Monday, February 28, 2011

What Are You Having For Dinner? And Other Overheard Boys Conversations...

As I sit to write this long overdue blog post, I'm interrupted by the doorbell, yet again, on this warm Monday afternoon.  At the door is a neighbor boy here to play with my boys.  He is the 3rd boy to ring the bell since we arrived home from school and work today.  It's not unusual...especially as the weather becomes warmer and the days are longer.  Our doors, front and back, become revolving doors of boys going in and out continuously.  At times, it's exasperating.  Other times, I know we're immensely blessed to have a neighborhood full of kids.

 As this boy runs into the house, the others shout greetings to him and they all congregate in our family room downstairs.  I can hear their conversations while I'm cooking dinner tonight...they are always.  What catches my attention is their talk about what they are having for dinner at their houses tonight.  You see, every one of the boys downstairs is from a different culture.  One is Russian.  His parents speak very little English in their home.  The other is Korean.  His mother is from Korea and his father met her when he was stationed there. We also shared a duplex wall with this couple almost 20 years ago before any of us had kids.  The 3rd boy is from a home where both parents are deaf...another culture altogether.  The all have much different experiences in their home than we do.  Yet.  These boys have so much in common and love spending time together.  Their differences don't matter to them and at most...they each think the differences in food, religions, and clothing are interesting...but not that much.

Soon, Kobe shouts up the stairs, "Mom, what are we having for dinner tonight"?  I shout back, "Chili 5 Way and Cauliflower Salad."  Hoops, Hollers and "YES, my favorite" is what I hear Kobe say.  I hear the other boys asking..."what is that...Chili 5 way?"

They learn from each other, share experiences with each other and generally just have a good time together.  So, yes...the blessings abound.  Living in a culturally diverse small city in the middle of Missouri is truly a blessing to all of us.

Thanks For Stopping By!
