Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter 2009 and what we've been up to...

I haven't posted much lately because we've been so busy. I've missed being in blogland and haven't kept up with reading other blogs much either...I'm making up for lost time and didn't get to bed as early as I should have last night.

Easter has come and gone but I'm posting a few pictures of our Easter celebrating now. On Easter weekend our friends Joy, Josh, Brandon and Benjamin moved to the west coast for their new Army adventure. We'll miss them stopping by and hanging out. Joy, if you're reading this you'd better call me when you get settled. (:

I've also been working in the yard and gardens a lot clearing out the leaves to give the plants that are coming up some sunlight. I don't have any pictures yet because it's just not that pretty right now. What else...hmmm...I've been shopping at my favorite resale shop and I've posted a picture of my latest treasures here. I spent a whopping $19.00 total on the items in the picture. That's really about it. We're getting ready for Kyler's 3rd birthday this weekend, baseball season has started for Kobe and gardening is will be a very busy spring and summer.

Hope you have a great day!

Dad getting in on the Easter egg coloring fun

They boys dunking their eggs. This was Kyler's first time (I think)

Ahhh...they love each other!

Joy and Baby Benjamin

The $1.88 "T" that I got from Wally-World and painted and the 2nd french memo board I've made (postcards were printed from the Vintage Moth blog)

Kobe and Brandon surveying their eggs...Kobe silly as always

Kyler cracking open his eggs to get to the Gwok-what (chocolate)

Egg Hunting in our "woods"

My resale shop finds...very cool!

My Easter centerpiece that I copied out of a magazine. Can you see the peeps in there? The centerpiece lasted..maybe...24 hours...jelly beans and peeps stolen by some grubby little hands..I think Dad stole some too. Okay, I'm guilty too.

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