Monday, March 29, 2010


Well, it's Spring and it's time for a Blog Break. Time to do some cleaning, visiting with family and friends, celebrate Easter, gardening, painting (maybe) and reading. The boys are on Spring Break this week and I'm taking a couple days off too. I'll leave you with some photos from around our beautiful state of Missouri. There is a lot of natural beauty here...especially our mountains and streams. The mountains are sometimes surprising to some folks who have never been here. If you haven't seen them in person I hope you get to someday.

The Farmers Markets are also starting to open up. I'm hoping to get to ours this coming weekend. I hope you enjoy the little photo tour of a few of the Farmers Markets in MO.

I look forward to catching up with all you real soon.

T.T.Y.L. (talk to ya later)


Soulard Market in St. Louis

Columbia Farmers Market

City Market in Kansas City

Taum Sauk Mountain State Park

Branson Railway in the Ozark Mountains

Bennett Spring State Park

Mill in rural Ozark County Missouri

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Step Away From The Snowmen...

I have some really nice neighbors across the street. They live in a nice home, plant beautiful flowers and spend a lot of time in their flowerbeds during the warm months. Our whole neighborhood benefits from the beauty of their flowers. Usually, they are quick to change their outdoor decor with the changing seasons. This year...not so much. As I gaze out my west window and admire the buds on all the trees in my yard and theirs...what do I see? Snowmen! Cute ones I might add...but they are still snowmen. It's spring people...Time. To. Put. The. Snowmen. Away.

A couple of weeks ago I put out a cute spring flag with pastel flowers. I know it was still technically winter two weeks ago...but I'm ready, you know? I want to see flowers, green grass, bunnies...all things spring. Yet, the snowmen continue to taunt me from across the street.

So, yesterday when the temperatures soared to 60 degrees...I brought out the big guns...

The SUMMER Flag!!
Take That Frosty! (grin)

Spring really is popping up all over my yard. But, look at this...I met some friends from high school over the weekend and we had a fun time reminiscing...and we went to my favorite store in the world and I got this... oh, so cute... pitcher and the place-mats. Brightens up my dining room!! Try not to look at the china cabinet that really needs to be re-organized. Of course now that I've brought it up how can you NOT look at it.

The Daylillies are coming alive...

A Hydrangea peeking out of the mulch...

Potted Chives...Sometimes I cut chives all winter...this winter was rough I'm happy to see these friends...

Oh, we have new neighbors again. They have been busy moving in...not sure who they are yet though...they seem to be having a little trouble getting all their "bedding" into the house.

An early spring sunrise out my back deck. A benefit to not having leaves on the trees yet...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Muffins...So Many Ways To Love Them...

We have muffins in our house A LOT! They are easy, cheap and oh, so yummy! We eat them for breakfast and for snacks. I make them from scratch, from those little packages of muffin mixes for 78 cents and from baking mixes. There are so many types of muffins to make and I want to share some of our favorites with you and give you a recipe for a bulk muffin mix that I'm trying for the first time. Having a jar of muffin mix on hand sounds like a great idea for my family.

All-Star Muffin Mix
Prep/Total Time: 30 Minutes
Yield: 4 batches (11 cups); 1 dozen per batch

8 cups all-purpose flour
3 cups sugar
3 Tbsp. baking powder
2 tsp. salt
2 tsp. ground cinnamon
2 tsp. ground nutmeg

Additional Ingredients:
1 egg
1 cup milk
1/2 cup butter

In a large bowl, combine the first six ingredients. Store in airtight containers in a cool dry place or in the freezer for up to six months.

To prepare basic muffins:
Place 2-3/4 cups muffin mix in a large bowl. Whisk the egg, milk and butter; stir into dry ingredients just until moistened. Fill paper lined cups 3/4 full and bake at 400 degrees for 18-21 minutes.

Of course the best thing to do is add whatever you have on hand to the muffin mix after you add the "wet" ingredients above.

Here are some we like...

Blueberry Muffins (add 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries)
Apricot-Cherry Muffins (1/2 cup chopped dried apricots and 1/2 cup dried cherries)
Rhubarb-Orange Muffins ( 3/4 cup diced fresh or frozen rhubarb and 1/3 c. orange marmalade)
Cappuccino Muffins (1 cup miniature semisweet chocolate chips and 2 tsp. instant coffee)

...And one of our favorites is the Spring Strawberry Muffins that I posted last March.

Do you have a muffin recipe to share? Please share it in the comments section so we can all add to our recipe collection!

*photo - heart shaped blueberry cheesecake muffins from a Martha White Muffin Mix look lovely with old silver, old china cup and purple crocheted doily made by my Grandma many years ago.


Friday, March 19, 2010

Musings From The Car Pool Line...

As I write this, I'm sitting in the carpool line at Kobe's school...waiting to pick him up. Since he started elementary school four years ago I have found myself sitting in this same line many times. Every day he is in school to be exact. I never really envisioned myself sitting in a carpool line waiting to pick up my kids but it's become a part of my life and something I have to do every day of the week. Most of the time I enjoy the 30 - 45 minutes as I sit in the long line waiting for the cars to move. Some days it's the only time I don't really have to do anything. Doing Nothing is something I don't do well though, so usually I have a plan as to what I'm going to get done during this down time.

I spend this time balancing my checkbook, reading, catching up on phone calls, planning a blog post, journaling, praying, doing work that I didn't finish at the office and chatting with Kyler when he is with me and even people watching sometimes.

I've seen a lot while I've been waiting in that line. I've noticed the seasons changing approximately 16 times while I've been in the car. Like now, I can see the buds on the trees and green grass popping up in the school yard. I've seen storms coming over the horizon and know that we'd better hurry home once Kobe jumps in the car. I see the same people park their car and walk up and pick up their kids every day. Some of these people haven't changed in appearance in four years and others have changed considerably whether it's hair color and style, body weight or even the number of children they have tagging along with them as they walk up to the school. It's fun to watch Mom's who are pregnant most of the year and then seeing them pushing their newborn baby in the stroller and to return the next year and see those same Moms pregnant again. I don't know their's a big school...but it's interesting to watch. Then there are the people I don't see anymore. They were there and I saw them everyday and now they are gone. I don't know where they are now. Maybe I'll see them again sometime.

I also see some not so nice things like Road Rage. Drivers who are frustrated by the long line of cars or distracted as they come up the hill towards the school. Some of them may not know that at the top of the hill there is a school crosswalk with no crossing guard. Too often, I've seen Moms, Dads and Kids almost get hit by one of these drivers. It's scary and unfortunately the school doesn't seem to see an issue with this as they aren't doing anything about it. The view from the carpool line is different than the view from the school office...they just don't see it...even though they have been informed.

I probably have many more years to spend in that least I hope so. I'll be picking up Kyler and Kobe in that carpool line in the Fall of 2011 and the year after that I'll be waiting in two different lines as Kobe will move on to another school. Different schools...but still a carpool line.

Some days, I just don't think I can sit in the line one more time...but it passes and I'm thankful that I have a job that enables me to get off work in time to wait in that line and be home with my boys after school each day. It's a blessing and affects every decision I make about my future. I this quiet car today and I'm feeling joyful. My turn is coming up to enter the circle drive and my firstborn will jump into the car with stories from his day and I know it's all worth it. Spending time with them is what it's all about...


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Continuing To Grow...

I hope I'm never at a point in my life where I think I know everything about myself and that I can't learn anything more. Some of you may remember reading here many months ago that I was struggling to find a church and even questioning whether I really needed one. I still think that my spiritual growth comes mostly on the six days between the church services I attend. What I have found, though, is that when I'm attending church I'm encouraged and inspired by the music I hear and the message that week. In my life, I'm surrounded by a very diverse group of people...different religious beliefs...different cultures...different ethnicities. I appreciate and value their part in my life...I learn so much from these people and I hope they learn from me too. However, when I'm standing in that auditorium with 100's of people who are all there for the same worship God...the energy there is sometimes breath-taking. This energy is hard to explain. It's positive energy. The message is positive. It makes me want to go back every single week. And that says a lot! I'm continuing to Grow...

Typically, I'm not really inspired by music. I usually respond more to the written word, art, nature, etc.. This song is played by the band at our church and it just says it all for me. I wanted to share it with you...


Monday, March 15, 2010

The Old Dead Sticks Are Starting To Bloom...

Kobe was just sure that I had put some old, dead sticks into the vase. He was so sure that he bet me 50 cents that they wouldn't bloom. Well, he won the bet because they didn't bloom by March 10th...the deadline. I was still hopeful though, and I continued to faithfully change the water every day and now the cut branches from one of my Weigela shrubs are finally starting to show some life. It has taken approximately 2 weeks for the blooms to turn green and I can almost see the pink around the edges of the buds. It won't be long now...maybe just in time for the official start of Spring this very weekend.

Cut branches on March 8th...

Branches starting to show a little life on March 15th...more photos to come when they bloom. Next experiment in forcing blooms will be some cuttings from my Lilac bushes.

The garden planning continues. Another raised bed will be built in the next couple of weeks and the planting of lettuce and peas very soon...this year will be my first time planting these early season vegetables. My garden has almost always been mostly about color and beauty with flowers and this year I want to focus more on producing food for our family with hopefully enough to share with our friends and neighbors too.
Until Next Time...


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Taking Time to Comfort...Me!

I've had a struggle this winter with taking time for myself. Specifically, taking time to enjoy my coffee, journal and prayer early in the morning...before everyone awakens in my house. When everyone else wakes up, I have to put myself aside and take care of their needs. Working full-time, taking care of my family, taking care of my home and other responsibilities leaves little time for connect...with me. I know this. Yet, I've continued to to neglect this time that I need. The rest of my life has suffered, in a way, this winter because I've neglected taking this time for myself. Oh, I've gotten up early in the morning like I always do but I have found myself doing laundry, checking face-book and email and even mopping floors and then before I know's time to wake up the kids and get myself and them ready to head out the door for the day. I've been frazzled...less patient than normal...and stressed.

However, for the last month I have made an appointment with myself around 5:00-5:30 a.m. I don't turn on the t.v. or the computer. I don't open my journal, devotional, bible or whatever book I'm reading or studying. I light a candle before I even turn on any lights and curl up in my chair with a comfy blanket and I am Quiet.

I Breathe.

I Connect with Myself.

I can Think.

When I am Quiet, I can truly focus my prayers, what I read will be more meaningful and my journaling will reveal my true feelings about what is happening in my life. It's easy to lose myself in the busy-ness of my life and my role as a Mom. I need to reconnect with myself daily and then I do a much better job in all areas of my life.

My Comfort Basket**. This little basket holds my journal, bible, devotional and a candle. I carry it to wherever I want to spend my Quiet time each morning.

Little touches of Spring-time inside my home.

**Believe it or not...I made that little basket more than 10 years ago at the House of Mary B. in Arrow Rock MO.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Dining Alfresco...

Doesn't that sound glamorous? Dining Alfresco. Yesterday we just did that very thing. We ate lunch outside on our the sun. The Sun! It finally decided to make an appearance and when it did it was even warm enough to enjoy our meal out in it.

We're alfresco diners at our house. We eat out there every chance we get from the time it's warm enough in the spring until it is just too chilly in the fall. Our house faces the west, so summer evenings are nice on our deck(which faces the east) least until the humidity and heat set in by mid-summer and even then you will usually find us eating dinner out there in the evening.

With windows thrown open and the warm sun we had a little hint of spring yesterday. It was a much-needed breath of fresh air for me and improved my outlook tremendously.

Gracie was enjoying the warmth of the deck yesterday too.

But, when she came in Kyler thought that she might be cold so he wrapped her up in one of his blankets. He is like a little mother hen...always taking care of her...
Then he thought she needed a hug...

See Mom...she is getting warm now...
Big brother needs to get in on the puppy love too. I'm pretty sure that if Gracie could talk she would be saying, "Okay, boys...I'm all warmed up and I'm DONE with all this love. Let me out of here"! She is very patient with all the attention she gets and, personally, I think she adores it.
Hmmm...what's this? Tune in next time...for more on our little experiment.


Friday, March 5, 2010

No Regrets...

I went to the funeral today. My Grandmother's funeral. It felt surreal, in a way, for me. This whole week after I found out about her death it never really felt like it was my loss. You know when people say, "I'm sorry for your loss"... it didn't really feel like it was mine. I felt distanced from it and from her and the family. It felt like their loss...not mine. Tonight though, it feels more like my loss.

I learned some things about my Grandma today. Some things I didn't know or wasn't aware of as a young child. She wrote at least two beautiful poems and they were read today. I learned that she was born in South Dakota and that she wanted to be a teacher. She had, I believe, 11 brothers and sisters...none of whom I have met. I didn't know she had a strong faith in God. Her poems revealed that.

There were moments today. Moments like seeing my estranged father for the first time in more than 4 years. There was no joyful reunion with him...but there never will be. Moments like seeing younger cousins who I haven't seen seen since they were children and now they are adults with children of their own. Aunts and Uncles who really haven't changed that much in 20+ years... just a little more gray. And moments like seeing cousins who I spent a large part of my childhood with and remembering along with them some of those good times. This family... who I haven't felt a part of for so many years... in a way...felt like...home...if just a little.

So now I can begin to close out this chapter of my life. I can grieve now since I feel I know a little more about her and she feels a little closer to my heart. The chapter isn't completely closed though, because today revealed that there is part of me that longs to know this family...if only a little bit more.

...and my Blog Friends...I have not had time to respond to each of you individually this week but I want to thank you so much for your comments. You helped me to put this whole situation into gave me things to think gave me loving took the time to tell me about your own experiences and what you learned from them. You are a very special group of people who I am so glad I've gotten to know through this little blog. A simple Thank You doesn't seem like enough...but...Thank You!

Good Night,


**photo credit - Spreading Manure

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Regrets? Maybe...

My Grandma died this morning. Her name was Fern...some people called her Pat. She was 90 years old and had been suffering with failing health for awhile. The last few years of her life have been spent in a nursing home. Grandma was the mother of 9 children and many, many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. How many? I don't know.

From the time my parents were divorced in my early teen years until today I didn't have a close relationship with her. In fact, I haven't spent any significant amount of time with her for more than 25 years. I suppose I could have spent more time with her when I would visit my hometown...but I didn't. She and I both made choices. I chose to let the relationship slip away and she chose to not reach out to me. I did see her recently but she didn't recognize me....Alzheimers.

I've tried to live my adult life regret free. I'm not sure about this decision. I may have some regrets. I didn't think I'm not so sure.

My fondest memories of her are from when I was a young child. I spent a lot of time on her farm. A lot of time with many of the other grandkids who were also there. Someone was always there. I honestly can't remember a time when it was just me and Grandma. There were always Aunts and Uncles and Cousins there.

I have memories like sitting out in the yard and seeing lines of cars in the gravel driveway while someone was making home-made ice cream with an old aqua and white ice cream maker. Eating watermelon in that same front yard. Playing house with the other kids in the smoke-house. Hanging over the fence and watching while the the kitchen scraps were thrown to the hogs. I can remember Grandmas back-porch with a long deep-freeze and shelves lined with canning jars full of home-grown goodness. Memories like Grandma rolling out dough for home-made noodles and making pancakes in her skillet...She told me... "you don't flip them until you see the bubbles". With such a large preparation and cleanup was a central theme. I rarely remember her out of the kitchen. I also remember the smell of Dove soap and taking baths in the big, old, free-standing bathtub. My memories of her are good ones...

Her funeral will be this week sometime. I'm still not sure if I'll go. I'm not sure I need to. I still need to sort out my feelings and put them back in order before I decide.

Real life. Real emotions.
