As I write this, I'm sitting in the carpool line at Kobe's school...waiting to pick him up. Since he started elementary school four years ago I have found myself sitting in this same line many times. Every day he is in school to be exact. I never really envisioned myself sitting in a carpool line waiting to pick up my kids but it's become a part of my life and something I have to do every day of the week. Most of the time I enjoy the 30 - 45 minutes as I sit in the long line waiting for the cars to move. Some days it's the only time I don't really
have to do anything.
Doing Nothing is something I don't do well though, so usually I have a plan as to what I'm going to get done during this
down time.
I spend this time balancing my checkbook, reading, catching up on phone calls, planning a blog post, journaling, praying, doing work that I didn't finish at the office and chatting with Kyler when he is with me and even people watching sometimes.
I've seen a lot while I've been waiting in that line. I've noticed the seasons changing approximately 16 times while I've been in the car. Like now, I can see the buds on the trees and green grass popping up in the school yard. I've seen storms coming over the horizon and know that we'd better hurry home once Kobe jumps in the car. I see the same people park their car and walk up and pick up their kids every day. Some of these people haven't changed in appearance in four years and others have changed considerably whether it's hair color and style, body weight or even the number of children they have tagging along with them as they walk up to the school. It's fun to watch Mom's who are pregnant most of the year and then seeing them pushing their newborn baby in the stroller and to return the next year and see those same Moms pregnant again. I don't know their's a big school...but it's interesting to watch. Then there are the people I don't see anymore. They were there and I saw them everyday and now they are gone. I don't know where they are now. Maybe I'll see them again sometime.
I also see some not so nice things like Road Rage. Drivers who are frustrated by the long line of cars or distracted as they come up the hill towards the school. Some of them may not know that at the top of the hill there is a school crosswalk with no crossing guard. Too often, I've seen Moms, Dads and Kids almost get hit by one of these drivers. It's scary and unfortunately the school doesn't seem to see an issue with this as they aren't doing anything about it. The view from the carpool line is different than the view from the school office...they just don't see it...even though they have been informed.
I probably have many more years to spend in that least I hope so. I'll be picking up Kyler
and Kobe in that carpool line in the Fall of 2011 and the year after that I'll be waiting in two different lines as Kobe will move on to another school. Different schools...but still a carpool line.
Some days, I just don't think I can sit in the line one more time...but it passes and I'm thankful that I have a job that enables me to get off work in time to wait in that line and be home with my boys after school each day. It's a blessing and affects every decision I make about my future. I this quiet car today and I'm feeling joyful. My turn is coming up to enter the circle drive and my firstborn will jump into the car with stories from his day and I know it's all worth it. Spending time with them is what it's all about...