I can't believe January 2010 is almost here. This year has just gone by too fast. I kind of feel like I'm running to catch up with how fast time is flying these days. I think this is a symptom of some stress I've been feeling and a general dis-satisfaction with some things. I'm working it out in my journal and that always helps.
January 1st always feels like a good place to start over for me. This year will be no different. I'll set some goals...some I'll reach and others I may not...and that's okay...it's life.
January seems like a good time to slow down the pace, re-evaluate and enjoy the peace and quiet of the frozen-ness of the outdoors.
One of the most enjoyable things I do is read and this is what is on my bookshelf to dive into in the next few weeks:
The Worn Out Woman by Dr. Steve Stephens and Alice Gray. I've already started reading this because the title was screaming for me to pick it up. I'm really enjoying it so far and hope it will help with how I've been feeling.
My Life in France by Julia Child. I finally saw the movie Julie and Julia and I loved it. I want to know more about Julia Child and who this quirky woman was. I can't wait to read this.
Walden by Henry David Thoreau. I read it in college but I don't think I appreciated where he was coming from when he wrote this. I'm looking forward to reading this from where I'm at in my life now.
Healing Sands by Nancy Rue and Stephen Arterburn. The third book in a series...loved the other two books and expect I'll love this one too.
What are your January plans?
Happy New Year!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Visiting Bass Pro Shops Santa's Wonderland...
Christmastime wouldn't be complete without the visit to Bass Pro Shops Santa's Wonderland. If you haven't been yet, check out the link to see what you're missing. The boys love it...because... well...Bass Pro Shop is just heaven for most boys...BIG and small. I like it too though...especially at Christmas.

Boys and a HUGE racetrack. You too can take one home for a mere $199.00. As Kyler would say..."No Hank Sue"(no thank you)!

"I really want to like this Big guy...but I'm not totally sure...."

Remote Control Monster Trucks...YES!
The Cool Rock Star Pose!
Giant Ceiling Decorations!
"Mom, hurry up and take the picture we want snacks...see look behind us"!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
A Little Peek At Our 2009 Holiday Decorations
I'm glad you stopped by and I hope you enjoy the little tour of our 2009 holiday decorations.
The year-round decor of our home is definitely leaning toward the shabby/folk-art/flea market look and the holiday decor is no different.
I have a few groupings around the house that I think turned out cute this year. Our tree is filled with family ornaments...many from when Pat and I were kids. The photo of the ornament with my name on it is one of my favorites. My Grandma or Mom made this in 1973. The year is stitched on the other side. (I need to find out who made it)
Each year I add one family ornament and one ornament for each of the boys. The ornaments that I buy for the boys will be lovingly handed over to them when they have their own homes someday. I've started lots of traditions like this but this is the only one I've really stuck with and each of them have at least one ornament beginning with their first Christmas.

I hope you enjoyed the tour!
The year-round decor of our home is definitely leaning toward the shabby/folk-art/flea market look and the holiday decor is no different.
I have a few groupings around the house that I think turned out cute this year. Our tree is filled with family ornaments...many from when Pat and I were kids. The photo of the ornament with my name on it is one of my favorites. My Grandma or Mom made this in 1973. The year is stitched on the other side. (I need to find out who made it)
Each year I add one family ornament and one ornament for each of the boys. The ornaments that I buy for the boys will be lovingly handed over to them when they have their own homes someday. I've started lots of traditions like this but this is the only one I've really stuck with and each of them have at least one ornament beginning with their first Christmas.
I hope you enjoyed the tour!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Powering Down...

Yesterday afternoon and for much of last night the power kept going off in our neighborhood. There was No storm. No Wind. No ice. Not sure why it was happening. When the power goes off life slows down. A Lot.
The slowness was welcomed by me.
Kobe was nervous much of the evening waiting for it to go off again. When it would flicker he'd look at me with fear in his eyes. I would calmly tell him that if it stays off during the night we don't have to worry because we have a fireplace for heat and candles for light. Even some really cool flameless candles that I love. No worries. It was odd but I wasn't worried. For me it meant that I really couldn't do anything else except relax and spend time talking to the boys or enjoying the silence.
Occasional power outages force us to simplify and slow down. I need more of that in my life. Simplicity. I remember almost 10 years ago when we bought our home, the real estate agent working with us was at a stage in her life where she was simplifying, pairing down and slowing down the pace. Even 10 years ago I didn't understand that. I was excited about adding furnishings to our new home, being busy with home projects and I had a new job as well. 10 years later...2 kids later...I understand where she was coming from. I'm not exactly in the same place she was because I still have young kids but I understand now.
How do I do that in my life? Simplify. I'm busy. I work full-time. The kids have a few activities...but not a lot. I don't feel like we're overextended in our commitments as compared to a lot of people. Home projects aren't exciting to me now, but feel like a burden. Going to a full-time job feels like it's taking time away from my family, but it's necessary. I feel the need to simplify my life more though. I don't feel like I spend enough time on things that matter with all the busy-ness of life.
What matters to me is spending more quality time with my boys. Playing. Reading. Generally just hanging out.
I also miss working in our community focusing on needs that are important to me. I don't feel like I have time for that now and it's a real love of mine.
Also, spending time with extended family. This doesn't happen as much as it should either.
Sometimes having a power outage is a good thing. It gives you time think. Time to think about what is important and what isn't.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Your place in the Nativity Scene...

I'm going to a living nativity scene tonight and I'm really looking forward to it. I hope it speaks to me about what this season is about in a real way. I think it will be a great way for my family to see what this story is all about...this Christmas story.
Think about your nativity set... or if you're like me you don't have one... so think of one you've seen. Who is there in that set? The Wise Men. The Shepherds. Mary and Joseph. Jesus.
Who were these people that came to see Jesus that night? Is it possible that they were chosen to represent all of us...wherever we may be in our life?
In a recent article, Kay Warren says, the "Shepherds represent the lower end of society...the ones who are just getting by...the ones we can easily overlook and ignore". I would think that today, the Shepherds represent the people who are struggling to put groceries on the table, or maybe they don't have a home because they've lost everything due to a job loss or mental illness. A Shepherd today could be someone who is struggling with an addiction or has no education and is working 2 or 3 jobs just to pay the bills. You probably know some Shepherds or you are one...
"The Wise men were the highly educated and influential and obviously wealthy. The were probably the well respected men in their community. They represent the the ones who have it made". Today's Wise Men and Women have great jobs, beautiful homes, travel a lot, go to the best schools and so on. You know who the Wise Men and Women are in your communities or you are one...
Mary and Joseph. The average man and woman. They were in the middle. Like most of us. No huge struggles but they were chosen by God. Do they represent most of us? I think so. God chose Mary and Joseph for this special position as the parents of Jesus.
Where do you fit in the Nativity? I know where I fit and I know God has a special plan for me.
Next time you look at a Nativity Set this season...think about where you would fit in that scene and why you would have been chosen to go there. There is a reason...God has a plan for you.
Merry Christmas!
spiritual life
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It is hard to believe in something I can't see, feel, or touch. And...it's so easy to get caught up in this busy season of buying gifts, baking cookies and preparing for celebrations.
I choose to believe in something real...even if I can't see Him...the one who IS...My Savior.
I will take a moment today...to BE STILL and KNOW.
Won't you take a moment today in stillness...a refuge from the busyness...to thank the ONE...the REASON?
spiritual life
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Following The Star - Daily Advent Devotional Guide

I posted this last year but it's worth posting again. This site has a really nice daily devotional reading every day through advent. I hope you enjoy it. Now, back to my blog break...
spiritual life
Monday, November 23, 2009
Happy Holidays and Taking a Blog Break...

Hi All!
I've decided to take a little break from blogging to focus on the upcoming Holiday Season. I plan to hang out with the boys, wrap gifts and enjoy some time with our extended families. I also hope to do lots of reading, work on some other writing I'm doing and catch up on my classwork (which isn't nearly as fun as the other stuff...but necessary)!
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas!
Happy Holidays!
**Photo Credit - Will Treelighter (magic-tree.org)
bloggy break
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Saying Grace...
Being Grateful for what I've been given is a central theme in my life. I've come a long way and can look back at things that have happened in the past and recognize that there was a reason. I think God allows situations in our lives to happen so that we will grow in our relationship with Him. It's hard to be grateful sometimes though, isn't it? I could write a lot about this but I'll save it for another time.
I feel like I have a strong personal relationship with God and I'm continuing to grow and learn everyday. However, an area that I haven't been successful in is really sharing that with my boys. I talk about God and hope that I'm modeling my life in a way that shows my love and relationship with Him. But, we're not good about saying prayers before bedtime and saying Grace before meals. I talk to them a lot about being grateful for things and sharing what we have with others and we really do that! But, this one area is what I'm working toward to help grow and strengthen their relationship with God as well.
About Grace...I can write some really poetic prayers sometimes...some deep thoughts about my faith...but I'm not good at speaking prayers out loud. This would be one reason Grace before meals has not happened often. Kobe and I talked about this at dinner the other night and together we came up with the idea to write down short prayers we think of or find and things we're grateful for. As we write these things down we will start adding them to a jar. We're calling it our Gratitude Jar and we will pull out one or more of the slips of paper and read it as our "Grace" before each meal. It's a start...and... something the kids can be involved in as well.

In searching around for some ideas for our Gratitude Jar I found the following sites:
OUR PINATA has a cute idea for a Gratitude Jar.
PRISM, has a really cute idea for a Blessings Jar.
And finally, here are some simple prayers that will be going into our Gratitude Jar. I'd love for you to share any short prayers of gratitude that you say!!
I feel like I have a strong personal relationship with God and I'm continuing to grow and learn everyday. However, an area that I haven't been successful in is really sharing that with my boys. I talk about God and hope that I'm modeling my life in a way that shows my love and relationship with Him. But, we're not good about saying prayers before bedtime and saying Grace before meals. I talk to them a lot about being grateful for things and sharing what we have with others and we really do that! But, this one area is what I'm working toward to help grow and strengthen their relationship with God as well.
About Grace...I can write some really poetic prayers sometimes...some deep thoughts about my faith...but I'm not good at speaking prayers out loud. This would be one reason Grace before meals has not happened often. Kobe and I talked about this at dinner the other night and together we came up with the idea to write down short prayers we think of or find and things we're grateful for. As we write these things down we will start adding them to a jar. We're calling it our Gratitude Jar and we will pull out one or more of the slips of paper and read it as our "Grace" before each meal. It's a start...and... something the kids can be involved in as well.

In searching around for some ideas for our Gratitude Jar I found the following sites:
OUR PINATA has a cute idea for a Gratitude Jar.
PRISM, has a really cute idea for a Blessings Jar.
And finally, here are some simple prayers that will be going into our Gratitude Jar. I'd love for you to share any short prayers of gratitude that you say!!
Thank You God
For the golden corn and the apples on the trees
For the butter and the honey for our tea
For fruits and nuts and berries that grow beside the way
For birds and bees and flowers We give our thanks today
Blessings on our meal
And on our family!
The Lord is good to me
and so I thank the Lord
for giving me the things I need
the sun and the rain and the apple seed.
The Lord is good to me.
and think about the ones in need
of food and shelter and of love,
please bless us all dear God above.
Thank you for the food we eat,
Thank you for the world so sweet,
Thank you for the birds that sing,
Thank you God for everything.
Thank you, God, for loving me.
Thank you for my family.
Help me to learn more each day
To be kind at work and play.
spiritual life,
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Treating yourself after a Mammogram...or anything that is scary!
Many of you know I just had my first mammogram this week...on Monday. I still don't know the results but I'm hoping no news is good news at this point. It's been a long week of waiting and I hope to know something tomorrow.
I was pretty nervous about having this procedure done. Well, as many of you advised...it was no big deal. No pain at all and VERY little discomfort. All in all a positive experience for someone who had put it off because of nerves. Thank you for your kind words and and encouragement...it was very much appreciated.
I'm all about treating myself when I've done something hard or scary and this was no exception. The day of the Mammogram (right after, in fact) I went to Bath and Body Works and bought myself some of the new Twilight Woods lotion. I don't know if the name of this scent has anything to do with the Twilight books or movies but somehow the scent seems fitting so I'm pretending it does.
Guys...if you're reading this...sorry...but keep reading because this is a really good idea for your wives or girlfriends...) I had purchased a bra a couple of weeks ago and it happened to come in the mail this week. So, I decided from now on when I have my yearly mammogram I'm going to purchase one or two nice bras to commemorate the event. I'm sure someone has already thought of this idea...but it was a new one to me so I'm claiming it.
So, treat yourself when you do something you don't really want to do... like getting a Mammogram. Treat yourself in a way that is comforting to you...buy a latte if you don't normally do that...pick up a cute new journal...get a babysitter and spend some time alone....visit the library for a couple of hours and shop the books there...take a long bubble bath with the door locked and instruct the kiddos to leave you alone (for the record this NEVER works in my house)! Just think comfort!
This is my month for getting some things done that I've been putting off and the Mammogram was first on the list. Now, on to the rest of the list. More Thanksgiving Prayers and Traditions coming next.
I was pretty nervous about having this procedure done. Well, as many of you advised...it was no big deal. No pain at all and VERY little discomfort. All in all a positive experience for someone who had put it off because of nerves. Thank you for your kind words and and encouragement...it was very much appreciated.
I'm all about treating myself when I've done something hard or scary and this was no exception. The day of the Mammogram (right after, in fact) I went to Bath and Body Works and bought myself some of the new Twilight Woods lotion. I don't know if the name of this scent has anything to do with the Twilight books or movies but somehow the scent seems fitting so I'm pretending it does.
Guys...if you're reading this...sorry...but keep reading because this is a really good idea for your wives or girlfriends...) I had purchased a bra a couple of weeks ago and it happened to come in the mail this week. So, I decided from now on when I have my yearly mammogram I'm going to purchase one or two nice bras to commemorate the event. I'm sure someone has already thought of this idea...but it was a new one to me so I'm claiming it.
So, treat yourself when you do something you don't really want to do... like getting a Mammogram. Treat yourself in a way that is comforting to you...buy a latte if you don't normally do that...pick up a cute new journal...get a babysitter and spend some time alone....visit the library for a couple of hours and shop the books there...take a long bubble bath with the door locked and instruct the kiddos to leave you alone (for the record this NEVER works in my house)! Just think comfort!
This is my month for getting some things done that I've been putting off and the Mammogram was first on the list. Now, on to the rest of the list. More Thanksgiving Prayers and Traditions coming next.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
And the winner is...
Thank you, Tammy, for always taking the time to visit and leave such kind comments. I'm so glad to have gotten to know you over the past year...if you will email me your address I'll send out your devotional right away!
If you haven't visited Tammy's blog you should take a peek at what life is like on Flat Creek Farm...you won't be disappointed. Her Thursday Walkabouts are really beautiful. Click here to see one of my favorites. I hope you'll pay her a visit.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Multitude Mondays - 1000 Blessings...

There is a blog that I read daily called Holy Experience. I get so much encouragement, food for thought and wisdom from Ann. I have especially enjoyed her posts about Journaling as a
Spiritual Discipline.
I have decided to join Ann on her journey to 1000 gifts on Multitude Mondays. Here I will begin to intentionally list my blessings each Monday.
Also, don't forget that I'm celebrating my blogiversary tonight with a drawing for one of my favorite devotionals. Just leave your comment here if you'd like to be in the drawing.
The first of my 1000 blessings are...
#1 My Family
#2 The experiences I've had to bring me closer to God
#3 The peacefulness of falling leaves
#4 Courage to do what needs to be done
#5 Hanging out with Kobe and having a great conversation
#6 Kylers giggles
#7 Gods strength when I'm scared
#8 Authors who inspire me and encourage me to go deeper...
#9 A grand old house as a workplace
#10 Learning along with my boys
multitude mondays
Friday, November 6, 2009
Expanding Your Territory...

How do you do that? How do you look beyond your own issues, stresses, debt, work schedule and even your search for fun and really see where you can help someone else? Show someone else Gods love through your actions. It's hard to do. It is for me anyway. I get caught up in my own life and feel like I don't have time for others outside of my little family unit sometimes. But, some part of me always wants to reach out. I haven't ever been the type of person to lead. I'm more of a helper...an assistant...a servant, if you will. A servant sounds so lowly and degrading doesn't it? Isn't that what we're supposed to do, though? Serve others. I think that is what God wants me to do. I have thought so for a very long time.
The first time this servant mentality became apparent to me was very early in my faith walk. It was probably more than 12 or 13 years ago and my cousins Denise and Marsha and I went to Carthage Missouri and visited the Precious Moments Chapel. I decided to buy a bible at the gift shop. The artist who designs the Precious Moments figurines and artwork, Samuel Butcher, was at the shop that day and I asked him to sign my bible. He signed the bible for me and wrote the following scripture:
Isaiah 58:10
and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry
and satisfy the needs of the oppressed,
then your light will rise in the darkness,
and your night will become like the noonday.
and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry
and satisfy the needs of the oppressed,
then your light will rise in the darkness,
and your night will become like the noonday.
I didn't tell the other two girls but I spent the rest of the evening thinking about this scripture and how it felt right for me. It put into words what had been in my heart...helping others. Well, life moved on, as it does, and I never really did anything big with this revelation but it was always there in the back of my mind. I have never forgotten the scripture and have referred to it many times as my relationship with God has deepened. I've tried to live my life with this thought...How can I show the love of God in my actions? I haven't always been successful. I've had my selfish moments. I've also been a little too persistent in my offer of help and was turned away. But there have been moments...moments when I wasn't really intentionally looking to help someone and it happened...my territory expanded.
Expanding my territory. The gratitude journey I'm taking this month helps with that expansion. When I'm grateful for the blessings I've been given and see the joy in the little things, I'm able to expand and see beyond my own boundaries. I hope you can see that in your own life too.
A Prayer for expanding your own territory...
Whatever I do, things great or small
Whatever I speak or frame.
The glory may I seek in all,
Do all in Gods name.
Whatever I speak or frame.
The glory may I seek in all,
Do all in Gods name.
photo courtesy of flickr.com
Thursday, November 5, 2009
I missed my Anniversary...
...My Blogiversary...that is!
I've been blogging for two years and really actively blogging since October 2008. I have posted 150 times. Amazing! I've loved every minute of it.
So, like many Bloggers before me, I'm having a giveaway to celebrate! I will be giving the lucky commenter a copy of Solo: The Message Remix Devotional by Eugene Peterson. Those of you who have read my blog for awhile will recognize this devotional since I've written about it several times and many of my posts have been inspired by what I've learned from reading this little book. I know you will enjoy it as much as I do.
How to enter? Just leave me a comment and I'll randomly choose the winner on Monday, November 9th! If you're reading this on Facebook, you can either click all the way over here to the blog or just leave a comment under the post on Facebook. You will be entered either way!
Thank you to everyone who has been reading my blog. It's still amazing to me that people actually come and visit, read and even leave comments.
I've been blogging for two years and really actively blogging since October 2008. I have posted 150 times. Amazing! I've loved every minute of it.
So, like many Bloggers before me, I'm having a giveaway to celebrate! I will be giving the lucky commenter a copy of Solo: The Message Remix Devotional by Eugene Peterson. Those of you who have read my blog for awhile will recognize this devotional since I've written about it several times and many of my posts have been inspired by what I've learned from reading this little book. I know you will enjoy it as much as I do.

How to enter? Just leave me a comment and I'll randomly choose the winner on Monday, November 9th! If you're reading this on Facebook, you can either click all the way over here to the blog or just leave a comment under the post on Facebook. You will be entered either way!
Thank you to everyone who has been reading my blog. It's still amazing to me that people actually come and visit, read and even leave comments.
Thank you!!
Monday, November 2, 2009
November Gratitude...

I am blessed! But, do you ever feel like there is supposed to be something more? You read all my blessings above...what else could I possibly need? Nothing...Except a closer relationship with God and a clearer vision of where I'm supposed to go with the gifts I've been given. Prayer is always the answer when I have a question. Continued prayer on my part to find the answer and I ask for your prayers to make the vision a little less hazy for me.
This month, as the title of my blog states, I'm going to Embrace My Blessings. I'll be sharing with you the little blessings often overlooked and hopefully big ones too. I will also share some beautiful Prayers of Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving traditions that have inspired me to go on this little gratitude journey during the month of November.
O God, when I have food,
help me to remember the hungry;
When I have work,
help me to remember the jobless;
When I have a home,
help me to remember those who have no home at all;
When I am without pain,
help me to remember those who suffer,
And remembering,
help me to destroy my complacency;
bestir my compassion,
and be concerned enough to help;
By word and deed,
those who cry out for what we take for granted.
- Samuel F. Pugh
real life,
spiritual life,
A Not So Spooky Halloween Story...
Preparation for Halloween Night was in full swing the weeks before October 31st. Preparation like decorating the Fall Tree, Pumpkin Carving, Costume planning and School Parties. All the preparation was for that one night...All Hallows Eve.
That night there was a slight chill in the air and a gentle breeze. The moon was almost full and provided some light to walk by. Those boys were so excited about Halloween night. Their MeMe was visiting and they were happy to share their Halloween festivities with her.
On Halloween night the neighborhood was full of ghosts, vampires, pumpkins and THE SUPER MARIO Brothers. There were a few Mario's and Luigi's to be seen around the neighborhood, but I believe my boys were the cutest. As doors opened and candy buckets and bowls were emptied of their contents, you could hear things like, "Oh, it's Mario", "What a cute Mario and Luigi", "Look, it's Luigi". Over and over these phrases were uttered.
These boys were full of themselves that night...full of pride in their choice of costumes...and VERY full of sugar...they are sweet boys, you know!
The older boy (Luigi) and one of his neighborhood friends spent most of the night ahead of the rest of the group running as fast as they could to each house to get the most candy. The younger one (Mario) had only been trick or treating one other time and it had left his memory. He was only two years old that year. After receiving candy at the second house he muttered, "I don't want to go home". "You want to go home?", I said. "I DON'T want to go home", he repeated. It only took knocking on two doors for him to realize that he liked this...this getting candy thing.
Two hours later, I hear the little one say, "I want to go home" as he is dragging his very heavy candy bag on the street. I knew what he was saying then. He was tired.
Fun was had by all and it was a good night!

That night there was a slight chill in the air and a gentle breeze. The moon was almost full and provided some light to walk by. Those boys were so excited about Halloween night. Their MeMe was visiting and they were happy to share their Halloween festivities with her.
On Halloween night the neighborhood was full of ghosts, vampires, pumpkins and THE SUPER MARIO Brothers. There were a few Mario's and Luigi's to be seen around the neighborhood, but I believe my boys were the cutest. As doors opened and candy buckets and bowls were emptied of their contents, you could hear things like, "Oh, it's Mario", "What a cute Mario and Luigi", "Look, it's Luigi". Over and over these phrases were uttered.
These boys were full of themselves that night...full of pride in their choice of costumes...and VERY full of sugar...they are sweet boys, you know!
The older boy (Luigi) and one of his neighborhood friends spent most of the night ahead of the rest of the group running as fast as they could to each house to get the most candy. The younger one (Mario) had only been trick or treating one other time and it had left his memory. He was only two years old that year. After receiving candy at the second house he muttered, "I don't want to go home". "You want to go home?", I said. "I DON'T want to go home", he repeated. It only took knocking on two doors for him to realize that he liked this...this getting candy thing.
Two hours later, I hear the little one say, "I want to go home" as he is dragging his very heavy candy bag on the street. I knew what he was saying then. He was tired.
Fun was had by all and it was a good night!
MeMe and Little Mario
Our pumpkins...
View of the moon from our back deck...
Kobe and the pumpkins after the carving is complete...
Luigi and Mario...
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Fall Images...
Autumn arrives in the early morning, but spring at the close of a winter day.
Fading Honeysuckle Foliage Giving Way to Plump Red Berries...
- Elizabeth Bowen
Fading Honeysuckle Foliage Giving Way to Plump Red Berries...
Ring Around The Rosey...
A Nice View of the Neighbors Yard From Our Front Porch...
Friday, October 23, 2009
First Mammogram - Scheduled!
Well, I did it! I scheduled my very first mammogram for November 9th! I'm nervous about the discomfort/pain of the procedure. I'm scared they might find something!
It needs to be done...I'm 40 now...can't put it off! I'm relieved the appointment is made.
Any words of wisdom?
It needs to be done...I'm 40 now...can't put it off! I'm relieved the appointment is made.
Any words of wisdom?
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Do You Read Mary Janes Farm Magazine?

I heart Mary Janes Farm magazine!! One of the things I have found in the last few months are the Mary Janes Farm blogs. I started following the City FarmGirl Blog and the Rural FarmGirl Blog a few months ago and have really enjoyed them both. I have especially liked Rene's posts on the Rural Farmgirl Blog.
Then, yesterday, I found out that they have a new blog called Suburban Farmgirl Blog. I'm really excited about this one since that pretty much describes me right now. I'm looking forward to what Paula has to say...
Just thought I'd share!
Have a great Thursday.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Thank You!
Just want to say thanks for the comments and all the emails about my last post. I really appreciate it!
Until next time...
Until next time...
Monday, October 19, 2009
Finding The Hope...
My brothers roommate committed suicide on October 11, 2009. The day before his 35th birthday. His name was Travis. A violent death that will surely haunt my brother Aaron and all the others who knew and loved this man for a long time.
I can only guess that Travis felt Hopeless. Maybe Helpless. Sad. Depressed. There have to be many emotions that would lead you to that final day when you make the dreadful decision to end your own life. No Hope for something better.
I'm sad. Sad for him. Sad that he lost the Hope. Sad for my brother and the effect this, no doubt, will have on him.
I really didn't know him at all. Only met him a few times. But, he has been on my mind for the past seven days. I can't stop thinking about what would lead him to that decision. I always come back to Hope.
This event sort of landed in my backyard...so to speak...pretty close to home I mean. I have done a lot of thinking about my own Hope for the past week. For me, a Hope in something more didn't come naturally. I had to seek it out. I have experienced some ugly, life changing, events in my life. I've also experienced depression. I know the hopelessness you feel. I can almost see how you could head down that path Travis took that heartbreaking night. When there is no hope...what is the point?
Hope for me first came when I realized that I wasn't alone. I wasn't alone in my past experiences. I wasn't alone in what was feeling at the time. That was comforting in a way.
Then I found my true Hope. God. I didn't find God at church. I didn't have a conversion experience. I found God by crying out to Him and Hoping that there was something more. This something more raised a lot of questions for me. Questions I couldn't answer. Questions no one could really answer for me. That is when I made the Decision. The Decision to believe. I decided that believing in something unknown and unseen was better than the alternative. I now call it Faith. I now choose to believe there is a reason for my life and my experiences. That reason is something more. God's plan for me. At this point in my life journey things aren't perfect. I deal with some issues...still have bad days...still question...it's real life. But I have Hope in something more!
So, I'm still sad. Still questioning why this tragic event happened. Still worried about my brother. I'm hopeful though. Hopeful that something more will shine through all this sadness and speak to my brother and speak to Travis' family to give them Peace.
I know a lot of you who read my blog get where I'm coming from and you already have a relationship with God and you understand something more.
However, if you're reading this and you don't have the Hope. Just know that it's there, waiting for you when you're ready to seek it out. Don't give up the Hope of something more for your life. It's there. Really. I know.
Thanks for reading and continued prayers for my brother Aaron and Travis' family are very much appreciated.
There were a couple of well-known scriptures that really helped me in my early spiritual journey...they weren't well known to me at the time though.
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Psalm 139:12-16
12 but even in darkness I cannot hide from you. To you the night shines as bright as day.
Darkness and light are the same to you.
13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb.
14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
16 You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.
I can only guess that Travis felt Hopeless. Maybe Helpless. Sad. Depressed. There have to be many emotions that would lead you to that final day when you make the dreadful decision to end your own life. No Hope for something better.
I'm sad. Sad for him. Sad that he lost the Hope. Sad for my brother and the effect this, no doubt, will have on him.
I really didn't know him at all. Only met him a few times. But, he has been on my mind for the past seven days. I can't stop thinking about what would lead him to that decision. I always come back to Hope.
This event sort of landed in my backyard...so to speak...pretty close to home I mean. I have done a lot of thinking about my own Hope for the past week. For me, a Hope in something more didn't come naturally. I had to seek it out. I have experienced some ugly, life changing, events in my life. I've also experienced depression. I know the hopelessness you feel. I can almost see how you could head down that path Travis took that heartbreaking night. When there is no hope...what is the point?
Hope for me first came when I realized that I wasn't alone. I wasn't alone in my past experiences. I wasn't alone in what was feeling at the time. That was comforting in a way.
Then I found my true Hope. God. I didn't find God at church. I didn't have a conversion experience. I found God by crying out to Him and Hoping that there was something more. This something more raised a lot of questions for me. Questions I couldn't answer. Questions no one could really answer for me. That is when I made the Decision. The Decision to believe. I decided that believing in something unknown and unseen was better than the alternative. I now call it Faith. I now choose to believe there is a reason for my life and my experiences. That reason is something more. God's plan for me. At this point in my life journey things aren't perfect. I deal with some issues...still have bad days...still question...it's real life. But I have Hope in something more!
So, I'm still sad. Still questioning why this tragic event happened. Still worried about my brother. I'm hopeful though. Hopeful that something more will shine through all this sadness and speak to my brother and speak to Travis' family to give them Peace.
I know a lot of you who read my blog get where I'm coming from and you already have a relationship with God and you understand something more.
However, if you're reading this and you don't have the Hope. Just know that it's there, waiting for you when you're ready to seek it out. Don't give up the Hope of something more for your life. It's there. Really. I know.
Thanks for reading and continued prayers for my brother Aaron and Travis' family are very much appreciated.
There were a couple of well-known scriptures that really helped me in my early spiritual journey...they weren't well known to me at the time though.
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Psalm 139:12-16
12 but even in darkness I cannot hide from you. To you the night shines as bright as day.
Darkness and light are the same to you.
13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb.
14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
16 You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Hi There Little Lady...

Well, to be fair, and I'm all about fairness (Kobe are you reading this?) I should give a little blog time to Kyler. Kyler is 3 1/2 and we are having so much fun with him now.
The tantrums are mostly over.
We can understand what he is saying most of the time.
Pee AND Poop lands in the potty most of the time. Yes, pee and poop are words thrown around frequently in our house. Yet another thing they don't tell you when you're expecting your first child...be prepared to become completely comfortable talking about pee and poop to total strangers AND be prepared to talk about it incessantly at home when the training phase is in motion.
He still won't sit through a movie at the theater without causing me much stress and infuriating all the people around us...but I know someday we'll be able to go see movies again.
He has always had the cutest personality and now that he can talk...well...he's winning the girls over...
Recently, we went grocery shopping and we were going down the canned vegetables aisle and we pass an attractive lady who was probably in her 40's. She was pushing her cart past us and Kyler says, "Hi There Widdle Wady". I don't think at first she knew he was talking to her or she wasn't sure what he said...but...when she looked up at him...he said it again. She proceeded to laugh and say how cute he was. So, I'm thinking "yeah, he is pretty cute" and go on with my veggie shopping.
Well, that wasn't the end of it...from then on...every woman we passed in the store he would wave and say, "Hi There Widdle Wady". The girls were coming out of the woodwork to say Hi to the boy when they saw this cute little guy waving at them and giving them a smile.
Finally, we make it to the checkout and he is at the end of the checkout line (by the bags) while I'm paying and I hear him yell, "Hi There Widdle Wady" and I look up and he is yelling across 3 checkout lines to an elderly lady in a wheelchair. As we passed her she wanted to know his name and said "You are just the cutest thing ever." I think he made her day...he made mine!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series Book Review by Guest Author Kobe (age 8-almost 9)
I have five Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. The names are:
Book 1 is Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Book 2 is Diary of a Wimpy Kid Rodrick Rules
Book 3 is Diary of a Wimpy Kid The Last Straw
Book 4 is Diary of a Wimpy Kid Do It Yourself
Book 5 is Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dog Days
The colors of the books are: Red is book 1 and book 4, Blue is book 2, Green is book 3 and yellow is book 5. The characters are: Greg, Rowley, Mom, Dad, Dog, Creighton, Manny and Rodrick.
The newest one is Dog Days and it came out on October 12, 2009 and we got it on October 12, 2009. We put it on hold at Barnes and Noble so we were one of the first ones to get it.
These are my favorite books! I like them because the comics are humongously funny. I like them so much I bring all 5 books to school everyday. My favorite one is Book 1.
My favorite comic is:
"Doctor could I have a new butt?" "My old one has a crack in it".
"Creighton, I told you a million times everyone's butt has a crack in it".
"Oh yeah I forgot".
You should read the books because the comics are just funny. I would have to say that this book series is for second grade and up.
Thanks for reading my book review.
-By the newest author Kobe.
Here are some pictures:
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