Friday, April 29, 2011

The Little Man Who "Doesn't Want To Grow Up"...

Kyler With His New Bike!
The Birthday Boy With His Cake!

Kyler celebrated his 5th Birthday last week!!  Time already has gone gone by so fast but with him starting Kindergarten in the Fall means time will start to move at lightning speed like it seems to once they start elementary school.  I love celebrating his birthday but it makes me happy and sad all rolled into one big emotion...

He has been so excited to turn 5 and tells everyone we see, "Guess What?, I'm 5 years old now".  However, he will be quick to tell anyone that he Doesn't Want To Grow Up.  If someone asks him what he wants to be when he grows up, he will say, "I'm not going to grow up".  I'm okay with him not growing up right now...I want to cherish this little boy phase.  However, when he's 19 years old and still says this...then...Houston, we may have problem.

On another little guy who Doesn't Want To Grow exercising his independence wherever he can.  He wants to fix his own cereal in the morning, picks out all his own clothes and dresses himself AND wants to go into public Men's bathrooms wherever we go.  Okay...I have a problem with this last one.  I still drag him into the public Women's bathrooms with me if my husband isn't around.  A couple of weeks ago we went bowling and in a split second Kyler was out of my sight and no where to be found.  A scary feeling! I sent his big brother into the Men's bathroom to find him and of course that's where he was.  When he came out I said, "You can't go somewhere without telling me....ESPECIALLY the men's bathroom".  He said, "I went to the bathroom by myself because that is what a MAN does and I am a MAN".  

Never A Dull Moment I Tell You!



  1. Happy birthday little guy! I don't blame him for not wanting to grow up! Its over rated!

  2. This post made me smile and miss my own (now grown) boys.

  3. Wow! Happy Birthday to your son! How I wish I have little bros like them. I'm so interested about your posts that It made me follow you. AWESOME BLOG!

  4. What a sweetheart Jackie...growing up is right under his nose, cute how they don't see that, isn't it?!

    And I know what you mean about the men's washroom, the male twin is almost 12 and I still get anxious when he goes in there alone.


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