Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The cool, crisp days of Fall..

I'm so glad I live where we have 4 seasons because my favorite one is about to arrive...


The Fall magazines are arriving (smile). I'll have to tell you about my magazine addiction sometime.

Have a great day!


  1. The Country House looks very interesting, wish I could get it here!

  2. The Country House is actually a catalog but I get a lot of great ideas from it. I'd be happy to send you a couple of them. Just email me.


  3. i could live in the fall season forever, i may not appreciate it if i didn't have a dreadfully hot summer to take me there but it is my fav. season also!

  4. My favorite season is Autumn, also! It used to be summer, but there's too much work to do in the summer. Everything is winding down in the fall and we can take a little time to relax before winter hits us.

  5. Oh I love Fall too! Your magazines look like interesting reads, all.

  6. Fall is my favourite season, I love the crisp, coolness of it and all the wonderful colours. Your magazines look fun, have you had a chance to sit down and pour over them. Blessings, Heather


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