Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Finding Your Glass Half Full...or...Half Empty?

Are You A Glass Half Full Kind Of Person?

Or A Glass Half Empty Person?

What am I?  Well, I can fairly easily be a {glass half empty} type of person.  I recognize it and I work be a {glass half full} type of person.  I work at it.  I seek out joy everyday.  I try to start my day on a positive note by ignoring the news and the internet for as long as possible.  I enjoy the beauty of the outdoors.  I read devotionals and positive affirmations before I start anything else for the day.  I pray.  I journal.  I take notes in this and carry it with me. All of these things help to start my day on the positive and if the day takes a left turn towards the negative I have tools to pull myself back. 

Here are some of my Tools...

>>Your Best Life Begins Each Morning: Devotions to Start Every New Day of the Year by Joel Osteen

>>The Message//REMIX Solo Pink: Breast Cancer Awareness Edition 

>>My favorite journal...Ecosystem Author (lined version)

>>The Absolute Best Email I receive Everyday comes from Notes From The Universe.   I intentionally read it first each day when I open my email.  



 What are your tools?  Please share...


Thanks For Stopping By...


**Blooper Photos from the Fathers Day 2010 Photo-shoot

Monday, March 28, 2011

Simple Spring Treat...

It's Spring Cleaning week here at the house...which means lots of easy dinners like sandwiches or frozen pizza.  Tonight we get to enjoy a yummy treat...Strawberry Shortcake...made with sliced purchased pound cake, sliced strawberries and whipped cream.  Hello Spring!

Thanks For Stopping By....


Friday, March 25, 2011

{Friday Feature} presents... Small Moments of Great Reward...

Welcome to the first installment of {Friday Feature} where I will focus on a blogger, book, community member or magazine article that has inspired me.  I look forward to sharing with you folks I have met personally or feel like I know through their writings.  I also look forward to sharing inspiring or informative books and articles on a variety of topics.

{Friday Feature}

Small Moments of Great Reward 
Thoughts from a fifty-something living a richly textured life in Delaware, Ohio

Painting by April's father

April is someone I could be friends with in the real world.  I can imagine sitting at her kitchen table, having tea and discussing our thoughts on the events in our lives.  April had a self proclaimed visit to "Cancerland" in 2004 and it changed her and how she views this world we live in.  When I visit April's blog, I make sure I have time to savor her words because she always makes me think about my own life and how I'm living it.  Her life in Ohio along with stories about Warren's (April's husband) work with the Symphony and her own work with the Court system and Grant writing are intriguing, entertaining and thought provoking.  By the way, April, congratulations on that new job you have!!

I particularly enjoyed two of April's latest posts about her Clothing Dilemma and the The 3¢ Solution. I chuckled when I read that April regularly reads a fashion blog because it surprised me.  I shouldn't have been surprised, though, because I learn much about her every time I read a post.  

Recently, April has been on a Spiritual Journey.  Reading her thoughts on this subject have mirrored my own several times.   She points me to books I wouldn't have read (or known about) and sometimes her words encourage me to think about something from a different angle.  

April's life is so different from my own...yet we have much in common.  This is what I love about this big online world we have.  Friends, I hope you will take the time to visit April at Small Moments of Great Reward.   If it weren't for blogging, I never would have gotten to know her and this is the reason I have created {Friday Feature}...I hope you join me for the next installment!

Thanks For Stopping By,


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

We're Under Construction...

I'm learning Photoshop!!   That means this blog is going to be a BIG OLE MESS for a few days while I work out the kinks!

See you soon!


Saturday, March 19, 2011

This Is How We Celebrate The Day Before The First Day of Spring...

It's Bound To Be Yummy And Not Last Long In Our House!  
Happy Spring!!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

On My Bookshelves...

At the beginning of 2011 I made a deal with myself that I would spend less time online and spend more of my free time reading and watching movies...two things that I hadn't spent much time doing in the last couple of years because of being plugged in all the time to Facebook, Blogger, Google Reader and Twitter.
As of today, I have stuck by my deal.  However, as a result, my blogging has has my housework and laundry at times...but...I have really enjoyed unplugging from the digital world and actually turning real pages in real books.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Thank You Kindly...

Remember when I posted about my cousin Denise being diagnosed with Breast Cancer back in January? You can read about it here.   She is doing GREAT!!  She has done so well with her chemo treatments and has adjusted to life without hair and WITH wig!  In fact, the last time I asked her how she was handling the wig situation she said, "I Love it, I don't have to mess with my hair and I just throw on the wig and we go".  How's that for a great attitude?  Her attitude has been amazing throughout this whole process and she has inspired me in so many ways.

This post is to Thank YOU, my blog friends!  Even when I posted so infrequently this winter, many of you emailed me or posted comments to tell me that you still had Denise in your prayers, on prayer lists with your churches or that she was still in your thoughts. 

Your prayers have been felt and have uplifted Denise and everyone who has been going through this with her.  

This community of bloggers is amazing!  Most of you I found through other blogs, blog lists, blog communities and even Google searches.  I love taking a peek into your lives through your blogs (even when I don't comment as often as I should) and I'm honored when you take the time to peek into my life through my blog.

So, I'm coming to you asking for prayer again.  This week Denise will have her last treatment in this round.  In 3 weeks she will begin weekly treatments that will last for 12 weeks.  The effects of weekly treatments are unknown at this time.  

And on another note...Isn't that the cutest cupcake ever?  I found it on

Thank you so much!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Contemplating Change...

In a few months I will begin a new phase in my life.  My youngest will start kindergarten this fall.  The thought of this makes my sad, happy, excited and mournful all rolled into one big emotion.  Kyler is ready for kindergarten and I know he will do great.  He'll be at the same school with his big brother and he'll no longer have to go to his baby school (as he calls it).

It's sad to think that my baby will be in school full-time.  I know how fast the years fly by once the kids start school.  However, it feels a little free-ing to me in some ways.  I won't be paying several hundred dollars each month for preschool tuition, he'll be in school every day (all day) and my work options open up a bit because of this.  I've been contemplating a change.  Rolling it around.  Journaling.  Talking to people.  I don't know what the future holds, but it's exciting to think about doing something new...different.

One of my professional consultations happened in the car on the way to school the other day.  I mentioned that I might be looking to do some different work next year and asked Kobe what he thought I should do.  Immediately, he said I should be a Game Designer (this is what he wants to do).  I responded that I didn't think that would work out too well since I can barely keep Mario on the road when we're playing Mario Kart Wii.  "Any other suggestions", I asked?  Kobe said, "I think you should work in the library in my school, you would really like that".  My oldest son knows me well...this would definitely be something I'd be interested in.

Then, I turned it over to Kyler, "What kind of job do you think Mom should have"?  Kyler thought for a moment and then said, "I just want you to be a Mom".  "And...a Mom who doesn't go anywhere to work...I want you to be a full-time Mom".  Kobe piped up and said, "Kyler, she is a full-time Mom...she has a double hard job and being a full-time Mom and going to work full-time too."

Have I told you lately how much I love these boys?'s a comin'....maybe!