  However, when I answer the question Elizabeth posed to me above, I realize that the support I'm providing to everyone in my life is exactly where I'm supposed to be right now.  My Season right now is one of Support and Encouragement.

Now about Joshua...the more I read about him the more I'm intrigued.  Here are a few things I've learned about him today:

  • He was the Assistant to Moses
  • He was given huge responsibilities
  • He wanted to be successful
  • Moses sent him out ahead to explore Canaan
  • He Shepherded Gods People

Joshua wasn't the Star of the Show!  He was the Assistant!

Joshua was given great responsibilities and God told him that he would always be there for him to not be discouraged!  

I have exciting opportunities in my life.  We all do...if we just know where to look and sometimes that means seeing what we already have.  I'm encouraged.  I know God has my back and He has a plan for me. 



**Note** Funny Girl is one of my all-time favorite classic movies.  Cute, Funny and Quirky.  Perfect movie for a Girls Night In.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I'm Blog Hopping Today!

The last few weeks I've been joining a couple of Blog Hops and I've had so much fun visiting other blogs and meeting the new folks who visit me.  Did ya notice the cute new social media bar at the top of my blog?  Will you hop on over to my new Facebook page and click Like?  I'm hoping to get above 20 folks over there so I can customize my page name...much appreciated!!  Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!

This week I'm joining...

A Helicopter Mom on the...



Monday, June 6, 2011

Book Review: Beautiful Things Happen When A Woman Trusts God by Sheila Walsh

About The Book:
Do you ever question God's ability to catch you when you fall?
Do shame, fear, and brokenness keep you from fully trusting God?
Do you secretly believe your dreams are unreachable?
You are not alone.
Beautiful Things Happen When a Woman Trusts God is all about trust. How we fight it. How we learn to do it. How it transforms us.
Life is not safe. That reality slips over us as we grow. Our response to the Father in that reality allows us either to swing higher and higher with the trust of a child . . . or fearfully shrink back from the swing set altogether.
As we weigh that choice, God whispers: Trust me.
In a remarkably transparent account, author and speaker Shelia Walsh opens wide her lifelong battle with trust and the moment-by-moment choices she made to follow where God led.
Shelia has lived a life ruled by "hidden places" of insecurity and brokenness and knows the overwhelming beauty of a life wholly handed over to Christ. As you encounter her struggles and triumphs, you also meet ten of the Bible's transformed-Tabitha, David, Paul, and others-who teach us that in spite of overwhelming circumstances, just one trusting encounter with Christ sets beautiful things in motion.
It can resurrect dreams, instill purpose, and ignite hope.
Discover what beautiful things can happen when you trust God.

My Thoughts: 
You know, the bible promises in so many places that if we trust God beautiful things will happen.  The trusting part is hard sometimes though.  We think we can do everything on our own and we don't need help from anyone or even God sometimes.  This book will help you to let go of your anxieties and worry and learn to trust God in everything.  Reading about Sheila's personal struggles and how she has overcome them was inspiring and encouraging.  Anyone who has struggled with depression will find Sheila's story real and familiar.  Her level of trust in God is something for me to aspire to reach.  I recommend this book to anyone looking for inspiration for any kind of struggle in their life and how to find God in the middle of those struggles.



I received this book free from BookSneeze.com as part of their Blogger Review Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Friday, June 3, 2011

Baseball...As In Life...

Find your team...ask questions...seek guidance...

Be ready for what comes your way...

Just know there will be setbacks...failures...disappointments...

Seek out personal coaching...counseling...wisdom...when you need it...

Throw a little help...assistance...advice...to others when they need it...

Most of all...do your best... and try to hit it out of the park!

Hey Batta Batta..SuuWiinngg!


*reposted from 2009