Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Contemplating Change...

In a few months I will begin a new phase in my life.  My youngest will start kindergarten this fall.  The thought of this makes my sad, happy, excited and mournful all rolled into one big emotion.  Kyler is ready for kindergarten and I know he will do great.  He'll be at the same school with his big brother and he'll no longer have to go to his baby school (as he calls it).

It's sad to think that my baby will be in school full-time.  I know how fast the years fly by once the kids start school.  However, it feels a little free-ing to me in some ways.  I won't be paying several hundred dollars each month for preschool tuition, he'll be in school every day (all day) and my work options open up a bit because of this.  I've been contemplating a change.  Rolling it around.  Journaling.  Talking to people.  I don't know what the future holds, but it's exciting to think about doing something new...different.

One of my professional consultations happened in the car on the way to school the other day.  I mentioned that I might be looking to do some different work next year and asked Kobe what he thought I should do.  Immediately, he said I should be a Game Designer (this is what he wants to do).  I responded that I didn't think that would work out too well since I can barely keep Mario on the road when we're playing Mario Kart Wii.  "Any other suggestions", I asked?  Kobe said, "I think you should work in the library in my school, you would really like that".  My oldest son knows me well...this would definitely be something I'd be interested in.

Then, I turned it over to Kyler, "What kind of job do you think Mom should have"?  Kyler thought for a moment and then said, "I just want you to be a Mom".  "And...a Mom who doesn't go anywhere to work...I want you to be a full-time Mom".  Kobe piped up and said, "Kyler, she is a full-time Mom...she has a double hard job and being a full-time Mom and going to work full-time too."

Have I told you lately how much I love these boys?'s a comin'....maybe!


  1. Jackie: I like this post so much. Kyler's comment is a keeper!

    I also hear you when you talk about change. I am still working on it, but I will be writing about change in my next post as I am making a career change.

  2. I am always blessed when I come here. THANK YOU!!

  3. Hmmmm. Could be interesting in the job or no job? department here when I click over. Sweet post with your sons adding some direction! Good luck on your decisions about what change you are thinking about!

  4. hearing those words is just priceless! it's remembering things like that that get us through teenage years. glad you are soooo loved!

  5. I'll be interested to see what you decide to do! Love Kobe's reply about you working double hard. Any mom that works a full-time job has her hands full. My hat is off to all of you! Have a great weekend.

  6. Your beautiful boys sound wise beyond their years!!! Outta the mouths of babes and all.

    Have a beautiful day sweetie and may all your changes be blessed from above! :o)

  7. When my youngest started full time school, a friend told me to give myself a year before committing to anything new. I didn't have as much "free" time as I thought, so I'm glad I followed her advice.

    I can't believe that in September, my youngest will be the only one still in school (K-12, that is. We'll have one in college). The time does go fast.

  8. Your boys are a credit to you Jackie. They are wise and thoughtful beyond their years.

    Change can be refreshing, exciting and a little unnerving but I'm sure you will make the right choices for your family and for you.

    Enjoy the changes ...!



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