Thursday, June 17, 2010

Summertime Is For Reading...

You know you've read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend. ~Paul Sweeney

Summertime is perfect for sitting outside in the shade and losing myself in another world. My summertime choices are light, fun and easy to get lost in. Out in the sunshine and reading on a lazy summer afternoon while my oldest reads beside me is pure happiness.

My current reading stack...

...With the spotlight on another novel about Home Renovation...

A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawn mower is broken.
~James Dent

*Top Photo - Red Begonias and a Yellow annual that I can't remember the name of between pots of Morning Glory

Until Next Time...



  1. I like to sit outside at just about the time that the sun starts going down. It's my favorite time of day...don't know why. I prefer to sit in the backyard but the dogs won't stay off of me!:)

    Those books look like some great summer reads.I am currently raeding The Storekeeper's Daughter by Wanda Brunstetter. It's good , but it's getting a little predictable.I like books with surprises.The Life Management book you told me about reminds me of another one.Have you read A Woman's Secret to a Balanced Life by Lysa TerKeurst and Sharon Jaynes? They are partners in the Proverbs 31 Ministies.

    Hope you get in lots of reading time. Take care!!

  2. Enjoy your summer reading time! That's what I plan to do in the hammock on our deck. Early morning and after dinner in the evening are my two favorite times to read outside.

  3. There's nothing I love more than reading, except for having my boy snuggled beside me reading too. He's a real bookworm just like him mom. Yeah!

    The home renovation book looks interesting, I enjoy reading those. My husband and I watched The Answer Man last weekend after reading your post. I enjoyed it!

    Be well ~Andrea~

  4. I so wish I was more of a reader!

  5. I love to read. I don't seem to have much time for it, but I love it. I lose all track of time and yes, it does feel like I've lost a friend when the book is done. May you get LOTS of reading hours in this summer :0!

  6. Now that I am not in the middle of a home renovation might just be the best time to enjoy a book about it! I need to check into this Ladybug Farm book---looks intriguing.

    I like your strategy of keeping it light and fun. Sometimes I get too caught up in what I think I should be reading instead of just picking up something for pure pleasure.

    Flat Rock Creek Notebook

  7. Jackie summer and reading just go together like PB&J. I am currently reading Country Wives, second book in a kind of fluffy Trilogy and will be starting Little Bee by Chris Cleave for my Book Club. I am going to check out A Year On Ladybug Farm!

  8. I love both of those quotes! Have you ever read Jan Karon's books? They took me into another world during a stressful time in my life and I almost felt like I was right there as another character. I hope I can take the time for pleasure reading this summer. Thanks for this reminder that I really!


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