Friday, November 30, 2012

Following The Star: A Daily Online Advent Devotional Guide...

Every year at this time I direct you to the Following the Star website.  This website provides a devotional experience each day during the Advent Season.  This year it begins on December 2nd.

I invite you to spend a few moments each day there.

The music and the message are both beautiful.

Each morning I sit in the darkness of my living room while everyone else is asleep with only my Christmas tree lights illuminating the room and take part in these devotions.  My mornings in December are some of the most special of the whole year.  Starting my mornings in December in this way helps to put the focus of the Season where it should be...on Jesus.

I hope you'll join me this year.


Devotions are available throughout the year as well at  They are in the same format as Following The Star if you would like to check it out and see what it's like.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Weekend Of Crafting...

I have finally almost got caught up on all the home repair/re-do projects to get ready for the holidays.  I'm hoping to finish up my Christmas shopping this week and then start some craft projects.  Starting a craft project or two for some of you is no big deal.  For's BIG.  I haven't done any crafting for 6-8 years I'd say.  So BIG that until today I didn't even have a crafting tag (label) here on the blog since I haven't done any since I started this little writing gig in 2007.  I hope to post the final results of the projects here on the blog.  See those pics below...I'm planning to work on those...Cute, Huh?

Please Note: There is a 99% likelihood that I may not be able to do the followup post because I predict that my fingers will be stuck together with epoxy glue.  Stay Tuned!

Have a great Thursday!

Mason Jar Snow-Globes

The Lemonista

Snowflake Pictures
A Place 2 Call Home

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


We've just finished up enjoying our family and friends over the Thanksgiving Holiday and the Christmas Season is in full swing already.  I have a tendency to get caught up in the busy-ness and stress of the holiday many years.  This year, however, I vow to take it easy and drink it all in and ENJOY.  I'm inspired to collect a few images of Twinkle Lights.  The lights beckon us to slow down...soak it in...and REST.  December 25th will be here before we know it.  For now, grab a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy the Twinkling...

**Where possible, all images are linked to their original website on my Pinterest Christmas Board.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Christmas Preparation

We're starting to get ready for Christmas around here. We got the Family tree up (filled with our family keepsake ornaments...not a decorative ornament on the tree) and our Snowman tree up. I still have a couple of other areas to decorate and then I'm ready to enjoy the decorations and start Christmas shopping (which I seriously need to get started on). I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
