Saturday, May 30, 2009

Praying With Simplicity...

It doesn't get much simpler than the Lords Prayer (Matthew 9:13). I'm still working on my Solo devotional and one of the exercises was to write my own version of the Lords prayer. You can read more of my work with this devotional here and here and here.

Here is my version of the Lords Prayer.

My Father in Heaven, I honor your presence in my life.
Show me who You are God.
I ask that You help me to do here on earth as You would have me do in Heaven.
Thank You for providing everything I need to survive.
Please forgive my sins as I have forgiven those who have sinned against me.
Keep me and mine safe from all temptation and evil.
You are the wondrous light in my life, God. I hope Your light shines through me to reach those who are mine (and Yours).


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