Saturday, May 14, 2011

When I Am An Old Woman I Shall Wear A Flower On My Hat...

When I am an Old Woman I shall wear a flower on my hat.
I'll lunch with the ladies and have a lovely chat,
about peonies, daisies and others such as that.
I'll drink Pepsi from a glass bottle with a straw,
and not worry about enjoying a delicious bear claw.

When I'm an Old Woman with a flower on my hat,
I'll spend my days in a dress and garden boots,
sauntering through my garden and admiring the new shoots.
I shan't care about the latest style in women's wear,
because I'd also be happy wearing a flower in my hair.

I'll whisper sweet words to my little struggling lilac shrub,
the one that seems to appear a little smug. 
I'll say, "You know you want to...Be Proud,
and I'm sure you'll gain an admiring crowd".

When I'm an Old Woman, the one with the flower on my hat,
I'll spend my evenings having a chat,
with my sweet little neighbor who is almost 95,
she's the one I've lived next door to for the last 25 (years that is).
She and I,
We'll trade seeds and also laugh about all those pesky weeds.

When I'm an Old Woman with a flower on my hat,
I hope to snuggle with a grand baby on my lap,
I'll tell her about peonies, daisies and others such as that.
I'll tell that same grand baby that a garden is no good unless it is shared,
and also that kindnesses aren't meant to be spared.
I'll whisper to her that blessings and love,
can be sprinkled on others like rain from up above.

When I'm an Old Woman with a flower on my hat,
I'll ponder that my children were like my garden.
I planted, I watered and sometimes pulled weeds, 
then I stood back and watched what they were to turn out to be.

The most important thing that I hope to know,
is that I took the time to enjoy watching them grow.



  1. Love this!! Every single line! -Tammy

  2. This reminds me of a poem I have carried around since high school (and is stuck away in a box somewhere) about how the speaker ("I will eat less beans and more ice cream, walk barefoot in the grass and splash in puddles, etc. because I have lived life too cautiously. I love the garden theme!

  3. hee hee hee...I JUST bought a white wide rimmed hat with a beautiful brown flower on it. I plan to wear it at the beach in a few weeks! I'll be thumbing my nose at the person who wrote an article I read last week that said no one over 61 should even wear a bathing suit! LOL!

    How is your son doing? And his friend's family?

  4. I love this poem! I'm wondering what the poet considers old, tho? I always say that it is all a state of mind, but my body tells me differently! :D

  5. Awesome poem, I'll share this poem to my mom..

  6. I love this! I am following you back, thank you so much for stopping by my blog! :)


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