Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Is A Time For Celebration...

I have gotten caught up in all the craziness of this Christmas season.  I have already purchased almost all of our gifts, the house is decorated, I'm deciding if I'm going to send out Christmas cards or not, we're scheduled to attend Christmas gatherings and open houses at the schools, I'm trying to get through the maze of Christmas shoppers who invade the side of town I live on every year right after Thanksgiving, I'm planning our Christmas menu and when we'll visit relatives, I'm trying to figure out when I'm going to wrap the gifts, what cookies to bake...etc...etc...etc...

It's exhausting when I think about all the normal activities I have and then pile all this extra Holiday Cheer on top of it.  Overwhelming Anxiety is what I feel.   

Then...I stop and think about what Christmas is really about.  I take the time to focus on the meaning of this holiday.  The Birth of Jesus.  I take time to think about what that means for me and those I love.  Overwhelming Gratitude is what I feel. 

As I have taken time to dig into the meaning and Purpose of Christmas I discovered the first purpose is...

Christmas Is A Time For Celebration!

So, let's celebrate!  Let's gather together with our family and friends and Celebrate the gift God gave us...Jesus!  Let's give each other gifts, share meals together, enjoy the lights adorning so many homes, bake cookies, decorate trees, and attend Christmas parties.  Jolly Old St. Nick may even visit and bring a few surprises.  No matter how we do it...It's time to Celebrate!

**Photos-one of the many "men" on my Snowman Tree and a corner of my dining room.


  1. I love the picture at the end of your thoughtful and heartfelt post today, Jackie.

  2. Beautiful post. Thank you very much for the reminder to slow down and enjoy the REASON for the SEASON!

  3. Good point! I started to get all whipped up just before Thanksgiving and then a prayer calmed me down and helped me to re-focus. It reminded me what it's all really suppose to be about. Suddenly, I felt really happy and relaxed, because I decided to fit in those things that would bring out the most love to friends and neighbors, that would spread cheer and witness of Christ. I'm very low key now, thanks to that prayer.

    I LOVE your header collage of pictures. They are awesome.

    Have a great one!

  4. Amen! so many times we get caught in the hustle and bustle and forget what this wonderful time of years all about. Thanks for being my newest follower it really tickled me to get online and see that this afternoon :) May you have a blessed week! Ashley @ this dixie girls delights

  5. Great post
    I love Christmas

  6. I'm doing so much better at dumping the hustle and bustle part of the season this year. It meant letting go of some things I've ALWAYS done but that's okay. Quality, not quantity.

  7. The voice of reason once again Jackie! You make such a good point here, it can be an anxious time. For me, I avoid the craziness of the 'High Street' in favour of small-scale outlets and Craft fairs. I keep things simple at home with the tree and I really enjoy buying beautiful cards and spending evenings writing them out. The most important thing of course are family and friends and the real meaning of Christmas, for me, is to feel joy in their company. So much pressure is put upon us by the media and 'lifestyle gurus' to have the 'perfect Christmas' that it makes me cringe!!

    Our Christmas is a very low-key affair, we enjoy the whole of December, attending beautiful carol concerts and meeting up with friends and enjoying the ambience.

    I think Christmas in your home Jackie will be a wonderful celebration!!


    PS Sorry to have waffled on a bit!! x

  8. Good Morning Jackie! I read your post and took a deep breath and then read it again. Breathe. Great post for me to read today, my worry and anxiety button is stuck to on position!!!

  9. Wonderful post! My cousin has a "Keep Christ in Christmas" magnet on his car. It's in the shape of the Nativity Scene. I love it!
    I'm debating whether to mail out Christmas cards or not this year myself.

  10. Hello Jackie,
    Your blog is beautiful! I love your title. I noticed you've been married 13 years. That seems so long ago for me. I've been married 24.

    I am honored that you are following me. I will add your blog to my sidebar. Look under Lovely Blogs.

    Christmas rest, peace and joy to you through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,


  11. You have been busy. I still have lots to do. It is nice to get it over with early on and then you can concentrate on the real meaning of Christmas. I love sharing Christmas with family and friends.

  12. I love the snowman! And yes, I've been reflecting on the true meaning more this year than ever before!

  13. Great post. Can’t wait to read the next ones :)

  14. Lovely post Jackie, and so true!

    I love your Christmas vignette..very sweet. : )


  15. The last few years, I've found myself trying to drop one tradition a year, instead of adding on! I guess that's a good thing after accumulating 20+ years of traditions. It's been nice, and I find that I enjoy the things I'm doing. I love Christmas. I know it will be busy, but it doesn't have to be so overwhelming. It's always good to be reminded of that.

    P.S. Love the photos in the previous post.

  16. I can't be reminded enough of what this season really means. Yes...take time to reflect and yes it is ok to celebrate! Thanks.

  17. I loved this post and your photo at the end is very nice. Have a good week! ~Cheryl

  18. Wonderfully well-put (as always)! I love the picture of your little corner. Absolutely perfect. Off to wrap some more gifts ... ahem, I mean *celebrate* some more ;) -Tammy


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